Red River Bass Fishing Reports

Started by Mike V, July 11, 2003, 08:39:07 AM

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Hey Clint, welcome aboard im sure you will find some usefull info here, i dont fish the red much because i really dont know it that good myself. but what i do know is the white house which is a good community hole but the area is so big that people dont mind giving away info cause if someones says i been catching fish in the whitehouse on spinnerbaits doesnt mean everyone can catch fish on spinnerbaits so i know i dont mind helping anybody out ( except you know who, mc ) so im sure you will find all the info you want..

Mike Cork

MC  :-\ who are you refering too ~roflmao

Clint Welcome aboard, you will find great information here on all the lakes in the area. And if you have a question everyone here will point you in the right direction.

Looking forward to hearing about your trips to the river, good luck  :-*

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service


Thanks guys for the welcome ~c~, unfortunatly my next day off wont be till this sunday. I work at Bellsouth and we sent a few people to Fla to help for the hurricane damage which leaves us short handed. So they want us to work mon-sat even sundays once in awhile too ~xyz. BTW I live in S'port and the drive to clarks is pretty long. I heard that there is a launch by the port off hwy 1 on the S'port side. Any truth to that?
Any of yall launch there? :-\

I caught you a delicious bass!


Yes there is a public launch right by the dam. Nice ramp also, on the water it is just a little south of Clarks.

bond o

I use the Bishops Point launch (near the dam on S'port side) all the time, worse thing about it is the dusty road to it...a wet trailer and a dusty road make a terrible sight...I wish they would blacktop or, at least, oil that road...

Whatcam, the launch is on a lake (trivia question...what's the name of that lake?), not the main river. You go out to the right to get to the river; as you go thru the stickups just before the river there is a little boat road just off the right bank that you can get thru without any stumps to bump you around...

Speaking of that part of the river, Friday AM, I fished White House hard with several colors of  ribbits and horny toads, spinner baits, brush hogs, top waters, and buzz baits, even crank baits and rattle traps, then fished the rocks, then locked thru (for the first time) and fished rocks below the dam...all for one little it just me?

bond o

need to learn how to use the underline key a little better, huh?

Mike Cork

 :roll2: bond o , I am sure you will get it figured out. If you go to dock talk several of the jabber fingers that live in that forum would be excited to run you threw a tutorial ;)

The river is hit or miss right now, I know they had an ABA tournament there recently that only took 11 pounds to win and 7 pounds to cut a check. There are some really good fisherman in that thing and those are some tough weights.

Looks like you were looking for mostly a reaction pattern, next time out when it is that tough slow down and pitch a worm or brush hog to some deeper brush or timber on the creek break lines :-* Sometimes that will get you a keeper or two :-* There are several tournaments coming up on the river in the next few weeks we will have to watch and see how they do :-*

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service

dave the dope man

Bond O, the lake is called Bishops lake.....there is your trivia....
By the way....anyone considering fishing the Red on Sunday may want to find another place to fish.....BASS is holding the Weekend series out of Clarks and from what I was told today they have over 70 boats registered. So, you may want to try some new water...My suggestion would be Caddo or Grand Bayou in Coushatta.............hope this helps and reduces your aggrivation factor on the Red tommrow...................Dave

Siggy by DundeeMike


Well I went to the river today and didnt catch squat! Found bishops launch though and it was alot better drive than to clarks. As far as the trivia question isnt that Bill James Lake? Anyway I really liked the launch, easier drive and not very crowded either, only about 10 boats there. Fished from about 630 till 1130 and only got one bite on the ribbit frog against the rocks on the right going back to little ninock right off the bat. Fished back there till about 930 then left and headed to McDade but the spot I wanted was being fished, sooo I piddled around in there fishing a brush hog in the timber and figured it was time to hit the rocks so I took off and headed for the bee hive hole and hit some rocks along the way that had openings in them, I beleave it was along caspiana. Nothing there, went to the beehive hole and got fed up and left out about 11. Then fished the channel around bishops and called it a day. It was a nice morning anyway. Hope somebody had some luck out there!


dave the dope man

'What cam, your are right, I was wrong, it is Bill James lake.....Next time you go, try staying in bill james lake and fish the little area around the camp on the left bank. It has a fence row on it and runs paralell  with a sharp drop and shallow shelf. I have had pretty good success on mudbugs there ( the deep diving metal lipped crankbait). watch your depth and you will see what I am talking about. did you see many boats out there today......Good luck and keep us posted..................Dave

Siggy by DundeeMike


Thanks Dave I will give that a try, im pretty patient person, my gf however that went with me isnt, lol. I think shes tired of bass fishing, hehe. As long as I get to go fishing somewhere I am happy, I dont have to be tearing them up to have a good time. As far as the boats go there were plenty out there. When I got to the rock wall goin to lil ninock there were about 5 or 6 boats around there fishing allready, then the one back in McDade, and when I got to beehive 2 came out motoring out from the back and left. As I came back from beehive heading south towards the dam and having Bill James to my right, the last two rock jetties and looked like a pool before Bishop point was holding about 7 boats. I was like whoaa they must be catching something to be all piled up like that. Looked like they were all fishing the rocks right there. I started to go back there but it was just too hot and we were ready for lunch. Im cant wait for another day off so I can try your suggestion. I did notice a nice drop off on the boat rd leaving the launch just as starts to open up to the river. It went from about 9' to 28-30'. I tried fishing it slow with a brush hog and then a rattle trap with no luck. Then we went into the stump field for a few mins and tossed around in there. I saw 2 boats in the area you were telling me about on the left bank of the boat launch and one other guy in the stump field on that side.
Then we :surrender: for the day and headed home.
Anybody else fight the traffic besides me??


Mike Noble

I can imagine that the boat traffic on the River was very high today...the BASS weekend series was fishing out of Clarks today.  Don't know how many boats, but I'm guessing quite a lot.

Thanks for the report whatcam?.
Life is a B........each!



Ask me about PROTANDIM

Mike Cork

Anyone here how the Tournament went :-\

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service


I caught you a delicious bass!


Quote from: Mike on July 24, 2005, 09:03:13 PM
Anyone here how the Tournament went :-\
Heres the top ten.. Jeff Pate weighed zero. Homer Humphreys weighed in 3.13.
Wow.................Looks like the river is brutal right now.....


Whewwwww, I feel alot better now :roll2:
I just thought I sucked. Dave, ever night fished around Bill James? Seems like it would be a good idea. I wouldnt want to do much running around at night on the river but it would be easy to launch right there and troll around. Just navigating the stumps might be a PITA. Maybe I should lay off the river for awhile till the fish are off strike.



I see that there is a cold front heading our way thursday bringing rain that should end around noon. If this holds up would that be a good time to try some evening/night fishing?
I caught you a delicious bass!

Mike Cork

During the summer months it is a great time to hit the water :-* during the winter months it will shut them down :'( Pay attention to what the wind is doing for you, a lot of folks fish the same old spots and don't realize that even a summer front will change the way fish will position their selves :-* and when they don't get bit they just blame it on the front

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service


Question?  How often does the lock open ?  is it like every 30 min. or what how does the lock master know when to open each side of it. Lets say I am going from 5 to 4 the pool 4 side opens evey 30 min for me to get back to weigh-in this is an exaple of the locks I have used.


Going into pool 4-------You pull up to the wall ,pull the horn and they will then fill the lock ,when it is full they will open it up.You pull in and tie off in the designated areas and wait for it to empty out. Its not designated every 30 minutes. Although the whole process of waiting for it to fill up and empty takes at least that .Each side has a horn that signals the lock master to do his job.


Anybody go fishing today? Wondering if this weather helped them any. Im going tomm on my one day off so I am trying to decide on river or cross.
I caught you a delicious bass!


I caught you a delicious bass!

Mike Cork

I think the classic had everyone home watching ESPN :-*

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service


went out the river fri to do a lil crappie fishing i think we wended up with 30 crappie, 2 channel catfish, 3 sand bass, 1 bass and 2 big bull bream.  It was a pertty good say they didnt start biting for us until around 11. Almost all of them were good fish (slabs)!!!!Most where caught on minnows a few on jigs. Also ran into the first gator(about a 5 footer) ive ever ssen out there it wasnt scared at all swam right up to the boat and then decieded my cork looked like an easy meal.....that was the last fishing trip for that cork!!!! havent heard anything bout the river in awhile any other new reports?