TCTC April and May recap w/spreadsheet

Started by BassBUFF, May 07, 2022, 10:25:33 AM

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  My sincere apologies for getting this out so late.  Have had numerous issues and throw in the surgery....well, it happens.

April- Grand Bayou
1st was Craig S & Jackson M w/ 17.95lbs!
2nd was John & Grant G w/10.15lbs!
3rd was Prentis G & Jason H w/ 9.27lbs

John and Grant had the BB w/6.69lber!

May- Cypress/BB
1st was Jeff L & Jared E w/13.14lbs!
2nd was Bobby M & Dustin M w/11.83lbs!
3rd was Robby & Wayne H w/11.56lbs!

Robby and Wayne had the BB w/6.01lber!

Next tourney will be Jun 5th at B;ack Bayou Hosston. 

Spreadsheet is attached with the first drop of the year included.  Please let me know if I've made any mistakes.