Multiple New Hampshire Foxes Displaying Symptoms of Canine Distemper

Started by Smallie_Stalker, December 02, 2016, 04:45:52 PM

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News from the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department

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Multiple New Hampshire Foxes Displaying Symptoms of Canine Distemper

Patrick Tate (NHFG): 603-868-1095
Dr. Stephen Crawford (State Veterinarian, NH Dept. of Agriculture, Markets & Food):
Jane Vachon: 603-271-3211

December 2, 2016

CONCORD, NH -- Deceased gray foxes displaying symptoms of Canine Distemper have been reported recently in the Upper Connecticut River Valley and southern New Hampshire. The NH Fish and Game Department and the NH Department of Agriculture, Markets & Food advise the public to be aware of this situation and to be diligent about keeping pet vaccinations current.

Canine distemper is a naturally occurring viral infection spread by close animal contact, such as den (sleeping quarter) sharing. According to NH Fish and Game Department furbearer biologist Patrick Tate, the rate at which the virus is spread among wildlife depends upon the density of animals on the landscape. As a species population increases, the virus is more easily transmitted by increased numbers of individuals interacting. Among wildlife, canine distemper can occur in foxes, coyotes, skunks, raccoons, mink, weasel, fisher and otter. Behavioral symptoms indicative of canine distemper include tameness, confusion, and high-risk daytime activity such as walking down, or standing near, busy streets during times of peak human activity such as mid-day. Displayed symptoms occur late during the infection, and most animals suffer from neurological complications.

Canine distemper is fatal to wildlife. There is no effective means for vaccinating wildlife against the disease, nor is there any cure to treat an animal after infection. Fortunately, canine distemper is not transferable to humans.

Pet owners take note:

Canine distemper can be transferred to domestic dogs and ferrets. Cats cannot get canine distemper, however there is an unrelated virus called feline distemper that targets cat species.

Domestic animals can easily be vaccinated to prevent infections. Regular revaccination is the number one step in safeguarding pets. Like wildlife, there is no treatment for domestic animals once infected. Distemper is often fatal, and animals that survive usually have permanent nervous system damage.

It is important to note the majority of incidents of wildlife reported with canine distemper occur  during the spring and summer, when wildlife are most active breeding and raising young. Domestic dogs can be infected at any time of the year. Given the scenario at hand, it is important for owners to discuss distemper vaccination with their veterinarians and monitor pet activity outdoors to prevent interactions with wildlife. Anyone who believes their pet may have been exposed to or be suffering from canine distemper should contact their veterinarian.

For more information on canine distemper, talk with your veterinarian. 

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