Bait Monkey -- You're Fired (Confessional)!!

Started by caddyjoe77, March 31, 2017, 01:21:36 AM

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Quote from: cport on November 11, 2017, 04:43:44 PM
You sir, obviously, do not know Mrs cport

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Does she complain cause yo don't take her every time you go. lo lo

Kats Rule And Bass Drool.Viet Nam Vet



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11lb 2 oz PB 🎣


Quote from: cport on November 11, 2017, 05:22:12 PM

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~roflmao ~roflmao at least she understands why you have to go fishing some much. Does she try and lay a guilt trip on you.  ;D

Kats Rule And Bass Drool.Viet Nam Vet


Before and after

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11lb 2 oz PB 🎣


Quote from: cport on November 11, 2017, 05:25:49 PM
Before and after

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Oh well she at least puts up with it  ;D

Kats Rule And Bass Drool.Viet Nam Vet


Quote from: Lipripper on November 11, 2017, 05:32:47 PM
Oh well she at least puts up with it  ;D
Dude, is she paying you?

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11lb 2 oz PB 🎣


Quote from: cport on November 11, 2017, 05:34:08 PM
Dude, is she paying you?

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Nope as you said
Quote from: cport on November 11, 2017, 04:43:44 PM
You sir, obviously, do not know Mrs cport

Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Tapatalk

~roflmao ~roflmao

Kats Rule And Bass Drool.Viet Nam Vet


Chris, she is paying him!  ~shhh

Gotta love it when the santa mailman delivers the new package of goods! I got something new to try out- soft rubber rat'l trap type of lures with glo sticks...

And just to stay out of trouble with the non-sponsor brand police, I have obscured all references to brand names and websites...

And here is a strictly Florida thang... something else just arrived and all new- now I get to take a pair of boobs fishing with me, and no it is not a couple of my buddies or a stripper or two or three... there is a new bait hitting the market with an interesting back story that is either funny or can make ya angry depending on how it is taken... but yeah, here it is... the all new Florida bass boobs! But will it catch bass as much as it might some fishermen???

And yes, this perky pair of boobs is real even if silicone!  ~shade

These are actually hitting the market here in Florida. Will they take off or will they sag??? Pun intended.

These will be sold as a single pair or a bag of boobs!

And just for the record... I just got my hands on these and have not tried them out so I can not say yay or nay on them. Just showing what just arrived. These are about to hit Lake Toho very soon...

So Lip what would you do with these if you got your hands on some??? Play with them or fish with them???  :-*

And did I mention the company putting these out is 100% all women behind this product??? Not men. Apparently this is for men sort of like what Hugh Hefner did but without the magazine...
Words are the exercise for the brain. Words are life expressed... without words we die a slow meaningless death. Silence to the grave is no way to go! So live! Use words! Power of the pen is sharper than any sword! Make it so! Mom said don't surround yourself with idiots! Fly higher than the Eagles... and don't run with the turkeys! Deus Vult!


 lo lo ~roflmao ~roflmao lo lo

I imagine it will cleave thru the water. Will it only catch males? Looks like it will make the bass more perky. Does it guarantee big bags? Or is it like putting  ^-^ on a boar? Please keep us abreast on how they perform.

(Oh, I'm gonna milk this for all its worth!)
11lb 2 oz PB 🎣


Does this titillate the bass? Not sure how that guarantees big bags? Does this lure need to be worked like pop, wait, pop-pop, wait and pop again! or a different cadence like  "bounce off the bottom" with a good strong lift, and let it down again to the bottom before repeating the process.  ~roflmao


Quote from: SteveTX on November 11, 2017, 09:43:28 PM
Does this titillate the bass? Not sure how that guarantees big bags? Does this lure need to be worked like pop, wait, pop-pop, wait and pop again! or a different cadence like  "bounce off the bottom" with a good strong lift, and let it down again to the bottom before repeating the process.  ~roflmao
Titillate, nice! I wonder how they'll work with this nip in the air?

Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Tapatalk

11lb 2 oz PB 🎣


If I brought something in the house like that my wife don't have a sense of hummer and would go to the kitchen and   ~roflmao ~roflmao So FFF keep them down in Florida  ;D

Kats Rule And Bass Drool.Viet Nam Vet


Quote from: Lipripper on November 12, 2017, 07:46:27 AM
If I brought something in the house like that my wife don't have a sense of hummer and would go to the kitchen and   ~roflmao ~roflmao So FFF keep them down in Florida  ;D

Lip, I really have to question the creation of these new boob lures. I mean, what sort of motivation is behind the creation of them? Clearly the women behind these lures want to make money selling them, but what sort of thought went into their creation?

Most lure companies make lures that in some way resemble various naturally occurring foods that fish are already feeding on. And lure companies go out of their way to tank test their lures to create life like movements, shapes, and other characteristics designed to entice a fish to eat it or attack it.

But I have to really wonder what sort of natural food for fish does this lure resemble or is it even created to resemble anything at all in the fish world?

It seems to me by making the lure shaped like a nude woman laying on her back with boobs is not really designed for the fish. It really appears to be a design to attract male fishermen.

So I really have to question the legitimacy of a product like this one. And I have to really question the motivations behind its creation. It clearly appears to me to be a product designed for men by women to extract money from the pockets of men. It is "woops"ism in lure form.

So for us men we can either laugh at it as some sort of a joke, or also be kind of peeved that someone is trying to manipulate us men for money with "woops"ism in the same way Hugh Hefner made his career and fortune.

It seems the people behind this lure design are trying to make fools of us men for profit. Imagine if the situation were the gender reverse? We would never hear the end of it!  ~bb And we would never hear the end of the wiggle the worm jokes either!

And just out of curiosity... how would we go about rigging this lure? If weedless, then boobs up or boobs down? And where do we bury the hook barb? Should the hook slide down between the boobs? Yeah. I can see what sort of thought went into the creation of this new lure.

Wouldn't it be kind of funny if some national tournaments were won using this lure and some professional bass fisherman had to show on camera how to rig one of these and use it???  ~b~

With lures like this one, the joke is on us it seems if we buy into it. I don't plan on making these a regular purchase type of thing. I would use this for the joke it appears to be. It would be kind of funny to 1)have something other fishermen don't and then 2)whip up on them with it.
Words are the exercise for the brain. Words are life expressed... without words we die a slow meaningless death. Silence to the grave is no way to go! So live! Use words! Power of the pen is sharper than any sword! Make it so! Mom said don't surround yourself with idiots! Fly higher than the Eagles... and don't run with the turkeys! Deus Vult!


FFF you know the ol saying "THERE'S A SUCKER BORN EVERY MINUTE"  and there are a lot of suckers out there who would buy anything.  lo lo

Kats Rule And Bass Drool.Viet Nam Vet


Quote from: Lipripper on November 12, 2017, 10:53:22 AM
FFF you know the ol saying "THERE'S A SUCKER BORN EVERY MINUTE"  and there are a lot of suckers out there who would buy anything.  lo lo

You are so right Lip. And I think that is precisely what the people behind this product are counting on. Making suckers out of us fishermen, but I honestly don't think a product like this one will go very far. I think if they truly want to be successful with their brand then they need to drop the "woops"ism and get in on the realistic life like product game plan.
Words are the exercise for the brain. Words are life expressed... without words we die a slow meaningless death. Silence to the grave is no way to go! So live! Use words! Power of the pen is sharper than any sword! Make it so! Mom said don't surround yourself with idiots! Fly higher than the Eagles... and don't run with the turkeys! Deus Vult!


I have to argue that most lure companies may follow a traditional method to their madness. However that is truly not the case of some very successful lures though history. Innovation be it "woops" driven or fish driven can a good thing. I am not saying this particular attempt will out fish a worm or not, but there are many many lures id be willing to say lack the look of a typical fish meal.

I often laugh watching YouTube videos when the tuber insinuates a particular lure is imitating _____ . Seriously has anyone stood back and really looked at a jig with no trailer. It looks absolutely like what sitting there? Now as fishermen we can dream of it as what ever but to the rest of the world that has never known what one was remove the hook and id bet money they couldn't guess what the hell it is. OK want to argue that one try this look up Yoshihiko Ando Lures, Jackall Pompadour, or the Mepps Black Fury. If not for the hooks someone that was not a angler wouldn't know what a ton of this stuff was. The list goes on and on. 

All that said In the configuration it is in I wouldn't try it. Although I bet you money I can catch fish with it. Make that bad girl white and buoyant (put air in the breasts maybe have a air valve? ) where I can float it through the lilly pad fields and I can make a case its a top water catcher. Finish her feet and Ill make her swim face down and I guarantee Ill catch fish with her. Heck finished like that I might buy one just to say I did and to post a pic with my fish.


Quote from: SteveTX on November 12, 2017, 11:23:07 AM
I have to argue that most lure companies may follow a traditional method to their madness. However that is truly not the case of some very successful lures though history. Innovation be it "woops" driven or fish driven can a good thing. I am not saying this particular attempt will out fish a worm or not, but there are many many lures id be willing to say lack the look of a typical fish meal.

I often laugh watching YouTube videos when the tuber insinuates a particular lure is imitating _____ . Seriously has anyone stood back and really looked at a jig with no trailer. It looks absolutely like what sitting there? Now as fishermen we can dream of it as what ever but to the rest of the world that has never known what one was remove the hook and id bet money they couldn't guess what the hell it is. OK want to argue that one try this look up Yoshihiko Ando Lures, Jackall Pompadour, or the Mepps Black Fury. If not for the hooks someone that was not a angler wouldn't know what a ton of this stuff was. The list goes on and on. 

All that said In the configuration it is in I wouldn't try it. Although I bet you money I can catch fish with it. Make that bad girl white and buoyant (put air in the breasts maybe have a air valve? ) where I can float it through the lilly pad fields and I can make a case its a top water catcher. Finish her feet and Ill make her swim face down and I guarantee Ill catch fish with her. Heck finished like that I might buy one just to say I did and to post a pic with my fish.
Check out the Kong. I have one in my display case. Lol


My wife says she is gonna leave me if I go fishing one more time........lord how I will miss that woman.


Quote from: FloridaFishinFool on November 12, 2017, 10:34:30 AM
Lip, I really have to question the creation of these new boob lures. I mean, what sort of motivation is behind the creation of them? Clearly the women behind these lures want to make money selling them, but what sort of thought went into their creation?

Quote from: FloridaFishinFool on November 12, 2017, 11:07:58 AM
You are so right Lip. And I think that is precisely what the people behind this product are counting on. Making suckers out of us fishermen,

I notice that so far you're the only one who has bought one. ~roflmao ~roflmao ;) ::)

Old Fishermen never die, their rods just go limp.


Quote from: Oldfart9999 on November 12, 2017, 06:53:19 PM

I notice that so far you're the only one who has bought one. ~roflmao ~roflmao ;) ::)

Actually mine were free!!! Call it a perk of the business and traveling sales people... and those free samples...

Rodney, I wouldn't buy these unless for a joke... ya know???  ~gf
Words are the exercise for the brain. Words are life expressed... without words we die a slow meaningless death. Silence to the grave is no way to go! So live! Use words! Power of the pen is sharper than any sword! Make it so! Mom said don't surround yourself with idiots! Fly higher than the Eagles... and don't run with the turkeys! Deus Vult!


You should hang one from a tree branch in a busy fishing area, like it was snagged. Then sit and wait for someone to come by and find it. Lol


My wife says she is gonna leave me if I go fishing one more time........lord how I will miss that woman.


Quote from: LgMouthGambler on November 13, 2017, 03:28:14 AM
You should hang one from a tree branch in a busy fishing area, like it was snagged. Then sit and wait for someone to come by and find it. Lol


Don't forget the deer cam and to post the videos here!!!!
Old Fishermen never die, their rods just go limp.

SFL BassHunter

Ladies and Gentlemen, the monkey has been caged and it's not happy. But it will only be released for a few reasons and promptly put back in the cage.

Reason 1: A specific rod that shall not be named at this time.
Reason 2: I run out of my favorite baits and color of said baits. A reorder will be an acceptable use of funds.

That is all. :shocking: :shocking: :shocking:
PB: 6lbs 5oz / 24.25 inches.
Rods/Reels Dobyns, 13 Fishing, Cabelas Arachnid, Daiwa Tatula CT, Tatula SVTW, Tatula Tactical, Tatula Type R
Florida Bass Fishing


Does it start with an L and end with an R? or start with a D and end with an S? C'mon Rick, don't be coy...
11lb 2 oz PB 🎣


Quote from: LgMouthGambler on November 13, 2017, 03:28:14 AM
You should hang one from a tree branch in a busy fishing area, like it was snagged. Then sit and wait for someone to come by and find it. Lol

That would make a funny video.  lo lo
Quote from: rickdelprado on November 13, 2017, 10:42:01 AM
Ladies and Gentlemen, the monkey has been caged and it's not happy. But it will only be released for a few reasons and promptly put back in the cage.

Reason 1: A specific rod that shall not be named at this time.
Reason 2: I run out of my favorite baits and color of said baits. A reorder will be an acceptable use of funds.

That is all. :shocking: :shocking: :shocking:

Kats Rule And Bass Drool.Viet Nam Vet

SFL BassHunter

Quote from: cport on November 13, 2017, 10:57:09 AM
Does it start with an L and end with an R? or start with a D and end with an S? C'mon Rick, don't be coy...

Sorry CPort. Don't know what you're talking about. I'm bad with the alphabet lol.

PB: 6lbs 5oz / 24.25 inches.
Rods/Reels Dobyns, 13 Fishing, Cabelas Arachnid, Daiwa Tatula CT, Tatula SVTW, Tatula Tactical, Tatula Type R
Florida Bass Fishing