Okay...lets get things rolling...too laid back lately...

Started by Ranger375, August 20, 2004, 09:19:36 AM

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What is the absolute best bass boat on the water and why?  >:D    Don't be shy...tell that other guy/girl why his/her boat is nothing more than a high speed shiney fishing weight!!   >:D    v~

Like this...For me...I think that Rangers are the ONLY bass boat!  As soon as I pull it off the trailer...there are all these little white flags that popup out of the water...cause they know...it is only a matter of time before they are riding in the livewell of the awesome machine that just showed up so why fight it?!   :o 

Lets keep it fun and see how imaginative you can be with comical observations!

...and don't even get me started on those Toys-R-Us motors all you "other" guys are running...I mean everyone knows that Johnsons are the best...and they don't have a wind-up key or nothin' like Mercs do. 

Even if you don't own a boat...make something up!  If you want to talk about why my Ranger...or Rangers in general...should have a "free to a good home" sign on 'em...I don't mind...I can take it...heck...Forrest Wood won't mind either...he is really rich now!   ;D

"It Ain't all the things that we don't know that causes all the trouble...it's all the things that we DO know that ain't so!"



Ok...just remember, you asked for it! My 1969 SeaSprite (Mercury 500 powered) should scare all of you back on the trailer! I could buy 15 of them (at the $800 asking price) to one of your fancy new boats! Does your boat willingly transfer the paint off of its hull to your clothing?? Does your boat have rocking chairs??? (OK...so it really is the dry rotting floor and seat backs giving out). I bet your trailer has those silly 15" wheels...not mine! I like my 8" wheels. They are cheap and cute...and when you get to your destination you can use them to cook your dinner on (man, do they build the heat!). You probably need different colors for all the wires on your boat and trailer...WUSS!! Mine was re-wired by a fellow that had 250 feet of red wire. To make repairs I only need to carry one spool of wire...very convenient (it does make tracing problems a bit time consuming). I bet you all spend a fair amount of time answering questions about your boat, or having to listen to folks tell you how cool your boat looks...not me! I never, never, never, (well there was that one half-blind, old guy at the toll booth in Kansas) have to waste my fishing time answering questions about my boat. In fact people seem to almost avoid us at the launch ramp and docks! Then there is the difference in the insurance premiums I pay on my boat...$6.48 a month...top that! Well, I could go on and on, but if I am going to the lake this weekend I have about 7 hours of repairs to do...

Where are we going...and why are we in this hand basket???


It could...but I suspect most won't want to take on the greatness of the ultimate bass boat (Ranger of course)!   ;D
"It Ain't all the things that we don't know that causes all the trouble...it's all the things that we DO know that ain't so!"


Quote from: left_turn56 on August 20, 2004, 10:23:07 AM
Ok...just remember, you asked for it! My 1969 SeaSprite (Mercury 500 powered) should scare all of you back on the trailer! I could buy 15 of them (at the $800 asking price) to one of your fancy new boats! Does your boat willingly transfer the paint off of its hull to your clothing?? Does your boat have rocking chairs??? (OK...so it really is the dry rotting floor and seat backs giving out). I bet your trailer has those silly 15" wheels...not mine! I like my 8" wheels. They are cheap and cute...and when you get to your destination you can use them to cook your dinner on (man, do they build the heat!). You probably need different colors for all the wires on your boat and trailer...WUSS!! Mine was re-wired by a fellow that had 250 feet of red wire. To make repairs I only need to carry one spool of wire...very convenient (it does make tracing problems a bit time consuming). I bet you all spend a fair amount of time answering questions about your boat, or having to listen to folks tell you how cool your boat looks...not me! I never, never, never, (well there was that one half-blind, old guy at the toll booth in Kansas) have to waste my fishing time answering questions about my boat. In fact people seem to almost avoid us at the launch ramp and docks! Then there is the difference in the insurance premiums I pay on my boat...$6.48 a month...top that! Well, I could go on and on, but if I am going to the lake this weekend I have about 7 hours of repairs to do...

ROFLMAO!!!  There are tears rolling down my face...that red wire comment was too much!! As soon as I recover I will think of some snappy comeback...as for now...wow! :)
"It Ain't all the things that we don't know that causes all the trouble...it's all the things that we DO know that ain't so!"

Mike Cork

Ok Cool, lets start with Ranger and the superb quality  ::) pay extreme amounts for a boat and then.....
the glove box falls off in your riders lap while going down the lake ? Steve A's Ranger.

Cobra is the best I have owned - The one thing I love about my Cobra is it's handling qualities, I can turn a 90 degree corner at WOT (wide open throttle) and never miss a beat, she takes it like she is riding on rails. Try that in any other boat (except a gambler) and see how much sliding hoping and skipping you do. Last time I was in a ranger that tried that I felt like a flat stone on a glass pond. All I could think was "is there a floatation device under my seat - if for some reason this over priced bath tub comes apart, keep your head tucked until you come to a full and complete stop"  ;D

Ranger 375, I must say that the best thing about yours is the Johnson, I do love mine....

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service

Mike Cork

Left Turn,  ~c~ ~c~ ~c~ ~c~  Most excellent post, I am with Ranger I need to pee and recouperate.

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service

Jared LeBlue

Any boat I own is the best. ;D It just depends on what I own at the time, right now it's Javelin. But I will say this the best boat ever is the one you have paid off and can say it's all mine. My Javelin is a Bank owned boat right now but one day that baby will be mine. Of course by then I will probably buy a new one, you know how it is.
Left turn that was some funny stuff, believe me I know where you are coming from, I've owned a few boats like that in my time.
On the serious side I would have to say Ranger is the best. When they say attention to detail they mean it. They are however very proud of those puppies and the price tag shows it. If someone told me I could choose what ever bass boat I wanted and they would pay for it, I would would have to go with a Gambler. If for nothing else for the looks, that is the finest boat I've ever seen. They are pretty proud of their boat too, if I'm not mistaken they cost more than a Ranger.
Mike if you think a glove box falling off is something, my friend bought a Champion with a removable back deck. The back deck flew off the boat when he was running about 70mph down the Calcasieu River. The latches that held the deck down just were not very good, he had to modify them to make it stay down. We won't even mention the humongous hole he ripped in the bottom of the hull on  his second fishing trip in it.
Ardent Prostaff


Mike...how hard is it to turn at WOT when you are only doing 15 MPH...oh yeah it is a Champion..my mistake..17 MPH!  ;D :o 
"It Ain't all the things that we don't know that causes all the trouble...it's all the things that we DO know that ain't so!"


Rattle...there IS a reason they call it "Gambler" cause that is what you are when you buy one...wow...back deck flying off...hmm...that I would like to see...if I wasn't going past them so fast to only see a blur!  :)
"It Ain't all the things that we don't know that causes all the trouble...it's all the things that we DO know that ain't so!"

Mike Cork

Quote from: Rattle on August 20, 2004, 10:55:10 AM
Ranger is the best. When they say attention to detail they mean it.

Yeah Attention to detail, the glove box sure was pretty and the best part is you didn't have to empty it when you got home just take inside with you

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service

Mike Cork

That would be 72 mph on the cobra but I guess a ranger owner wouldn't know that because they couldn't keep up in the corners  :o watch out for that Treeeeeeee

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service

Mike Cork

Hey do Javilins still come with a titanium reenforced hull?

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service


While you guys are running around the lake at 70+mph catching bugs with your teeth I am catching fish from my pirogue.  I have had some of the best fishing trips of my life from a self powered belly boat. Although I am fond of Mercurys.


Belly boat huh...well a lot of things could look like a lure in those...and besides those bugs make great fly fishing lures!   ;D :o

The reason the glove box got sucked out was due to the enourmous vacuum created at high speeds...something Champion never had to take into account with their design.  ;D
"It Ain't all the things that we don't know that causes all the trouble...it's all the things that we DO know that ain't so!"


Quote from: Mike on August 20, 2004, 11:10:51 AM
That would be 72 mph on the cobra but I guess a ranger owner wouldn't know that

Mike, the only way a ranger does 72mph is on a trailer !!!!  My 521dvx tug is the most comfortable (even with a glove box 520dvx in your lap, BTW they fixed that design flaw) boat I have ever ridden or driven. You(me) can let go of the wheel at topend(69mph w/ 2 peeps and tourney load) and tie your shoe, try that in a Triton!!
the new 521 hull takes a pretty mean corner now, no more skip.  As for price, get the Brinks truck, but worth it, you bet!!!  
If you can keep your friends(JR) from charcoaling the carpet on the back deck the boat will last a lifetime especially as anal as I am (WIPE YOUR FEET !!!!! Get off the top cap!!!!! dipping dye over the side!!! NO SMOKING!!!!!! Wash off that Coke!!!!)  you get the picture.  I am going to have to get some little star stickers, the ones teachers give for good performance and hand them to everyone that fishes out of the back and place one on every smack against my motor cowling and place their initials on them just to see how covered up it would get.
Ranger owners unite!!!!! we will take it on the chin for price but if you can afford one(or have a good banker friend) buy one, you will not regret it!!steve  :-X
'If you got to be in it, you might as well win it!'

Mike Cork

Quote from: gunter1309 on August 20, 2004, 11:54:13 AM

Ranger owners unite!!!!! we will take it on the chin for price but if you can afford one(or have a good banker friend) buy one, you will not regret it!!steve  :-X

Ranger owners have to unite so that they can pool there fish together to come up for a limit. I wonder how you all decide who gets to go to the weigh in

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service

Mike Cork

Quote from: Ranger375 on August 20, 2004, 11:39:24 AM
The reason the glove box got sucked out was due to the enourmous vacuum created at high speeds...something Champion never had to take into account with their design.  ;D

Thats why the designer moved to the Cobra factory, to build a bionic boat, Cobra rules the water. Add it up Speed, Agility, and great looks (at least when I am in the boat) you can't beat a cobra no matter how you look at it ~mcc~

Oh yeah they are several thousand cheaper than that "Name" you others paid for. Just wondering, how many fish have you caught with the name ranger tied on your line  :o

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service


Ranger owners have to unite so that they can pool there fish together to come up for a limit. I wonder how you all decide who gets to go to the weigh in



Quote from: Mike on August 20, 2004, 12:08:15 PM

Ranger owners have to unite so that they can pool there fish together to come up for a limit. I wonder how you all decide who gets to go to the weigh in

That is an easy answer...it is the first Ranger driver that can get the Cobra untied that they are towing back to the ramp because some part of it flew off and took out the motor!  :o  ;D

I wonder if that speed comes from the Cobra getting lighter the further it goes...you know...a back deck here and there must at least reduce the weight by a couple of hundred pounds...like dropping ballast.
"It Ain't all the things that we don't know that causes all the trouble...it's all the things that we DO know that ain't so!"


Quote from: chris on August 20, 2004, 12:16:26 PM
Ranger owners have to unite so that they can pool there fish together to come up for a limit. I wonder how you all decide who gets to go to the weigh in


Oh sure Chris...just take their side...   ;D  We are in a battle of the egos here...and I think we are winning...besides...I will give you 5 bucks if you take our side!   ??? ;)
"It Ain't all the things that we don't know that causes all the trouble...it's all the things that we DO know that ain't so!"

Mike Cork

Unfortunately I have been towed in (no fault of the boat though)  :'(  but it wasn't by a Ranger owner, that guy couldn't get anyone to stop and help him. Nobody wants to be liable for trying to help and then scratching the boat in the process, just to be sued because the ranger own is so broke from buying the boat he cant afford to fix it without someone elses money  :o

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service

Mike Cork

Chris don't forget Mother Nature, is part owner in the Cobra and has the power to take your siggy away  ;D

Ranger if you are going to play dirty   PoPo you have to hit them where it hurts......

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service

Mike Cork

Now all kidding aside I think a ranger is a very effective as a yard decoration. If nothing esle everyone that drives by will know that at one time you did have some money

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service

Mike Cork

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service