Lake Norman Polar Bear Event

Started by Bud Kennedy, January 02, 2025, 12:23:25 PM

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Bud Kennedy

Once again the annual New Years Day event was held at Lake Norman, NC.  Record turn out this year with 65 boats participating.  This is a team event but could be fished as a single if desired.  Entry fee was per boat.  This year a total of $3900.00 was paid out representing our standard 100% payback percentage.  I can't remember how many years this event has been held but I think it might be about 14 or 15.

Thank you Rangerman (Boots Beasley) for your report.


Bud I'm pretty sure me or Robert has fished them all. Robert finished 12th this year I think. Lets of nice fish were caught. A couple of 7lb largemouth and a couple 5lb spots. Once again had some pros show up and fish. If you get cabin fever this winter come on over to Norman it is a great winter lake