Cajun Mach1

Started by RHartnee, September 24, 2006, 12:05:13 PM

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 Just bought a 16 ft '77 cajun. I've noticed it doesn't have the USCG tag :-\. Does anyone know how to go about getting one for this boat, and is this something I'll need to have squared away before I get out on the water. The boat condition is good. The carpet and a few hatches have been replaced. It has Evenrude 90. Everything seems to work fine, and I'm looking forward to getting out on the water with it. Any info on the USCG tag would be great.


you could try the DMV in you're area, or call the fish and wildlife people and see what they can tell you. I believe fish and wildlife can inspect it and give you a tag similar to the uscg tag. here in oklahoma, a production boat has to have a uscg tag or one provided by fish and game. I'm sure you'll love you're Cajun, I have a 170 with a 90 hp Johnson on it, and absolutely love it.


Thanks for the info Snapper. I actually decided to buy it, after reading some of the stories from Cajun owners on this board. I'll have to look into the DMV and see what's required at this point. Once again Thanx for the info.


no problem, if ya need any other information, just ask. BTW if you have pictures of the boat, I'd love to see it.



I'll be posting up some pics soon. Would you have any idea as to going about replacing the Bow eye (I guess that's what it's called)? I have 2 small cover plates (trolling motor plug,& batt. meter plate)I can remove up on the front gunwhale (I'm still learning the terminology), but it's not enough room to get my hands to the back side of the eye and remove what's left of the nut. The only way I can see doing it is to cut the existing hole bigger :o, and replacing it with a bigger cover plate. The eye has seen better days and is way over due for replacement. I think I see why it hasn't been taken care of in the past. Thanks again for any advice you may have on this. I'm sure I'll be seeking more info as time goes on.


Well, I've got the bow eye "thinger-ma jigger" resolved. Cut the hole and installed a new one ~xyz that was fun. I cranked the motor (just to hear it run) I noticed a fair amount of smoking once it was running. It works great against the skeeters, but is this normal? After I filled the tank, I put in 50-1 oil. When I bought it the previous owner said it had 120 compression, blah, blah, blah. It just seems like that's alot of blue smoke. My wife says it's like a weed-eater on steroids. On a side note though, engine sounds good.

PS pics to come soon. Plan on stalking some Redfish this weekend...


glad to hear you got the bow eye issue resolved. all 2 cycle motors smoke a little. My 92 johnson 90 hp smokes alot until I get it warmed up, but it runs great, and I haven't had any problems with it. in my experience, if a 2 cycle motor sits for a while it tends to smoke more than normal. If it runs good I wouldn't worry about it. Looking forward to seeing the pics.


Well I took her down to the river. Got in the water, cranked it up. put it in reverse & and the motor dies. Did this a few more times with the same results. Took her home, put on the water hose, and couldn't get it to do it again. Talked with a fellow boat owner, and he says something about back pressure, and making an idle adjustment ~read. I also noticed some "goo" coming out from the prop area, and was told the lower seal probably needs some attention. Long story short, she'll need to see the local boat Dr. Just as well, at least I'll know it's fixed right, and ready for some fishing. I have a pic. I'll post as soon as I figure out how.


 ;PHO) Got a pic up over on the gallery. I'll put up another one when I get a big redfish to go with it....