2009 170 tx leaking....help !

Started by Eddie170tx, March 28, 2016, 12:25:02 PM

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Hello all. New to the forums here. I just bought a 2009 Tracker 170 tx. Took the boat out for a few minutes today and it took on a ton of water. Could barely do 8 mph back to the dock. Drain plug and livewell plug were both in and tight. Wondering if anybody else has had any problems like this? Could it be leaking from the livewell fill hole near the drain plug or could it be the bilge pump or aerator ?

Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions.


Is this the first time out since Winter freeze? Sounds like maybe a livewell line or valve had water in it, froze, and cracked/broke. After a visual hull inspection, that's where I'd start. -Jim
Stratos 285 XL Pro 150 Evinrude ETEC

Dobyns Rods - LSCR Club


Yes I think its the first time out since winter. I just bought the boat a week ago. I will check the lines for damage. Thanks


OK. I backed the boat into the water while it was strapped to the trailer. It is leaking from the top or the connection on the aerator pump.

Next question is, would I be better off taking it to get the pump and connections replaced or should I do it myself ? If I do it at home, how do I remove the gas tank so that I can reach the pump ?


The Bass Tracker I owned was much older and the plumbing and tank layout was quite different from the newer rigs so I'm going to hope someone more familiar with the 170 TX will chime in. Chances are there may be more leaks than just the one you see so you might find it less frustrating to have a pro do the work. The down side of having a pro do the work is cost and it is that it may take a while.
Stratos 285 XL Pro 150 Evinrude ETEC

Dobyns Rods - LSCR Club


Yea, I am thinking the same thing. I called the Tracker boat center near me and they said it would be a week before they can get to it and that it would cost $175. For that price I think I will just let them do it and check the bilge pump while they have it.


Stratos 285 XL Pro 150 Evinrude ETEC

Dobyns Rods - LSCR Club