TCTC Dec 5 Caddo Tourney results and spreadsheet.

Started by BassBUFF, December 16, 2021, 08:39:20 AM

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First, my apologies for getting this out so late.  New computer at home and don't have Office installed yet.  Been so busy at work there hasn't bee a free time to put this together.

We had 10 teams show for the End O Year Blowout on Caddo. Results are below.

1st was Brad V and Bill B w/17.08lbs!!

2nd was Matt R. and Ryan H w/ 5.77lbs!

3rd was John S and Dave H w 5.33lbs!

Brad & Bill had the BB w a 6.73lb hog!

Congrats to all!! Final spreadsheet is attached. Let me know if you see any errors.

Please join us in a hardy Congratulations for the Anglers of the Year to:

1st-  John S & Dave H!!  ~c~ ~c~  ~c~

2nd-  Joe C & Joe C. Jr!!  ~c~ ~c~

3rd-  Matt R & Jeff L!!  ~c~

Big Bass of the Year - John S & Dave H with the 8.95lb hog taken in May on Grand Bayou!



Quote from: oldjim on December 26, 2021, 09:16:35 PM
First tournment 2022 ?
Jim, the first tournament is on Cross and will be Feb 6th.
Doctor says I should stay away from other people.


hope we get some rain by feb so cross will not be low