Your Favorite Lake in Maryland

Started by mjluddenjr, November 15, 2006, 07:58:14 AM

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greg hall



my fav, would have to be loch raven for the simple fact i dont get to the others very often if ever. The loch is just 15 minutes from my house. In the spring and summer months you can find me on the lock 2-3 times a week, if the wifes in a good mood maybe a forth. my only complaint is all the damn grass in the later summer months.


If were talking lakes well then I've heard Loch Raven is the best in MD. However, I have my own gas boat and it's an electric only reservoir and you need a permit so I have never been their. I have caught a lot of bass at Piney Run Resevoir. Good Spring and early summer fishing their. It gets a lot of vegetation after mid Summer and the fishing gets harder then. As far as tidal waters, I have had the best luck in the Middle River. Marshy Hope Creek on the Eastern Shore is pretty good too.


Quote from: finfinder on October 30, 2008, 10:33:34 PM
Yes this is an interesting thread.  And I have a question for Blainefred or anyone else .  Your description of a lake and a reservoir is pretty interesting but I have a question.
I fish on Conowingo a lot and we refer to it as a POND.  It's main purpose is for power generation so by your description it should be called Conowingo Reservoir. However,  it is more commonly called Conowingo Lake but other than fisherman and a few pontoon boats it doesn't see much recreation although that generally fits.

So what is it?? :) :)


Since you fish Conowingo a lot, I hope that you can help me with a few tips.  I'm in a tourney there on Saturday, May 2.  I've never fished it before, and I don't know anything about it except that one guy said that it's very deep water.

What are the best locations, techniques, and lures???

   Thanks much.


 I am sending you a PM


I have become really fond of Smallwood Park its a Potomac fishery, nice fish all around and nice area. In Marbury, MD also called Sweden Point.


Quote from: clarker2000 on March 05, 2007, 09:01:19 AM
A second ramp at Loch raven would be great.  The whole fishing shop office at Loch raven is BASS ACKWARDS.  They close early, when they want to open they open, people park cars in the trailer spaces and they are selling too many permits.  I remember going there 3 or 4 years ago and seeing maybe 30 boats a day on the lake, no on a normal weekend there is about 200.   That would be awesome. 
What's wrong with more boats on the lake?  You have to be kidding me!  We're not talking about a farm pond on private property.


Gilbert Run is OK St. Marys lake is Great in the Spring but HANDS DOWN WINNER IS MATTAWOMAN CREEK ALL YEAR LONG piscataway creek is good too


Lake Waterford, Pasadena
Plain and simple ~cf

kobi 2x4

i went out last august and fished the first tribituary out of the fishing center, bumped some crankbaits off the rocks and drew strikes. Had much sucsess with my bleeding spinnerbait. In the end i landed 7 bass with 5 2lbers and 2 4lbers.


Quote from: Creel Limit Zero on November 29, 2006, 03:18:47 PM
Loch Raven Reservoir
Loch Raven Fishing Center
12101 Dulaney Valley Road

This is an electric only lake. 

It is easy to grin when your ship comes in and you got the stock market beat...but the man who's worthwhile is the man who can smile when his pants are too tight in the seat
Shawn "bassholio" Parsons


I am stuck between Loch Raven and Pretty Boy.


Loch raven for largemouths without a doubt
Catch and release
Team Outcast




"They are all good..and each has characteristics that make them unique and fun... . we who fish them are lucky we have soo many in such a small area/state... my favorite is LIBERTY Reservoir.... for many reasons.... go to youtube and search liberty reservoir and watch my video...
" Get The Net! "


great videos hellbendernut. two questions  anymore family pics of the resevoir and what did you catch the rock on  nice fish


I catch the rockfish on little bluegills and/or trolling redfins... every now and then i catch one bass fishing using a jig....
" Get The Net! "


That is all the old pics i have in that one video... search online and you can find some old ones of the Loch being built....
" Get The Net! "


Lake Charming, where I caught my first bass today :)

Caught him on a Cotton Cordell Cirtus Shad lipless rattle crank.

Compared to the perch and the sunnies I've been snagging all spring and summer, this guy is like Ray Lewis to my high school football teammates. It was pretty awesome and his jump and tail slap made me hoot.

He was about 14-15 inches. Can't wait to get back to my father-in-laws and hunt for more.

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Quote from: worm_man on October 31, 2008, 06:53:03 AM
~gf I have fished at Conostinko with Finfinder and at times it should be called "the Dead Sea".

Fished a tourney there a few months ago, went up river to PA, but below the blue bridge. 

Rapids area was loaded with smallies....caught a nice limit during prefish day...but only four during the toruney, but weighed in 14+ lbs.   It's a great place to fish, but boaters need to be careful.   My boater had a jet boat as did another boat from PA that we saw.

The tourney winner fished near the power plant catching largemouth...there are some submreged
stumps holding a lot of bass.     



Loch Raven only because its the only lake I've fished. I'm a river fisherman being from Oklahoma


well in the last year or 2 i have gotten back into fishing dont know why i stopped for so long i LOVE fishing my favorite lake so far is loch raven but i other than renting a boat fish from shore anyone have any tips for fishing from loch raven shore were what to use at this time of year jan 2011.or if anyone has another place i can fish i rather fish fresh water lakes ponds river ect i am from mass moved here 11 years and have done next to no fishing until now


Quote from: fishingfan on January 11, 2011, 05:20:17 AM
well in the last year or 2 i have gotten back into fishing dont know why i stopped for so long i LOVE fishing my favorite lake so far is loch raven but i other than renting a boat fish from shore anyone have any tips for fishing from loch raven shore were what to use at this time of year jan 2011.or if anyone has another place i can fish i rather fish fresh water lakes ponds river ect i am from mass moved here 11 years and have done next to no fishing until now
i want to try for afternoon and eveing fishing with in 30 mlies or so from the parkville area


I'd like to check out Lake Roland, Prettyboy and the Baltimore County area of the Patapsco River this spring, all of which are pretty close to Parkville.

I grew up along Deer Creek northern Harford County and have been thinking about checking that area out as well.