Red River Crappie Fishing

Started by Marty, October 26, 2004, 06:01:28 PM

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Quote from: TB44 on January 20, 2006, 09:51:35 AM

Are you talking about in the mcdade oxbow itself or just in the sump field and rocks out from the entrance?

Both, depending on the vegitation and waterlevel. It has been a year since I have fished back there so alot can change. There used to be a small creek mouth that had a big bouy by it that held some fish. Dunno if I can still get back there. BTW I finally found the white house on the map. Thanks for the tip on getting through the mouth!!!!
Looks like I am off tomm for sure so I will be going fishing. A guy at work said there will be a fish ternament this weekend with the boat show. I guess that will add some pressure to the area.

LMK where u are starting out Scottie I  might try to find ya tomm.
I launch on the S'port side tho.
I am coming armed with a white spinner and a chrome rattle.

I caught you a delicious bass!


Hi Cliint...I'll launch at Clarks and head for Caspy...Not sure how long I'll stay tomorrow but I'll be there at least till 11:00....Front comming through tonight so may make things a little tough....We'll see..ha

Where do you lauch 0n the Shreveport Side?..



OK guys if your interested in Red River White Perch, now is the time to be hitting them hard. I went today, and fished around 4-5 hours. My friend and I caught 88 nice perch, not as big as the last trip we had, the one's today were around a pound or very close to it.

They are in 3 feet of water, FULL of eggs and hitting a Orange jig head with a tri-color tube jig in red/green/char. tipped with Berkley Crappie nibblets. I am fishing in the very backs of the big oxbows, I am not getting hit by the banks, but out in the open water away from the bank, around select stumps, when the wind is blowing you don't need to work your jigging cork just let it sit and they will take it. If the wind calms down then twitch it a little working it back to the boat slowly. if you find a spot they are hitting in, keep your hook in that spot, the fish today wouldn't hit for anything after you were a certain distance out of their strike zone. most times in was as small as a 3 foot circle.  Most all of the fish i cleaned today had eggs, so looks like unless the weather changes big time in the next few days they are going to start moving in even more than they are now. Water temp was 58.5 on my Lowrance. If you need any other info just let me know.

Hawgwild are really on the perch...Think I'll ease on back the backside of where I'm fishing also......

I've caught a few here and there, but not anything like the action you are having..

Thanks for the report..



whats the latest on the perch? Me and Scottie tried the backside of Caspy with no luck last sat.

I caught you a delicious bass!


I haven't been lately but last I heard they were still catching em up in 12 Mile bayou. Fish any downed tree or brush you see & hit the bridge pilings

fishin couillon

I see most of you guys are from the Shreveport area and fising up there. Is there anyone closer to Alexandria that could give some tips on the sac-a-lait on this end? As you probably know, there are no "backwater" areas here. Just the main channel. How do yall fish from the main channel?


May be much help, but it you have the rock jetties, many fish those up here in this area and do well...They are usually deep like 17' but guess that could vary...

They try to locate them on the graph near the rocks and either fish minnows or jigs..



Do you have any bridges around your area? If you do the Perch like to stack up on the no current side of the bridge post this time of year, your best bet would be to drop-shot for them, or use a spoon. Just like Scottie was saying also, you can use your graph and follow the rocks along until you find a school of shad, then just start fishing that spot. when i fish the main river for Perch I always look for the no current areas first and for most though.


any reports?  The red is known for its huge perch however this post is allways slow. I want to take my gf fishing tomm and put her to work reeling them in. Other than the bamboo hole back in caspy any other places I might pick up a few?. Rocks and rock jetties are a dime a dozen around clarks, but I will try to troll around some of them also,  any area that might narrow it down? like the rocks across from dozer point?. Thinking about trying 12 mile bayou again. Not sure yet tho.

Need help deciding

:help:    :surrender:
I caught you a delicious bass!




Well I tried for crappie again today, this time up 12 mile bayou. Hit the second and third bridge up and didnt catch anything, then tried some brush a lil further back with nothing. My girlfriend did catch a 5.4 lb blue cat tho on her crappie rod, that was interesting to watch. Then I caught a smaller blue. After that nothing. We fished from dark till 11:30am. They had a dang triathalon at the stoner launch ~xyz, I dont think I was supposed to launch but oh well, I dont think they should be closing a public boat lauch for some frenchy poo runners. They had cones all blocking it off but I just went around em, apprently I started something b/c when I got back there were 4 more boat trailers parked, hehe. Oh well I just about give up on the crappie, I dont think I am meant to catch them. I have never been able to catch more then 2 or 3 a trip.  Maybe I should try drift fishing @ cross.
I caught you a delicious bass!


Well Clint...Sounds like your doing pretty good with the go catfishing and hang a shinner off the side of the boat...trick them perch... ;D

Heck...I grew up drifting for cats on Cross...lots of fun too..



Well heck, lets get some night crawlers, catalpa worms and an ice chest full of beer and head out after work one day   ~beer~  :-*
I caught you a delicious bass!