Leader knot from braid to mono

Started by Trap2016, September 30, 2016, 10:08:07 AM

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 What knot is best to tie for a leader from braid to mono and where can I see a video of it?? Everybody knows that the braid is slick (POWER PRO) how does it stay together?????


SFL BassHunter

Seen a growing number of youtube anglers using an FG Knot and several websites stating it is one of the strongest and thinnest knots for braid to mono. Never tried it though, seems complicated.
PB: 6lbs 5oz / 24.25 inches.
Rods/Reels Dobyns, 13 Fishing, Cabelas Arachnid, Daiwa Tatula CT, Tatula SVTW, Tatula Tactical, Tatula Type R
Florida Bass Fishing


I use a uni to uni. The knot is in the book that comes with Power Pro.


Quote from: rickdelprado on September 30, 2016, 10:36:20 AM
Seen a growing number of youtube anglers using an FG Knot and several websites stating it is one of the strongest and thinnest knots for braid to mono. Never tried it though, seems complicated.

I'm going to try that tonight. I like that sucker



SFL BassHunter

I used to use a leader and did uni to uni. It's easy and fast but I broke off too many times to count. Eventually I switched out the braid in a few reels and went straight mono. I need to learn that FG knot though it looks like the real deal.

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PB: 6lbs 5oz / 24.25 inches.
Rods/Reels Dobyns, 13 Fishing, Cabelas Arachnid, Daiwa Tatula CT, Tatula SVTW, Tatula Tactical, Tatula Type R
Florida Bass Fishing

Mike Cork

I use a surgeons knot and it works great. It may not be as narrow as the FG knot but it's very close

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service


I should say I only use mono and the uni to uni for backing. Leaders here.. nah lol


The FG knot is Aaron Marten's latest recommendation if that makes a difference.  ~sun
Dobyns Rods   Titan Tungsten   Abu Garcia  Berkley  Pflueger  Spiderwire


FG knot is very easy and fast to tie and extremely narrow. But as much as I want to love it I have had it unravel a good bit. Don't know if I'm doing something wrong but I don't think I am.


Lee Smith

Quote from: cortman on September 30, 2016, 02:43:05 PM
FG knot is very easy and fast to tie and extremely narrow. But as much as I want to love it I have had it unravel a good bit. Don't know if I'm doing something wrong but I don't think I am.

How many cinch knots are you putting at the end cortman?  I use 3 and then a double.
Builder of Custom Personal Bassin' Rods


Slim Beauty, great knot.  Braid doesn't cut through the leader like other knots do.


"If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito" - African Proverb.  Jim


When I use a leader, I use uni to uni.
5 or 6 twists on the mono, 9 on the braid.


Quote from: Lee Smith on September 30, 2016, 03:31:52 PM
How many cinch knots are you putting at the end cortman?  I use 3 and then a double.

I'm using 2. Should probably switch up to 3 or more.



Quote from: Mike Cork on September 30, 2016, 11:40:58 AM
I use a surgeons knot and it works great. It may not be as narrow as the FG knot but it's very close
Hey Mike--when you tie the surgeons knot do you do a single-double or triple knot?  I have used the triple some but was wondering if I need to go three times.   Thanks


I used to use a double surgeons knot. It worked great with power pro but found that it slipped with some of the more slicker braids. Now I tie a double uni and have never had it fail. It takes a little more time to tie than the surgeons.

Go Noles!

Hoop Goobner

Quote from: rickdelprado on September 30, 2016, 10:54:56 AM
I used to use a leader and did uni to uni. It's easy and fast but I broke off too many times to count.

I've had the same issue over the years.  I countered it by either going straight braid when possible, or loosening my drag some when using a leader.  I tried going with straight fluoro to eliminate the need for a leader, and quickly learned that I absolutely hate fluoro on a baitcaster just as much as I hate it on a spinning reel.   


primarily use flouro leaders on my drop shot/shaky head spinning set ups.

maybe I'm doing something wrong, but never had them break on me.  use 6, 8 lb flouro and 12#
suffix braid.


Quote from: Tavery5 on September 30, 2016, 08:16:03 PM
Albright or Alberto

Just watched the FG knot I believe I need to try that one!
retired! now there is more time to fish!


Alberto Knot is the one I use.  I experimented with a lot of different knots.  The 'regular' Albright can slip.  Easier to tie than the Slim Beauty, IMO.  Smaller than the Surgeons.  FG Knot seems overly complicated to tie.  Uni to Uni slips for me.

With the Alberto, you don't need to double up a line (use a bight).  Make the 'loop' with the mono or fluoro leader & wrap with the braid.


Triple surgeons knot,easy to tie in the wind..I've never had it fail.


+1 on uni-uni knot.  Doesn't slip, very strong.