Stop Repelling Bass

Started by Ouachita, December 24, 2006, 01:26:49 AM

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We all produce L-serine in the skin, some more than others. Salmon can detect it as weak as 1 part per 8 billion. I really believe lots of folks just can't catch many fish consistently because of that natural chemical and/or other chemicals on the hands:
bug repellant
motor oil
human waste residues
glue (let it cure before using a glued bait)
certain foods, especially smoked jerky
and probably a lot more...

I keep some paper wipes in a little sealed tub, unscented, soaked with a mixture of water, hunter's soap, Ivory bar soap, and real crushed garlic. That was a great improvement over keeping a little tub with the mixture sloshing around. I kept forgetting about it and tipping it over taking off or kicking it. Wipe down before handling terminal tackle, then put the used wipe in a trash bag. Even if you don't have problems catching bass, try that and I can about guarantee you'll catch more. (reposted from another thread here discussing garlic)

Once your hands are cleaned and masked, apply fish scent to lures to make bass find them easier and hold on to them longer.


Mike Cork

I am convinced that some smells do effect my fishing. Refueling the boat is one that I have been able to prove (at least to myself) affects your fishing. I have often wondered is there is something natural about each person that could cause a repelling effect, I have read articles about it by have never seen any proven research.

Like I said I have proven it to myself, I always try to keep my hands as oder free as possible, and will use scents on my baits, even hard baits. It's a confidence thing for me :-*

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service


 I am always conscience of what comes in contact with my baits and lines etc.  It is proven that contaminates can actually stay on the bait and repel fish rather than entice, which is the whole point of fishing, to entice a fish into eating.  Would you take a bite out of a steak that smelled like gas, or sunscreen?  You should check out Ocean Potion's 60spf Dab-on sunscreen.  It allows you to be able to re-apply sunscreen on the water without having to de-scent your hands or worry about spraying sunscreen all over your boat and gear.  I use it on the tops of my hands, face and neck.  Its small and compact, fitting right in your pocket.  You can find it in the sunscreen section at any Wal-Mart and its fairly inexpensive at around 5 bucks or so.  It can also be found online be clicking the link below.
Josh Rowsky
Gitem Baits
Triton Boats
Powell Rods
Ocean Potion Suncare


Quote from: JRowsky on January 01, 2007, 10:44:54 PM
I am always conscience of what comes in contact with my baits and lines etc.  It is proven that contaminates can actually stay on the bait and repel fish rather than entice, which is the whole point of fishing, to entice a fish into eating.  Would you take a bite out of a steak that smelled like gas, or sunscreen?  You should check out Ocean Potion's 60spf Dab-on sunscreen.  It allows you to be able to re-apply sunscreen on the water without having to de-scent your hands or worry about spraying sunscreen all over your boat and gear.  I use it on the tops of my hands, face and neck.  Its small and compact, fitting right in your pocket.  You can find it in the sunscreen section at any Wal-Mart and its fairly inexpensive at around 5 bucks or so.  It can also be found online be clicking the link below.

I used the spray on type that we bought for my kids.  It's more like pam than the typical pump spray and you don't rub it in.  If it's strong enough for kids it's more than strong enough for adults.
If you build a ramp...I will come...


Thanks a lot!   lo  I eat beef jerky when in my tournaments because it's a high source of protein for small portions and quickly consumed.... crap and I loved it so much  >:(   Now I gotta' eat my wife's packed lunches  :surrender:


LOL!, "Oh Boy O'Berto" sponsors Charlie Moore. I find that a bit ironic lo
im definately going to try out that special sun screen, thanks for the tips guys!
Shimano Reels
St. Croix Rods


Even smoked jerky?  I am going to try it though, that is, keeping my hands cleaner.


Has anyone tried the Redhead Scent Elimination wipes from BPro? What should I use to get any scent off my lures?
2014, 2016 & 2017 TCTC AOY - With a little help from the man upstairs!


Well I tried the wipes today and used some spray I got. It was cold but the fish got put in the boat. I think that this really helps. It may explain some of the problems I have been having. I paid close attention to what I touched and limited how much I handled my bait. I'm SOLD. Thanks guys for the great info.  ~c~
2014, 2016 & 2017 TCTC AOY - With a little help from the man upstairs!


About the beef jerky, I hadn't heard about that, but always kept some in a baggie just in case. I had a couple from Texas up for a weekend. Both husband and wife are tournament anglers that fish together, and they make their living at it. I met them on a Texas whitetail hunting ranch. The first day those two outfished me 5 to one, just darn good anglers. The next day we stayed all day on the water instead of breaking for a stop at a lakeside restaurant. The lady found my jerky. I don't eat while fishing, but they munched the whole bag down. Neither caught another fish while I boated everything. That was remarkable to all of us. It didn't hit us the jerky caused a problem. I replaced the jerky in the boat, vacuum packing it for storage for emergencies. A few years later I was fishing with another guide who needed a tool, and while searching my compartments located the jerky. "You need to stop carrying this. Something in it just kills the bass bite." He'd had similar experiences, though loving jerky. You can just keep some in a shirt pocket and suck on it all day and not get hungry. I read an article in probably Sports Afield that warned about anything smoked around fish, like using smoked bacon rinds for pork trailers. They won't work. Makes me wonder about how healthy they are for human consumption. 

I've converted countless smokers to at least stop while fishing. After soaking their hands in Ivory soap then fish attractant they always do better. None have had to be reminded later. Smoke it, wash up, then get to fishing. I take one fellow fishing occasionally just for a buddy at night that smokes constantly and is well known for always "reading the water" rightly, but never catches. He just likes being out there in the fresh air  lo


Jared LeBlue

I was planning on doing some reserch on this topic a few years ago here at the college. I am a firm believer that certain people do excrete more repelling chemicals. You ever met the guy that is good in hunting and fishing. You know the one that can catch a bass out of a ditch in your front yard or just walk in the woods a kill deer almost at will. That's not luck and it's not all skill it has something to do with chemicals his body does or does not excrete or the amount there of. I guess I need to get of my butt and do some research, because I'm damn sure not one of those guys. Has anyone ever tried wearing latex gloves while fishing? It would do away with all human scent, but it would look kind of goofy and probably be uncomfortable after a while.
Ardent Prostaff


Here's one to get started with. I found this one interesting, listing attractants according to species preference.

I did a simple search using "L-serine repels bass" and found a lot of information. "amino acid repel bass" got more. "Odors repel bass" got even more.



I'll admit it, I smoke like a chimney and handle my lure on almost every cast, checking to see if all is right, and I catch a boatload of fish. So as far as the tobacco issue goes, I don't think they mind it. Gasoline and harsh chemical smells and tastes I can see, but thats pretty obvious.


Maybe that Vibrashock makes up for it?  :-*

I've seen some guys do well while smoking, but not enough to write that one off.  Have you ever seen a pro smoking and fishing? So far I haven't. I can see a possibility of filtered cigarettes not interfering much since fingers don't usually handle the burning end. Tobacco repels most animals (especially insects and deer), and in sufficient doses kills fish.



i have so much acid from the sweat on my hands that if i tough a gun barrel and do not wipe it off before storing it the spot i touched will rust. when tiying on baits i wash my hands before i touch them. and if i rig up plastics i'll even hold the plastic in a rag to rig it. i have found that unscented babywipes is a good way to wipe my hands down instead of sticking my hands in the water to was. especially when its cold. when i started doing this i seemed to catch more fish.


You guys really have me wondering if smoking is what is causing my current drought.  You know those flimsy clear plastic gloves that food service people wear?  Wonder if throwing one of those in the tackle box and using it when rigging would do any good?
The early bird may get the worm, but it is the second mouse that gets the cheese.


Quote from: nlareau on January 25, 2007, 09:51:02 AM
You guys really have me wondering if smoking is what is causing my current drought.  You know those flimsy clear plastic gloves that food service people wear?  Wonder if throwing one of those in the tackle box and using it when rigging would do any good?
Those would definatly work. But I don't know if thats your problem.
Last 4 deer I killed were a few minutes after smoking a cigarette also  ;D


I could sit on my 14' stand and smoke cigars all day without a deer smelling the smoke, if I chose to.  In my deer club years I've had great stands ruined from cigarette butts on the ground, though. Typical scenario: Creep through the early morning dark, get in the stand. Sit all day, see some tails raise and deer take flight, snorting. Not one good shot chance. Climb down and find 40 butts there from somebody taking the stand over the previous day  ~xyz

:suck_kr: time..... :'(



The butts I do agree with, I never leave a butt on the ground. What goes into the woods comes out of the woods and then some  ;)


Maybe i need to take up smoking just during deer season because i see a few deer and year, but folks i know kill bucks with a one in their mouth...


Its not the cig. smoke that repels the fish its the nicotine (poisonous) and I believe they know its toxic . I use scent killer for hunting on my hands after smoking while fishing and works great and have noticed a difference it # of bites and how long some fish hold on .


as for the latex gloves i would think they work great they can keep your hand warm in the colder weather but they do get hot. i usually have a pair in my truck for when i got to handle something greasy or dirty and dont want to get it all over my clothes and its alot easier and cleaner. maby they would work i think i may give it a try.

or you could get a pair of gloves that you only use for rigging and fishing. clean them in the non scented stuff and spray a little garlic on them and there you have it! i may try that lol


OK dumb question. Wouldn't it be just as good to spray your lure with a good scent pretty often?


I use Yum Hand Balm and that seems to work pretty well.  At least I think it's working.  I catch fish. Can't ask for more than that.  Although I use smokeless tobacco and have forgotten to clean off my hands a couple times before handling a lure and I have caught fish as well.  Not really sure about this topic. Some believe it deters fish others don't.  I don't think I will take the chance of losing that 6lb kicker in a tourney and keep using the hand balm.
Fish Hard


Quote from: Ouachita on January 25, 2007, 01:41:14 AM
Maybe that Vibrashock makes up for it?  :-*

I've seen some guys do well while smoking, but not enough to write that one off.  Have you ever seen a pro smoking and fishing? So far I haven't. I can see a possibility of filtered cigarettes not interfering much since fingers don't usually handle the burning end. Tobacco repels most animals (especially insects and deer), and in sufficient doses kills fish.


I dont beleive they are allowed to in most situations and sponsors dont like it.

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