DIY Rod Wrapper

Started by Pferox, August 12, 2016, 08:45:06 AM

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I just finished this basic, Old School rod wrapper that is inexpensive to make, and modular.  It might not be for someone who is thinking of wrapping a lot of rods, but for repairs, and a second wrapper, it might just be the ticket.

You can watch how it is made here:

I also gave a plug for the site and one of my favorite builders.
"If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito" - African Proverb.  Jim

Lee Smith

I use a set like that on each rod, makes trim bands easy peasy  ~c~  ~c~

Add a velcro strip to one of them and you don't have to worry about the rod spinning when you don't want it too!  :-*  Small piece of the loop on both sides of the stand with a strip of the soft to go over the blank, works great!
Builder of Custom Personal Bassin' Rods


Fishin' Alabama
Building Rods, & Snatchin' Lips.


I was doing research on building a dowel cutter and ran across this rod manufacturing video from like the 40s, maybe earlier.  To my surprise the guy grabs the blank out of a cutter and starts to wrap the guides on with the butt on the ground, just like I was wrapping, and he was using a bobbin like I do.  Made me feel better about my methods, although they are way old school I guess.

Thanks for the Kudos guys.  I'm going to put up an expanded video on it, because this one was too choppy for my tastes.  Going to be one of those get out the popcorn and sit back for almost an hour.   :o
"If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito" - African Proverb.  Jim



Gonna try to post pics of the one I built a few years ago but I have to go to the dreaded Tapatalk

Jim ><///'>><///'>


I bought the tensioning device.  The drying motor is from a power window, the spring steel wire with the tip top attached is from an old wire puller.  It all folds up nice and neat.  When I was on the road, I wrapped a few rods in the motel room lol. 


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Jim ><///'>><///'>


Jim this is why I like you man lol you make all kinds of awesome stuff. Your boat is what gave me the idea to make my own bait bar and yool holder.

Two awesome diy projects guys awesome jobs.


Is a rool holder a combo ruler/tool holder lol.   Might need to make one of those.

Jim ><///'>><///'>


AND, I always wanted to open a combo bar/bait shop.  Bait Bar would be a great name lol

Jim ><///'>><///'>


Rool is the T is near the R you a#$ lol

I made a tool holder duh.

I can see it now. Live music on a lake with a tackle shop for all the drunk patrons to buy your stuff lol


Quote from: West6550 on August 13, 2016, 12:54:03 PM
Rool is the T is near the R you a#$ lol

I made a tool holder duh.

I can see it now. Live music on a lake with a tackle shop for all the drunk patrons to buy your stuff lol
Where's this place at? I wanna go! They have something like that at Rolands. Mostly buncha drunk bikers though. Lol.


My wife says she is gonna leave me if I go fishing one more time........lord how I will miss that woman.


Jim, Bassn, nice looking work there! ~c~ ~c~
Old Fishermen never die, their rods just go limp.


Jim ><///'>><///'>


Quote from: LgMouthGambler on August 13, 2016, 12:57:47 PM
Where's this place at? I wanna go! They have something like that at Rolands. Mostly buncha drunk bikers though. Lol.

That they do. It's a nice bar though and the food is decent.