Everglades Fishing Update!

Started by Capt. BassinLou, March 08, 2025, 11:52:39 AM

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Capt. BassinLou


Where's Everybody At?  lo  I know I'm a broken record. Anyways, for those of you that check in from time, just wanted to give you guys an Everglades fishing update.

The Glades is fishing really well. Some areas are ridiculous with boat traffic, but fortunately I have different areas that fish away from the crowds.

Water is coming down nicely. The cold fronts over the last couple of weeks changed the bite a little, but if you time your days right, catch rates can go into the 3 figures.

Pea's are starting to show themselves here and there, but once the warm up trend sets in, I'm sure that fishing will be NUTS!!

I have moved my fishing reports over to my website @BassinWithCaptLou.com Just wanted to drop by give you guys the fishing update.

Be well!  ~beer~


Quote from: Capt. BassinLou on March 08, 2025, 11:52:39 AM~goof

Where's Everybody At?  lo  I know I'm a broken record. Anyways, for those of you that check in from time, just wanted to give you guys an Everglades fishing update.

The Glades is fishing really well. Some areas are ridiculous with boat traffic, but fortunately I have different areas that fish away from the crowds.

Water is coming down nicely. The cold fronts over the last couple of weeks changed the bite a little, but if you time your days right, catch rates can go into the 3 figures.

Pea's are starting to show themselves here and there, but once the warm up trend sets in, I'm sure that fishing will be NUTS!!

I have moved my fishing reports over to my website @BassinWithCaptLou.com Just wanted to drop by give you guys the fishing update.

Be well!  ~beer~
Thanks for the update. The peas have been hitting hard up here in Ida and Osbourne. Anything that looks like a shiner or shad, especially lipless cranks or wakebaits.

Tiny boat, but a big deck.

"I'm a simple man, with simple pleasures." -Trevor Belmont