Question about Get Bit

Started by cwhite, March 07, 2016, 05:44:31 PM

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Count agree more got a call from get bit Sunday around noon just to touch base and assured me it was a postal service issue and it was ;D


Good deal. If you get to work on it tomorrow let us know how to goes. Be careful reeming out cork if you have too. Also, it makes a mess so wear a mask and do it outdoors.
Fishin' Alabama
Building Rods, & Snatchin' Lips.


Don't have to ream out the cork it was actually to big I put some tape down so it would fit.


Does anyone know the easiest and most effective way to find out where the guides need to be placed?


Did you "find the spine?" like they talk about in the video.. lol

Kevin mentioned guide patterns being available online, might google it and see if you can find a guide guide. lol.  ;D

I do know he said 1 eye for every foot plus 1. So for 7' rod, space out 8 eyes plus the tip eye. 8 eyes divided by the distance between the tip and where you want the first eye will give you equal spacing.

If you have another rod that's the same length, you can always use it for a reference. I used another split grip rod I had handy, for a guide on where to place the upper part of the split grip handle.
Fishin' Alabama
Building Rods, & Snatchin' Lips.


Good idea I'll go get a couple rods out and see what it looks like, then tape the guides on and put a reel on and see what it looks like


Use either the silicone aquarium tubing cut into bands, or rubber bands to hold on your guides.  Kind of space them out and then stress test it to see if there are any points that the line will touch the rod.  Reposition the guides until you eliminate any contact points, then mark those locations and wrap them there.

There are times that you might have to add a guide depending on the test.

Hope that made sense.
"If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito" - African Proverb.  Jim

Lee Smith

Guide placement is the absolute most important part of the build.  All blanks are a little different, it's just part of the process.  You can start with copying another rod, just do the check as Jim described to make sure it's correct.  Also remember, if your looking for mega sensitivity, the more guides, the better. 
Builder of Custom Personal Bassin' Rods


Quote from: Lee Smith on March 16, 2016, 09:34:51 AM
Guide placement is the absolute most important part of the build.  All blanks are a little different, it's just part of the process.  You can start with copying another rod, just do the check as Jim described to make sure it's correct.  Also remember, if your looking for mega sensitivity, the more guides, the better.

tips from the Man himself!!  ~cf
Fishin' Alabama
Building Rods, & Snatchin' Lips.


I'm letting it set up now, have the handle and reel seat on once that dries I'll give these guides a shot


CW looks like you're not the only one with USPS issues. I live in Alabama. Order was shipped from Florida. But for some reason my package is in Kentucky. After having been in SC.

Fishin' Alabama
Building Rods, & Snatchin' Lips.


Yea that's a little out of the way. Started with the hook keeper and one guide tonight, I'll piece this thing together at some point.


Update all guides wrapped and coated and on the dryer for the night see what it looks like in the morning  ;D


Awesome. Can't wait to see the finished product.
Fishin' Alabama
Building Rods, & Snatchin' Lips.