Nanticoke River Bass Fishing Reports

Started by Habby, November 07, 2004, 02:25:55 PM

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Had a club TX. on the Nanticoke on Nov. 6th. and we did very well,
spinnerbaite/worm's/jig's/crank's all worked,  With the water temp. in the low
50's. The winning 5 fish went 11 lbs. 12 oz.  with a 4lb. lunker,11 of us weighed in 35 fish
with 6  5-fish limits.Wood,Wood,Wood!!!!!!!!!!!!1


Habby, was the water color stained? I heard back in Broad Creek it is clear. How many lbs of fish did your club weigh in? Our club had a tourney on the Sussquehanna, and our club weighed in 77 lbs...


Those are some impressive weights folks! Thanks for the fishing reports, kepp 'em coming  ~c~



Mike, we had just over 51 lbs. Yes the water is clear in Broad Creek, I lost a spinnerbaite in 7ft. of water and could see it on the bottom, I don't remember ever seeing the water that clear. The main river up to Seaford was stained and from Seaford up it was clear again.


Habby, That is what I heard that the water was super clear this year. Did you get your spinner bait back? A friend of mine was fishing Broad Creek last week, and he told me he caught a couple of fish on top water poppers. Thanks for the info.....


 ;) ;) ~roflmao I just recently fished 2 tourn. on the Nanticoke, both last month, and was amazed how many fishermen think they know that river. I stayed up in Broad Creek and boated 18lb--6 1/2oz bass and only caught 4 real nice ones with a small 2 lb. kicker....I fish this body of water at least 2-4 times a week along with the tributaries such as Marshy Hope Creek, Nanticoke, North Branch, and Beaverdam.They all run into the Nanticoke, and where the water is clearer is not always the best spot to catch quality Bass on this water.Clearer Water is usually small channels overrun with Chain Pickerel, Gar Pike, and BIG Catfish of the 5-8lb variety.  The best places to fish is around the immense cover that most fly past going no where to get to that 18 ft hole by the 4 marker on the Broad Creek, the 55 marker on the Nanticoke, the Grain Mill, Barges, and other openly sighted areas................Give you one of my secret places, O.K.?

Keep the Rod Tip up and the Hook Sharp


 ~c~ ~c~ 8) ~shade   O.K. here it is-------------Hope your big bass boat does'nt draft more than 1 ft of water.............Put in a Phillips Landing Park and go toward the head waters of the Broad Creek, past Bethel, past the state spawning grounds, proceed toward Laurel about 3 miles, you will come past a large dock on your left, with a right hand turn go toward what Big Bubba and I call Snake Island (a small island infested with water snakes and moccassins) you will see a draw coming out of lilypads on your right go past the first one till you see the tree that almost blocks the entrance and go into those pads past the first bend and use your frogs, sinko's and other weedless baits. Jig the main channel as it will be 3-4 ft at high tide which is the best time to fish this very productive area and fish it all the way toward the lowest part of low tide (Until you can still get out) this area is protected on three sides and surounded by lilypads that produce at least one very nice fish a trip...........Last month I used a DT-4 Shad Rapala and a broken back tight wobble rogue in yellow belly, blue back took a 4lb  14 1/2oz (Thats what it weighed on the Rapala Digital 20 lb. scale) out of the channel as were going back out toward the creek, but still in the pads........................sorry tackle but you gotta pay for the rest.......................................................remember..............................

Keep the Rod Tip up and the Hook Sharp


  ~c~  ~c~  Frank and I started this morning about 0730hrs and went up the Marshy Hope a large tributary of the  ~c~ ~c~ Nanticke River here in Sus"woops" County, Delaware. The sky were gray and it was chilly (39degrees) as we made our way toward Federalsburg, Maryland. I was using a Blackberry Brush Hog mated to a 1/4 oz. Jobee Pro Gamakatsu hg 3/0 hook and Frank was slinging his SRS-7 in Baby Bass. As we got near nomans land (an area where trees almost touch in the middle of the Hope), and the pump house on the left I caught a 3 lb., 4oz LMB. Frank had already caught two Bass before me (so I was playing catch up) when I realized I did not have a valid Maryland Fishing License. We fished for a little while after that and decided to go to Salisbury, Maryland and fish the Wicomico River and I would go to Wal-Mart and get da licenses needed. As we were coming back around 1000hrs. I switched to a SRS-7 Broken Back Shinner and within two casts had landed a nice Bass, but we saw a boat approaching and I had to let it go and stow my gear. We got back to the dock and loaded the boat with me coming back home and him going down there to wait for me......This was before be continued in the Maryland section......................You Gotta Read This....Outstanding.. ~gator ~gator later

Keep the Rod Tip up and the Hook Sharp


Hi im new to this site.I usually fish all the ponds in Delaware.But I want to start fishing the Nanticoke River and places like that.Can you give me some tips as it sounds like you know alot about it.

Thanks in advanced

Creel Limit Zero

Hi DEbassin.  Okuma was down at the Classic this past week.  I'm sure he'll be back soon to help you out with the Naticoke.  Welcome to the site.   ;D


Seems like a lot of good people on here

Creel Limit Zero

 ~c~  Sure is a good group of people.  Lots of great contests too, always nice to win free tackle.   :-* 


Hey DEbassin, where are you planing to fish out of on the Nanticoke?
What size boat? How many horsepower? There are two public ramps in Del. that are good on any tide and Two in MD. the Sharptown ramp is good on all but extreme low tide but gives you a mid. river launch and you can run into Del. or down river or into the Marshy Hope. Lots of fine fishing on the Ninticoke River I must say it is my favorite tidal river to fish.
Good luck.


Hi habby
I just got a stratos 275 pro xl with a 115.I don't know where to fish on it never fished it before I usually just fish the ponds but I wanted to start fishing these places. Iwanted a place to open up the motor but I scared about the tides and everything don't want to get stuck.(if you can) any suggestions?



 ~c~ ;) Hello DEbassin I am home now and will answer any questions you may have--------I just want you to know I may not have ALL the answers, but I might get pretty darn close  lo....Where in DE you from??? Boat your size is NO Problem and the HP is good...You won't run aground anywhere I send ya, I promise  :)........Later

Keep the Rod Tip up and the Hook Sharp


Hey okuma500
Im from Bear Delaware. Just wanted some tips im a newbie to the Nanticoke and places like that.I usally fish the ponds like Horseys,Griffiths,Haven. So any help would be great Plus I want to take my new boat some place I can open her up.Can't really do that in a pond PoPo

Thanks a bunch


Dbassin, I would say Seaford ramp on the upper section on the Nanticoke would be a good place to start, if you go down river(to the right) the Chanel is well marked and you can run your boat flat out. If you go up river (left out of the ramp) take it easy once you past the drawbridge as there is a sunkin island in the center that many of us have found the hard way, once it warms up and the pad's grow you will see where it is. Right now it is going to be tough fishing but if we get three day's of warm weather 50+ a brown and orange jig w/ a zoom chunk will get some fish from wood on the bends in the river where the water is deeper.


I don't mean to sound stupidbut how is it marked?
What type of lures work good around there?

thanks again for your help


DEbassin, the Chanel is marked with permanent Chanel markers, red and green, square and triangle, odd and even numbers, if you don't know how to read Chanel markers stay off of the river's until you learn. I would suggest you take a U.S..Coastguard safe boating course. There are lots of boat opperators that get stuck on mud flats, get in wrecks, get hurt or even get killed every year because they don't know basic boat operation rules. Most states require that all boat opperators born after a certain date ( I think 1974) have a safe boating course card in your possession while opperating a boat in navigable Waters.
I think everyone no mater how old should take a course and have a card to operate a boat.



 ~c~ DEbassin there is an online course offered by DNREC and the Coast Guard for Delaware Boaters Safety course---go to the Boaters Safety board Spetro has and look it up----It only costs 15.00 when and after you pass the final exam/....................................Now for the Nanticke River---Put your boat over at the Public ramp in Seaford or at the Marina (issue settled), the Seaford Marina is better if on a week-end and go DOWNRIVER toward Sharptown, Md. you will find channel markers and if you have a GPS it will plot the river for you--if not stay toward the middle of the river as it can get shallow in spots on either side and run it WOT---just be conciiense of the fact on week-ends with nice weather (warmer water) you will encounter boogie boarders, tubers, boaters and the such the closer you get to Broad Creek and Phillips Landing.......................Now as far as fishing it--------I will go with you, but will not broadcast places on the internet---------Guaranteed 3 1/2 --5 lb bass daily-------will only show you once and it is strictly Catch & Release...............P.M. me or E/Mail me for info

Keep the Rod Tip up and the Hook Sharp


Your the man.Thanks.I just ordered a new gps so I'll have that covered.I also took the course online last night passed with a 93.I appreciate you taking the time to help me out.I'll be emailing you.When does it start getting good on the river?I ordered that new humminbird side imaging unit have you ever used it?If so is it good?

Thanks Again

RCH Outdoors

Anyone been fishing Nanticoke lately?


Quote from: RCH Outdoors on July 13, 2016, 07:42:54 PM
Anyone been fishing Nanticoke lately?

Yup it's not bad.. With the 2 barges a day theres alot of muddy water