Free Hunting Seminars

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For Immediate Release: August 3, 2016

Media Contacts: John Pellegrini 802-272-2909

Learn More About Hunting at Free Seminars

MONTPELIER, Vt – The Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department will be holding a series of free seminars to teach people more about hunting.

The seminars will cover a variety of hunting techniques and species and will give participants the opportunity to try a new style of hunting or to learn more about a style of hunting they already enjoy. The seminars topics include Vermont Black Bears from A-Z; Small Game Hunting; White-tailed Deer Hunting and Processing; Youth Waterfowl Hunter Training; Law Updates for Firearm Range Operators; and Advanced Bowhunting.

Participants will learn how to field dress a deer, identify ducks, track a bear, or safely shoot a bow from a treestand. The seminars will be taught by current and former Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department staff, as well as hunter education volunteers. One highlight of the programs will be former Vermont Fish & Wildlife Commissioner Patrick Berry giving a demonstration on bird hunting with dogs.

"Both experienced and first-time hunters stand to benefit from these seminars," said John Pellegrini, hunter education training coordinator with Vermont Fish & Wildlife. "We will provide useful information including practical hunting tips, ecology and behavior of these animals, and how to have a fun, safe experience in the woods."

All seminars are free and include lunch.

Sign up by clicking here 

Space is limited to the first 30 signups and they fill up quickly, so signup as early as possible. For more information, call John Pellegrini at 802-272-2909

Vermont Black Bears from A-Z, Saturday, August 20, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., Mountain Deer Taxidermy, Northfield, VT. This seminar covers basic bear biology, successfully hunting bears, and processing bear meat. Signup deadline: Wednesday, August 17.

Youth Waterfowl Hunter Training, Saturday, August 20, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Sportsman Club of Franklin County, St. Albans, VT. The seminar will instruct young waterfowlers aged 12 to 17 in waterfowl identification, hunting regulations, duck and goose calling, decoy sets, and safe shooting techniques. Signup deadline: Wednesday, August 17.

Small Game Hunting, Saturday, August 27, 2016, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., Randolph Fish & Game Club, Randolph, VT. The seminar will feature workshops on hunting rabbits with beagles, hunting ruffed grouse with dogs from former Fish & Wildlife Commissioner Patrick Berry, and squirrel hunting. The seminar will conclude with a shooting workshop hosted by Randolph Fish and Game. Signup deadline: Wednesday, August 24.

White-tailed Deer Hunting and Processing, Saturday, September 17, 2016, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., Mountain Deer Taxidermy, Northfield, VT. The seminar will feature Vermont Fish & Wildlife deer biologist Nick Fortin, as well as Whitetail Tracker Brad Lockwood. Rodney and Theresa Elmer will demonstrate how to field dress, process, and prepare a deer for taxidermy. Signup deadline: Wednesday, September 14.

Law Updates for Firearm Range Operators, Saturday, September 17, 2016, 9:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m., Annex Building, Montpelier, VT. The seminar will go over changes to Act 250 and Act 145 that affect firearm range operation. Staff will cover changes to lead management in environmental stewardship plans and how to improve safety and noise mitigation at ranges, essential information for all range managers. Signup deadline: Wednesday, September 14.

Advanced Bowhunting, Saturday, September 24, 2016, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., Chelsea Fish & Game Club, Chelsea, VT. This seminar will demonstrate advanced techniques for bowhunting, including equipment, hunting tactics, and treestand safety. Signup deadline: Wednesday, September 21.

Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities are available upon request. Please include a description of the accommodation you will need. Individuals making such requests must include their contact information. Please send an e-mail to: or call the office staff at 802-828-1000 (voice), 1-800-253-0191 (TTY).
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