September 2022 Home Front Activities and Carrying On's

Started by Donald Garner, September 01, 2022, 11:53:55 AM

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Donald Garner

Good morning to all,

:toot: Welcome to September 2022  ~shade 

I hope everyone has a Great Month Ahead.  Hopefully the aches and pains will be minimal.  I have everyone in my daily prayers as we still have some UB members having health and other issues needing a prayer.  Fall fishing should be starting here shortly with some cooler weather moving across our areas.

We're starting the day off with Partly Cloudy Skies with the temps 73-90dgrs with 88% humidity and ESE wind @ 7mphs.  We still have some chances of rain throughout these next few days coming up.  We still need it badly.

To everyone have a really pleasant day today.  I hope ya'll evening is relaxing as well.
Belton Texas part of God's Country
Stratos 285 Pro XL Yamaha 150 VMax; Lowrance Hook 7 Electronics; Minn Kota Foretrex Trolling Motor

G3 1548 Alwed Jon boat Yamaha 25hp outboard 

Donald Garner

Greetings to everyone,
Beautiful day across Central Texas today.  Our forecasted temps were 74-97dgrs with 55% humidity and an E wind @6mphs. 

Not a real busy day for me at the Fun Farm.  I had my monthly meeting with the Director.  After stopping at Walmart for a couple items I spent the rest of the day in the office playing on the computer. 
I'm debating on whether to go to the Friday Night football game.  Its suppose to start raining > Thunderstorm < just after the start of the game.  I really don't feel like messing with a rain suit and dealing with the rain.  I think I'm just going to stay home.  I'll check the score out on the school's website later tonight.

Tomorrow is planned out already right off the bat got to get the time sheets done, trip to Sam's and some other shopping with the wife.  Tomorrow starts Mary Hardin Baylor's football season.  Their game is at 6pm.  Hopefully the weather will be alright.

To everyone have a relaxing evening and a pleasant weekend ahead.
Belton Texas part of God's Country
Stratos 285 Pro XL Yamaha 150 VMax; Lowrance Hook 7 Electronics; Minn Kota Foretrex Trolling Motor

G3 1548 Alwed Jon boat Yamaha 25hp outboard 


I usually do not post much. Here in N. Calif my weather station is 112 Lake Shasta is so low that my 2wd truck can't launch my boat. No sure is I would want too anyway with this temperature. The next several days will be even more heat intense. Hope all are well and safe.

Donald Garner

Good Sunday morning to everyone

We're starting the day off with partly sunny skies and forecasted temps of 71-94dgrs with 93% humidity and a SE wind @ 2 mphs.  There's still small % chances of rain this coming week ahead.

We're off to church here shortly.  Lunch will be done at home today.  We picked up some BBQ ribs from Sam's yesterday.  I'm sure there will be some type of vegetables to go along with the meat.  The afternoon will be spent trimming and mowing the yard.  With all this rain we got the weeds are growing out of control.  Afterwards a quick shower and it's in the recliner for some relaxation and TV.

twocold; Tks for stopping by we're glad you did.  You guys that live out West there sure have taken a beating with this weather this year.  We have a launching problem on some of our lakes too.  For the most part though we have multiple places to launch from.  Some of the lakes have both shallow and deep launch ramps.
Hope things improved there for ya soon.  Drop in anytime and share the day with us.

To everyone have a safe Labor Day Holiday tomorrow.  Be safe in your travels if you have to get out and about.
Belton Texas part of God's Country
Stratos 285 Pro XL Yamaha 150 VMax; Lowrance Hook 7 Electronics; Minn Kota Foretrex Trolling Motor

G3 1548 Alwed Jon boat Yamaha 25hp outboard 

Bud Kennedy

Great day here at the beach.  Weather was good highs in the upper 80s humidity about 50% and a slight breeze from the east.  Did not do any work today just kinda hangin' out.  After Church we went to Bob Evans for a late breakfast.  After breakfast went over and picked up the Ranger and brought her home.  Charged the batteries and tomorrow I will give her some TLC and load up some of my tackle.  Weather looks promising this coming week for a trip to the river. Today would not have been good due to the crowds.  Drove by the ramp today and all the parking spots were full and lots of folks using the ramps to load and unload.  Would not want to be on the intracoastal with that much traffic thats for sure.  I will go out on Tuesday or Wednesday or maybe both days to do some fishing and you can be sure the launch area will be empty.  This is the best thing about boating and fishing through the week. 
Lots of folks here at the beach for the last long weekend of the summer and tomorrow they will be on the road leaving the beach and the traffic will be backlogged like crazy on the escape routes.  It will look a like like a hurricane evac when all they can do is sit in traffic and move along inch by inch.  Sure glad that  isn't me anymore.

My new medication is doing a great job and my breathing is doing better and better.  The real change is that I am eating like a pig.  I usually don't have much of an appetite but that seems to have been changed and the only thing I can think of is the new medication.  I am trying hard to eat right as not to put on weight but in the evening hours I get really hungry and I am raiding the fridge.


Afternoon guys. My brother in arms funeral is next weekend. His family has launched an investigation because he apparently was at the bottom of the pool for almost 20min before anyone noticed. Some said the other lifeguards amd councilors were on their phones instead. Still sad.

Anyways, it was just too dang hot for me to even attempt to go on the boat. I about overheated 3 times this weekend on Honey-Do lists.

Also, time to sell off the Stealth R/T to a collector or someone who values it more then me. I just don't have the time or money to keep spending on it, so bought me a newer model Mitsubishi instead. A 2007 Mitsubishi Eclipse GT. Has a 3.8L V6, 6spd manual (The millennial anti-theft device ), and Sport Package which includes leather interior, 18" wheels and larger brakes. For 2500, I couldn't say no. Spent today fixing all the quirks with it. Now, it's good to go.

Hope all are well and staying hydrated and cool. Take care.

Sent from undisclosed location. -Tiller Mafia

"I'm a simple man, with simple pleasures." -Trevor Belmont

Bud Kennedy

Another quiet day today.  The only thing I had to do was to perform taxi services for the wife.  I have to spend more time driving miss daisy than in the past but that is ok.  We really don't need two vehicles and I have considered selling both and buying something newer to get us down to one vehicle.  The cost of new cars and trucks and used cars and trucks is just so high that I just can't bring myself to make that kind of expenditure.  My wife's car is 17 years old and my truck is 15 years old.  The wife's car only has 44K miles and my expedition has 120K miles.  Both vehicles run well although the Expedition could use some upgrades.  Needs new shocks brakes and likely some steering components.  A few other pita issues like the front passenger electric window is kaput and that needs replaced.  I had this done to the drivers side a few years and and was surprised that the repair was well over $700 but probably would be over $1K now.  Oh well it is much cheaper to repair what I already own than buy another vehicle.  The expedition has the 5.4 motor and will easily last to over 200K miles.  So spending a little to do some of the maintenance stuff would be money well spent.

Temps today to the mid to upper 80s and partly cloudy skies.  Tonight some rain showers are currently taking place but they are just nice gentle showers.  More of the same is expected tomorrow.  I would like to take the boat out tomorrow if the Mrs. is feeling ok if not tomorrow maybe Wednesday.  But it is gonna get wet for sure this week.


Good morning!!! 64 headed to 71, possible showers, rained all day yesterday and should get rain most of the week. When I worked I always took this week off for fishing and the day I saved for our anniversary. I carried raingear because I was guaranteed to get wet but the fishing was good and the waters weren't crowded. Top, nice looking car, hope it works out for you. We haven't had a manual trans in more years than I care to remember, the wife doesn't like them and they don't like her, I grew up with 3 on the tree, no problem for me.
Bud, good to hear your breathing is much better, you may have to join a gym now. lo Hopem you get into some fish.
Donald, hope the little darlings behave, at least for a while.
Have a great day, be well!!!
Old Fishermen never die, their rods just go limp.


Quote from: Oldfart9999 on September 06, 2022, 05:40:58 AM
Good morning!!! 64 headed to 71, possible showers, rained all day yesterday and should get rain most of the week. When I worked I always took this week off for fishing and the day I saved for our anniversary. I carried raingear because I was guaranteed to get wet but the fishing was good and the waters weren't crowded. Top, nice looking car, hope it works out for you. We haven't had a manual trans in more years than I care to remember, the wife doesn't like them and they don't like her, I grew up with 3 on the tree, no problem for me.
Bud, good to hear your breathing is much better, you may have to join a gym now. lo Hopem you get into some fish.
Donald, hope the little darlings behave, at least for a while.
Have a great day, be well!!!
Good morning guys.

And goood thing my wife can't drive my car..

Going to be a slow week here at the office due to holiday weekend. But hey, I'm happy to be on cruise control for a little while.

Have a great day guys.

Sent from undisclosed location. -Tiller Mafia

"I'm a simple man, with simple pleasures." -Trevor Belmont

Donald Garner

Good evening to everyone,

We got a little rain shower going on as I type this.  Forecasted temps were 73 - 87dgrs with 71%humidity with a SE wind at 3mphs.

Slow day for me as I was attending my acupuncture treatment this morning.  The afternoon was spent on the computer catching up from this morning absence.  I had one of my Night Shift employees informed me this Friday would be her last day.  Another member lost to a higher paying job. 

Top; that's a really nice looking car you got there.  Have fun with it.
Rodney; The little darlings and knotheads so far this week have been pretty good.  Of course we've only had one day of school so far this week lo
Bud; Hope you continue to improve health wise.  Tight lines to ya once you hit the river.  Good luck on deciding on getting that new vehicle.  There wasn't a lot of boat traffic out on the lake this past weekend.  We had a nice little weather front move through bringing some rain with it.  I think that had a lot of boaters changing their minds.

Guys ya'll have a really pleasant day tomorrow.  Be save in your travels if you're out and about.
Belton Texas part of God's Country
Stratos 285 Pro XL Yamaha 150 VMax; Lowrance Hook 7 Electronics; Minn Kota Foretrex Trolling Motor

G3 1548 Alwed Jon boat Yamaha 25hp outboard 


Good morning!!! 64 headed to 72, wet, partly nothing but clouds unless the sun pops out, showers, it's usually wet, cool week forecasting the run of trout and salmon. The bass are starting to put on the feed bag, a time for bigger baits moved faster.
Top, we're down to 1 car and it has to be an automatic, my wife doesn't want to drive a stick and is adamant about it, she wins. lo
Donald, you can't win for losing, you have to send people to help other schools but can't keep people because they leave for more pay, now what? I posted the pics of the club on the "Capturing the moment" thread Lou put up.
Have a great day, be well!!!
Old Fishermen never die, their rods just go limp.

Donald Garner

Good evening to everyone
Forecasted temps for today across Central Texas were 72-94dgrs with 52% humidity with a NE wind @ 7mphs.  There is a chance of a Thunder Storm moving through the area later on tonight or tomorrow some time.

Nice quiet day at the Fun Farm.  I spent the first couple hours this morning working on one of our riding floor scrubbers.  I took the squeegee apart and cleaned it.  Removed a bunch of hair and other pieces of trash.  Got everything back together and made a test run.  Everything works as it's suppose too.  Another team member brought her vacuum cleaner down for me to check out.  Wound up taking it a part and cleaning it.  All is functional now.  I spent the rest of the day working on things in the computer. 

The wife had to take her Cruze down to the dealership this morning.  There's been an issue with one of the tires being low.  She's been dealing with this issue for a week now.  She wasn't a happy camper when she woke up this morning.  She called me and informed me that one of the valve steams was leaking and needed replaced.  The Tech's make the fix and did a quick check on the rest of the wheels.  She was in a better mood when I got home this evening.

Rodney; Tks for sharing the picture with us.  I had  a lady from the cafeteria come and see me reference switching jobs from Food Service to Custodian Services today.  I called the Director to let her know.  I hope this lady doesn't change her mind.

To everyone I hope ya'll had a pleasant day today.  Be safe in your travels if you have to get out.                                                 
Belton Texas part of God's Country
Stratos 285 Pro XL Yamaha 150 VMax; Lowrance Hook 7 Electronics; Minn Kota Foretrex Trolling Motor

G3 1548 Alwed Jon boat Yamaha 25hp outboard 


Good morning!!! 62 headed to low 70s, possible showers, partly cloudy, my favorite fishing weather, I really miss a tow vehicle. Shopping day, you know the drill, a great sub for lunch and the more folks I get to run over the bigger the smile. lo I've been asked why I shop in the morning, it's because the fewest people are shopping then, yes, I'm antisocial, especially with the way the world is now.
Donald, hope the lady is able to transfer and works out for you. Good thing you're able to handle the the general work on those machines, I imagine the bill for repair work would be very stiff, you're saving the district money. I don't blame your wife for being upset, I hate spending time in a repair shop, now I don't have a backup vehicle for when this one is in for service, I stuck at home, good thing I live in walking distance of the shop.
Have a great day, be well!!!
Old Fishermen never die, their rods just go limp.

Donald Garner

Howdy from Belton, Texas  ~shade

Forecasted temps for Central Texas were 69-95dgrs with 39% humidity with a NE wind @ 7mphs.  There's no rain in the upcoming forecast for the next 5 days.

Real quiet day for me at the Fun Farm.  I linked up with some electrical contractors first thing this morning.  They were here to install some stage lights into the stage floor.  We've been waiting on these lights for a year.  Made a quick run over to the Grounds Department to drop off my gas can for the Gator.  They're the ones that fill up the gas cans for me.  After that I spent the rest of the in my office listening to the peace and quiet.  No phone or text messages all afternoon.

Rodney;  Glad you had a enjoyable morning out shopping and taking the time to enjoy that sub sandwich.  Shopping here in the morning is the best time also.  Walmart and HEB>Grocery store<  aren't crowded between 6am - 8am.  Yes sir by me being able to work and fix minor things on our machines helps me save some of my budget.  It is expensive and time consuming when I have to call the tech in.  Depending on the issue the machine can be gone for several weeks. 
I hate it too when the vehicles are in the shop also.  Here lately its been between $1000.00 - $2500.00 dollars to get the repairs done.  We're set pretty good right now on having a spare vehicle.  My daughter left both her Trailblazer and Dodge Ram pickup truck here for us to take care.  She's off living and working in Germany for the next 2 -3 or so years.
My good man you and your wife have a relaxing and pleasant evening.

To everyone have a pleasant day tomorrow.  Be safe in all the things you have to get done.
Belton Texas part of God's Country
Stratos 285 Pro XL Yamaha 150 VMax; Lowrance Hook 7 Electronics; Minn Kota Foretrex Trolling Motor

G3 1548 Alwed Jon boat Yamaha 25hp outboard 


Good morning!!! 59 headed to 82, should be mostly sunny and dry. The Queen is gone, long live the Queen, she was a class act all the way. I almost had a quiet peaceful day shopping yesterday, had a dumb woman block aisles in half the store and and ask every stocking person where something was, finally though she left. I had trouble finding the shelf liner my wife wanted, finally fired up the Wegmans app, the one that keeps telling me I'm in Fairfax Virginia even it's set up with GPS, it said to ask a store associate where it is, turns out this store doesn't carry it. The aforementioned app works great if you have an Apple phone, I have an android, even Wegmans admits it sucks on android, go figure. lo The sub, as usual is quite good and tasty. :)
Donald, quiet days are always good. So, you're back on the Gator? Rattlesnake patrol is you?
Have a great day and weekend, be well!!!
Old Fishermen never die, their rods just go limp.

Donald Garner

Greetings from Central Texas  8)
Forecasted temps for the area were 69-93dgrs with 39% humidity with the wind coming in from the E @ 4mphs.  There's no rain in the forecast for the next few days.

Another quiet day and I'll take'm  ;)  Hooked up with the Electricians that are working on the PAC stage.  They told me they'll be back in a couple weeks with some additional parts.  It was so quiet today I was able to work on my Goal Setting Evaluation today.  The school district has decided everyone needs to have a Goal Setting Evaluation.  Once you figure out what your Work Related Goals are you have to submit that document to your supervisor.   I got mine sent off and she returned it back with her approval.  Next week I have to sit down with each one of my team members and fill theirs out.  This ought to be interesting.

Tomorrow > Saturday < is planned out already.  Going in and knocking out the weekly Time Sheets.  The rest of the day will be spent traveling around Central Texas checking out the Market Days Activities.  Every Saturday most of the towns around here set up for vendors, live music and of course food.  Lots of out of towners come and visit and help out the local economy.

Rodney; No sir, my doctor told me to stay off the Gator and of course my wife keeps tabs on me also.  I have (2) 5gal gas cans that we use for the Gator.  Once (1) gets emptied I have to take it over to the Grounds Department to get refilled.  I now walk around the bldg. and look for the snakes.  Last week I found a couple and took care of them. 
I finally get to meet my new V.A. Doctor on Tuesday.  We're going to figure out what the heck is up with this swelling in the legs etc. I'm just glad there isn't any pain associated with this swelling.  ;)

My good man you and the wife have a relaxing and pleasant weekend ahead.

To everyone in the UB Family enjoy the upcoming weekend.  Be safe traveling the roadways and out there on the water.
Belton Texas part of God's Country
Stratos 285 Pro XL Yamaha 150 VMax; Lowrance Hook 7 Electronics; Minn Kota Foretrex Trolling Motor

G3 1548 Alwed Jon boat Yamaha 25hp outboard 

Donald Garner

Good morning to everyone,

We're starting the day off with sunny skies. Our forecasted temps are 66-91dgrs with 70% humidity and a N wind @ 12mphs.  There's very little chance of any rain moving into our area these next few days.

Yesterday was a really pleasant day spent with the wife at the Georgetown Market Days.  We walked around and checked out the vendors then had lunch at our favorite pizza place there.  The drive back was relaxing. 

I'm off to church here shortly its my month to be the Church Security Officer on duty.  We have a 5 person team and we pull duty for a month at a time.  We monitor the parking lot and check all the exterior doors to ensure they're locked.  We have a local police officer and they provide security & monitor the interior activity.  If we have exterior activity going on we call the police officer inside.  If the situation warrants they will call for back up from the local police department.

The wife has fixed a pot roast for lunch today with all the fixings.  I have a minor fence repair I'm going to take care of after lunch.  I'm sure the ole recliner will be calling me by late this afternoon.

To everyone have a very pleasant and relaxing day today.  Be safe in your travels if your on the roadways and out on the water.
Belton Texas part of God's Country
Stratos 285 Pro XL Yamaha 150 VMax; Lowrance Hook 7 Electronics; Minn Kota Foretrex Trolling Motor

G3 1548 Alwed Jon boat Yamaha 25hp outboard 


Good morning!!! 66 headed to 73 or so, off and on rain, it's playing hob with the old arthritis. We had some neighbors over yesterday for eats under the gazebo, my wife made a bean salad and her Mom's BBQ beef, I smoked and partially cooked 2 roasts Saturday, she made a sauce and finished cooking the roasts in it Sunday, we had corn on the cob, Caprese Ensalada Tomato slices with Mozzarella, and Basil leaves, and Extra virgin olive oil drizzled over it. Burp!!!
Donald, sounds like you and Mrs. Donald had a great time. It's a shame we have to lockdown our Churches, you'd think we were back in the first century, at least we aren't being beheaded and killed by the beasts. yet.
Have a great day, be well!!!
Old Fishermen never die, their rods just go limp.


Good morning guys. Tried to throw a few casts with the kids yesterday, got skunked. But they still had fun. My nephew days he wants a spinning reel now, so thinking of getting him that Zebco Roam combo to start out with. That should be good enough for him at first. Wish things would cool off so I can weld up the frame for my boat floor. (Yes, I have an aluminum welder. ) then just going to lay a sheet of resin sealed plywood w/brown carpet over it. It's just been too dang hot to do anything lately.

Have a great day y'all.

Sent from undisclosed location. -Tiller Mafia

"I'm a simple man, with simple pleasures." -Trevor Belmont

Donald Garner

Greetings to everyone,
Beautiful day across Central Texas today.  Forecasted temps were 68-91dgrs with 38% humidity and a NE wind @ 4mphs. 

Somewhat busy day at the fun farm.  The knot heads and lil darlings are at it again.  Oh to be able to catch them in the act of destructive behavior  ~shade  Yesterday morning prior to church I was out checking on things and notice the G3 Boat Cover had a giant rip right down the middle.  This had to occur during the night. I got the cover off and the boat was half full of water from all these rain storms. 
I turned on the bilge pump and got most of the water out prior to leaving for church.  After lunch I got the rest of the water out with the shop vac.  I down loaded the entire boat and started drying stuff out.  Some of my soft plastic boxes had some water in them.  After a couple hours of tinkering around I got everything dried out tackle and clothing wise.  Here in the near future there'd be a trip to Academy to buy a new cover.

top; Sharing the day with the kids and watching them fish is what it's all about anyway.  Catching fish does make the trip a little better thought.  Good luck getting that floor installed.  You going to make a posting about the build etc. ?

Rodney;  Man that meal sure sounds tasty   ~shade   Yes sir it is a shame that we have to have security but that's the way it is now days.  Back in 2007 when the wife and I went on vacation to Italy we spent a few days in Rome.  One of the places we toured was the Colosseum.  I was checking out the place and thinking back to the 1st Century and all those people who were killed there.  Getting eaten by a lion is not how I would want to go out. 

You guys have a relaxing evening and hopefully a pleasant day tomorrow.  Be safe if you're out traveling around.
Belton Texas part of God's Country
Stratos 285 Pro XL Yamaha 150 VMax; Lowrance Hook 7 Electronics; Minn Kota Foretrex Trolling Motor

G3 1548 Alwed Jon boat Yamaha 25hp outboard 


Good morning!!! 59 headed to 69, partly cloudy when it's not all cloudy, showers but tomorrow it changes to dry, sunny and warmer, maybe a couple of days in the low 80s. My arthritis is starting to calm down. I'll be glad when the humidity drops, 30 minutes on the stairmaster when it's 69 degrees but you look like you took a shower in your cloths is a bit much. lo ~bb
Top, must have been a good time with the kids, I remember those days and enjoyed them very much, fish or no fish. I wish we could send some of this cool down to you, of course it would come with rain in tow. lo
Donald, if you could get the parents of the kids involved I bet they would start spending more time with them teaching them right from wrong, maybe apply the rod of learning to the seat of teaching so to speak. Hated it when the cover would rip and everything got soaked. We got hit hard with wet heavy snow one night, took out the cover and windshield, not fun cleaning that mess up, had to get it cleaned up and a new cover in a hurry because more snow was coming.
Have a great day, be well!!!
Old Fishermen never die, their rods just go limp.

Donald Garner

Greetings to all.

Going to be off the site for a few days.  I'm in the hospital now.  Getting lots of test done .  My lower body swelling and high blood pressure got me admitted to the hospital.

Y'all take care I'll holler when I get released.  Add me to your daily prayers.

Belton Texas part of God's Country
Stratos 285 Pro XL Yamaha 150 VMax; Lowrance Hook 7 Electronics; Minn Kota Foretrex Trolling Motor

G3 1548 Alwed Jon boat Yamaha 25hp outboard 


Quote from: Donald Garner on September 14, 2022, 04:43:06 PM
Greetings to all.

Going to be off the site for a few days.  I'm in the hospital now.  Getting lots of test done .  My lower body swelling and high blood pressure got me admitted to the hospital.

Y'all take care I'll holler when I get released.  Add me to your daily prayers.
Sorry to hear Don. You are on my daily prayer list but I'll send some extras up for you brother.

Sent from my SM-S908U using Tapatalk

Dobyns Rods   Titan Tungsten   Abu Garcia  Berkley  Pflueger  Spiderwire

Bud Kennedy

Hope they can get you back to normal Donald.  You know whats next....... No eating good tasting food


Good morning!!! 51 headed to 63, should be mostly sunny.
Donald, you're in our daily prayers, hope you're fixed up real soon!!!
Have a great day, be well!!!
Old Fishermen never die, their rods just go limp.