OCT 2017 FLBR BS Thread

Started by Capt. BassinLou, September 30, 2017, 09:34:17 AM

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Quote from: West6550 on October 21, 2017, 04:45:52 PM
Wife and I walked Circle B bar reserve today. It's a nice park area a few minutes from the house. Lots of trails around the wetlands of peace river. Lots of really good size gators as well. Also they seem to not want you to fish it.. I have never seen this much work on a dock to make it useless lol
That's strange looking dock . No fishing at all or just that they don't like it when you fish there?

Kats Rule And Bass Drool.Viet Nam Vet


Quote from: West6550 on October 21, 2017, 04:45:52 PM
Wife and I walked Circle B bar reserve today. It's a nice park area a few minutes from the house. Lots of trails around the wetlands of peace river. Lots of really good size gators as well. Also they seem to not want you to fish it.. I have never seen this much work on a dock to make it useless lol
There are a few docks on Tarpon like that. They have intentionally put wire so you can't cast under them. Some serious a-holes must live there.




Quote from: Bassinlou on October 21, 2017, 08:28:27 AM
PoPo Changes for Novemeber  PoPo

With November being about 11 days away, and our season reaching its half way point, I have made an addendum to our club rules. This rule has been in the works for quite some time, Mike Cork and I have bounced this idea back and forth a few times and we feel its time to institute this addendum.

I know this addendum will/might effect current and future participants of our club, but this addendum will provide an equal advantage for anyone who chooses to participate in our monthly competitions.  For many of you however, it will be business as usual.

The addendum is as follows:

Rule #4b: Only LMB caught in Legally Accessed Waters will be accepted in this competition. Fishing in Private and/or fenced in waters is Prohibited. The only exception to this rule will be Home Owner Association Communities which permit fishing for their residents and their guests.

Please keep in mind. This addendum will go into effect on WED Nov 1st. I'm simply making this announcement now so if there is any discussion to be had, we will transition smoothly on Nov 1st.

If anyone has any discussion points they would like share, you are welcome to reach me privately or here on this thread.
The wording is kinda confusing. You can interpret "legally accessed waters" as both public and private bodies of water with permission since both would be accessed legally. One person receiving permission from a land owner would actually be accessing the water " legally".  Would it be ok if the same land owner allowed anybody and everybody to fish? Or maybe if he allowed only one or two people or the one and only one that asked for permission?  I think that i see what you are trying to get at though. I would recommend cleaning up the language a bit to make it more clear. Maybe change it to "waters of the state with public access points"?

Was their a problem with it before? Why the change?

Capt. BassinLou

Quote from: FlatsNBay on October 21, 2017, 07:41:36 PM
The wording is kinda confusing. You can interpret "legally accessed waters" as both public and private bodies of water with permission since both would be accessed legally. One person receiving permission from a land owner would actually be accessing the water " legally".  Would it be ok if the same land owner allowed anybody and everybody to fish? Or maybe if he allowed only one or two people or the one and only one that asked for permission?  I think that i see what you are trying to get at though. I would recommend cleaning up the language a bit to make it more clear. Maybe change it to "waters of the state with public access points"?

Was their a problem with it before? Why the change?
Thank you for the input Steve. You have more experience with all the laws you have to know for your job. That clarification was helpful.


Quote from: Bassinlou on October 21, 2017, 08:28:27 AM
PoPo Changes for Novemeber  PoPo

With November being about 11 days away, and our season reaching its half way point, I have made an addendum to our club rules. This rule has been in the works for quite some time, Mike Cork and I have bounced this idea back and forth a few times and we feel its time to institute this addendum.

I know this addendum will/might effect current and future participants of our club, but this addendum will provide an equal advantage for anyone who chooses to participate in our monthly competitions.  For many of you however, it will be business as usual.

The addendum is as follows:

Rule #4b: Only LMB caught in Legally Accessed Waters will be accepted in this competition. Fishing in Private and/or fenced in waters is Prohibited. The only exception to this rule will be Home Owner Association Communities which permit fishing for their residents and their guests.

Please keep in mind. This addendum will go into effect on WED Nov 1st. I'm simply making this announcement now so if there is any discussion to be had, we will transition smoothly on Nov 1st.

If anyone has any discussion points they would like share, you are welcome to reach me privately or here on this thread.
I think it's as simple as does everyone  (public) have access,  where you live geographically not withstanding, or are they private (permission required).  I never post fish from my neighborhood ponds because they are technically private property inside a gated community.  I think for the contest, it should be public waters only. As for sharing good catches, anything goes.




Quote from: FlatsNBay on October 21, 2017, 07:41:36 PM
The wording is kinda confusing. You can interpret "legally accessed waters" as both public and private bodies of water with permission since both would be accessed legally. One person receiving permission from a land owner would actually be accessing the water " legally".  Would it be ok if the same land owner allowed anybody and everybody to fish? Or maybe if he allowed only one or two people or the one and only one that asked for permission?  I think that i see what you are trying to get at though. I would recommend cleaning up the language a bit to make it more clear. Maybe change it to "waters of the state with public access points"?

Was their a problem with it before? Why the change?

I know why there was the change.




Quote from: TR21PDCTampa on October 21, 2017, 07:57:14 PM

You know too. Remember stating that you couldn't compete with guys who jump fences? Lou agrees.

Capt. BassinLou

I'm going to nip this all this in the bud. This addendum has been in the works for quite some time, and next month was the best time to put this rule into effect. The reason for this addendum is simple. To make this monthly event fair and competitive for everyone, fishing on public waters makes it an even playing field for everyone who chooses to participate each month.


Quote from: Tressbasser on October 21, 2017, 08:02:44 PM
You know too. Remember stating that you couldn't compete with guys who jump fences? Lou agrees.
Who wouldn't agree? You're the most secretive guy here. Not wanting to start an argument but you even admitted that you fish private waters a couple of months ago when you visited a family member or friend and someone asked where? You stated it's private by permission only.

Let's just say I'm less than impressed with your catches in what amounts to a private bathtub.




So, if you live in a residential area or apartments  that has a lake, can you fish that? If you are a guest of someone in one of those areas, can you fish that? What if someone who wants to join lives on a golf course? That's some of the best bass fishing on earth. Wouldn't these folks all have an unfair advantage?
The way I see it, we all have the same opportunities to fish anywhere we want. This rule removes fishing waters for everyone.
I worked long and hard to find the places I fish, and was successful at it long before joining this club. I've spent many, many hours on Google Maps, days and days doing reconnaissance, and knocked on doors asking for permission to fish promising lakes.
There are some lakes where I have been asked to leave, and I left, never to return. Many of  the lakes I fish are technically private, but are still popular with many local anglers, with no problems from maintenance or security personnel, including the fenced lake at the school. The fence is to keep the kids out of the lake - the guard that lives right next to the lake says nothing to the anglers. I've never posted a fish from anywhere that is posted or has "No Tresspassing" or "No Fishing" signs.
I would, and have tried to, encourage everyone on this site to get out there and find new waters. I've shared my system with you guys, even though, locally, I don't want to see any more fishermen joining the hunt. Nevertheless, each year there are more and more people fishing the places I discovered. Every time I visit these lakes, I have to go and clean up someone else's old line or other mess. The fish are getting taken from many lakes, and they are getting harder and harder to catch. Other lakes are getting developed, and will soon be out of my rotation, so I keep working to find more.
Really, I shouldn't be sharing my methods, but on this website, I find it fun to share with you guys. Most of you don't live close to me, so there is plenty (we live in Florida, so I mean PLENTY) of water to go around. Heck, some of you guys have access to better lakes and ponds than I do. I'd like to see all of you getting after it, using kayaks or pond boats, or just bank fishing. If you live in a neighborhood with a lake, gated or not, tear it up. If you have a bass boat, to me, that is a real advantage, and I say, go get 'em - you worked hard to earn that, and deserve to be recognized for your efforts. If you are lucky enough to live on a lake, I'll trade places with you right now.
I don't have a gold mine. I just put in a ridiculous amount of time and effort to find better water than the next guy. I would imagine that my fishing hours to fish caught ratio is probably worse than many. I get skunked all the time, even on the best spots. If anyone thinks I have some crazy honey hole that nobody else can access, they are wrong. And if you think I have an advantage because I fish where I do, then just go do the same. Put in the time that I have. That's the way to even things out, and we would all have better stringers and tighter competition to show for it.
This is not an effort to change the rule, nor is any disrespect meant to anyone. Just the opposite, I've always maintained that I respect all of you guys as anglers. We fish where we fish, and it's been nice to have this website, and competition to share our catches. I could keep competing, fishing only the few public lakes in my area. But these lakes suck, and I probably won't spend much time at them. I could probably still post some modest stringers, but why bother? I like to catch big fish, so I go where the big fish live. You can all do the same, and we would all benefit from it.


Quote from: TR21PDCTampa on October 21, 2017, 08:19:38 PM
Who wouldn't agree? You're the most secretive guy here. Not wanting to start an argument but you even admitted that you fish private waters a couple of months ago when you visited a family member or friend and someone asked where? You stated it's private by permission only.

Let's just say I'm less than impressed with your catches in what amounts to a private bathtub.


I told Cport in a public post that the lake was Redwater Lake. It is south of Melrose. I put in about 14 hours in blistering heat to catch 3 fish. It is a tough lake to fish, and far from a bathtub. Trust me friend, if I had your boat I would be putting in my time in that, and would be just as successful. Before reading this post, I stated that I respected all of you as anglers. Thanks for returning the sentiment.


Quote from: Lipripper on October 21, 2017, 06:29:58 PM
That's strange looking dock . No fishing at all or just that they don't like it when you fish there?
They allow fishing there in other areas I think. But it is mainly for walking and pictures. Beautiful spot. We seen quite a few gators as well. One big one right by us and one crossed the path in front of us.

This was a GoPro shot.  It was right off the bank.

Here's the park: Circle B Bar Reserve

Lake Hancock is almost all talpia and is commercially fished most days of the week for them. Lots of gators.. never heard the fishing was any good though.


I live on a Lake and rarely fish it. It's windy and full of jet skis. Caught only a few fish out of it. Despite normally fishing it a few times a week from the dock and local bank.

I caught my 9lber on a private lake not far from Lee's house. Didn't post that fish back then. Still wouldn't now. I would probably still have the longest fish if I did.

New rule doesn't bother me any. But I also wouldn't hunt deer after planting corn for them. Defeats the whole point IMO.

I plan on coming around for the classic every year but once we travel I won't live in Florida :-(


Quote from: West6550 on October 21, 2017, 10:00:29 PM
I live on a Lake and rarely fish it. It's windy and full of jet skis. Caught only a few fish out of it. Despite normally fishing it a few times a week from the dock and local bank.

I caught my 9lber on a private lake not far from Lee's house. Didn't post that fish back then. Still wouldn't now. I would probably still have the longest fish if I did.

New rule doesn't bother me any. But I also wouldn't hunt deer after planting corn for them. Defeats the whole point IMO.

I plan on coming around for the classic every year but once we travel I won't live in Florida :-(
West, I respect your not posting your big fish. But it wouldn't bother me one bit it you did post it. You still had to find the fish, throw the right lure, and land the fish. Everyone here probably knows someone with a lake or pond they can ask for permission to fish. If they don't, then they can knock on doors because it never hurts to ask. It all evens out.
The deer analogy, I don't get. No one is feeding the fish (although, the public FMA's around here have fish feeders - go figure). I don't hunt for deer, but I agree that planting corn for them is like cheating. Plus, it involves killing the animal, which we never do with our fish. I want those fish to be caught by someone else, or even me, next year when they are even bigger.
My whole point was that rather than restricting where we can fish, why not let everybody hunt for lesser pressured water - not posted or "no fishing" areas, though. All the places I fish are pressured, and though not necessarily public, might as well be. We have a well known angler/journalist, Bob McNally, who every spring writes an article in the newspaper encouraging anglers to hit up local ponds (not just public, but ones like I fish in industrial/office parks, apartments, and retention ponds) in search of big bedding bass. It always makes me mad to see that, because it draws more and more people to the places I fish all year, which are already getting crowded.


As an observer of the competition and occasional participant, I think by limiting it to public water is a slippery slope. Why not limit it to only bank fishing in public parks because bass boats are definitely an advantage? Heck, I live close to the famous Stick Marsh and fishing there vs. a city park could be interpreted as a advantage. Many of the private waters that I fish (with permission) are no sure things. Fishing is fishing and is often a struggle or challenge anywhere you go. If someone beats the pants off me during any particular month good for them because I fish private water too. I probably don't have a dog in the hunt because I actually have more enjoyment following the competition instead of participating in it. I really do enjoy following the reports and occasionally participating​ from any and all bodies of water as intentionally vague as they may be. If you follow my reports I'm intentionally vague as to the location since it is posting on a public forum. I don't want any more pressure to any of the waters that I fish.  To bring it back around, I don't think fishing in private waters is a walk in the park by any means. I think that we all have the same opportunities to work hard, find fishing spots and figure out how to catch these crazy bass that don't always bite. I really enjoy and have mad respect for each and every one of you that compete in both public and private bodies of water. That's what I enjoy about following the competition, it's for bragging rights only, everybody is respectful and forthcoming about how they caught them, and it doesn't matter where they caught them. Many of us fish private waters too.


Tress I am sure it wouldn't bother you. You not getting the deer reference shows you look at things differently than I do. Nothing wrong with that, but I disagree. I never said you were feeding fish. Although if you'll jump a fence, why not toss some dog food out on your best spots. If everyone does it, it'll only improve everyone's catch. See what I mean now? I know guys that own private land and plant corn in the same areas year after year. I don't even hunt, but if I did I wouldn't do that. Just like I don't toss dog food off my dock at home.

I agree with Flats, it's a slippery slope either way in my opinion. Regardless if it's bragging only or not you are gonna get different opinions. Limiting this to Florida only will stop me from competing while traveling. That doesn't bother me either.


I like the official rule change. In fact I started the push for it in November of 2015. Those of you who were around then know why. I'm glad it finally moved from the "unwritten rule" category to being in black and white.

Boiled down it speaks to the integrity of the club as an organization and the spirit of competition in its most basic form.
If I have to explain what that means, then you're not going to understand it anyway, as my grandmother would say.
The underlying values that this club was founded on aren't prevalent in society today and just don't appear to be important to many people anymore. I see in my children's friends, my employees and in the general public at large.
Maybe I'm just a member of the "get off my lawn" crowd, but there is much more to this "competition" than winning.

Sent from the end of the paved road.....
Arti-FISH-ial Entertainment Guide Service
FDx Custom Rods                                   SwampCat Boat Works

Capt. BassinLou

The implementation of this new rule has brought up several valid discussion points, some I agree with and others I do not. Flat's the phrase you used "slippery slope" hit the nail right right on the head in regards to this discussion. Compelling arguments have been made on the pro's and con's, advantages and disadvantages of fishing on "private" and public water's. Trying to devise a set of guidelines and parameters to a "virtual" club such as this one has been extremely challenging over the years. 

As some of you already know, the FLBR has been around for close to 6 years now. 4 on UB and the other 2 elsewhere. I have been fortunate to have been involved with this club since its original inception and have come across numerous  participants scattered all over the state with access to public and private waters. During all this time, I have been collecting data. Lots and lots of data, and through this collection of fish caught, I have been able to correlate the advantages and disadvantages of fishing private in private and public water.

Like I mentioned earlier, to devise a set of guidelines that will appease everyone in this virtual club where every one of its anglers have, or do not have, access to productive waters continues to be a challenge. This change is indeed a "slippery slope", I have consulted with several anglers outside of our club and from other parts of the country, and have discussed with them who we are and what we do here on the FLBR and the concensus has been that the good outweighs the bad with the addition of this new addendum. I believe this addendum addresses a loose end we have had in this club for quite some time. I apologize to everyone who is directly effected by this change, and leading this group has its challenges and I accept the fact that I will not be liked by everyone when a change is made. However, when it comes to the FLBRC  I have all of your best interests in mind and I will do my best to make this club fun and competitive.


Lou I would be extremely interested to see how the data collected was managed.  Could you pm me please.  Thanks. 

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Capt. BassinLou

Quote from: flowerjohn on October 22, 2017, 09:54:03 AM
Lou I would be extremely interested to see how the data collected was managed.  Could you pm me please.  Thanks. 

Message sent via the FC Network.
Pages and pages of spreadsheets with names of people you don't know or know where they are from, and the waters they fish,  will make the deciphering of the information pretty useless John.


So, is "public" defined as only State sanctioned FMA's? If any of us fishes a lake that has apartments, for instance,  and the permission is only tacit, are those prohibited? If so, what if someone who lives in said apartments which allow fishing only for residents  wishes to join the club?
You asked Cport if any other club members walked up to one of his lakes, would they be able to fish it. Is this one of the parameters?

Capt. BassinLou

Quote from: Tressbasser on October 22, 2017, 10:02:02 AM
So, is "public" defined as only State sanctioned FMA's? If any of us fishes a lake that has apartments, for instance,  and the permission is only tacit, are those prohibited? If so, what if someone who lives in said apartments which allow fishing only for residents  wishes to join the club?
You asked Cport if any other club members walked up to one of his lakes, would they be able to fish it. Is this one of the parameters?
If the apartments fall under the parameters of the addendum, yes.


Quote from: Bassinlou on October 22, 2017, 09:57:25 AM
Pages and pages of spreadsheets with names of people you don't know or know where they are from, and the waters they fish,  will make the deciphering of the information pretty useless John.

And to what type of analysis did you subject this data?

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Capt. BassinLou

Quote from: flowerjohn on October 22, 2017, 10:13:42 AM
And to what type of analysis did you subject this data?

Message sent via the FC Network.
John... I don't know where you are going with these questions. If you like, you are more than welcome to  go over the last four years of public information that is posted on this forum, track down all present and past participants and the lenghts of the fish caught as well as their reports that they provided  and have at it.