Thoughts on Baitcaster's Brake system

Started by greenpig, January 25, 2025, 06:58:20 AM

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Hi forum
How about Baitcaster's Brake System like this
When before casting normally press clutch to free the spool and do the casting.
with this feature process is same for that. but after casting if keep press the clutch
magnetic brake go closer to spool limiting spool's rotation.
Once click spool release button, spool is being free and also with spring tension thumb bar is still can

be pressed.. if untouch it return to its original position by spring force.
it's like just when click initially to free spool. it has a click and after that nothing interrupt but can be

pressed with a little bit of force and if unpressed it return to its original position.

and if keep press after unclicked. now magnetic brake move closer to spool if press the thumb bar.
it's just like car's brake. the more you push it. the harder it brakes.
same for the reel. the harder you press button the more brake being applied as the magnetic brake
go closer to spool. and if not press button. brake return to its previous set position.

no matter how deep you press thumb bar the magnetic brake won't touch the spool but it's the

maximum brake force is being applied.
so while in casting. you can press thumb bar to control magnetic force level just like any other brake

system like in car,bike,etc the more you hold/press the more brake power apply.

and this feature is while spool is being free. when you turn the handle thumb bar return to its initial

position of top. and work as same before.

and to cast, need to click thumb bar again and this time you can press the more deeply and it work as

braking system.

of course you can at anytime do thumbing to stop the spool or to control its rotation speed.
and you can do with the clutch as well. as it do the braking of magnetic movement.

thanks for reading.
any feedback is welcome.

D.W. Verts

Man son, I just went too many years where the "breaking system" was my THUMB.

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