Okay...lets get things rolling...too laid back lately...

Started by Ranger375, August 20, 2004, 09:19:36 AM

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That is why I do not run plastic toys, real men use trackers!

Mike Noble

Seems to me you had to leave so you could think of something to come back with.  All that time to think....and that is the best you could do?  lo
Life is a B........each!



Ask me about PROTANDIM


No just got a call from the other half and you know what they can be like some days.  ::)

just starting slow and easy  :)


I noticed your comeback was intense too!  ;D   You know really I do have a new respect for your financial prowess...I mean you went and bought a dual purpose boat/anchor...a real dual purpose decision...got two things in one.  A true move to the world of duality and multi-tasking!!!  Great move there Mike...
Nitro!  ~bu ~str :shocking:
"It Ain't all the things that we don't know that causes all the trouble...it's all the things that we DO know that ain't so!"


I look at it this way at lease I do not pay three time as much as you need to! the only thing I can not get is why ranger are in marinas and not toy shops. Oh that is it the toy shops have higher standers then that. I hear you have more then one range, did you not learn after the first one or is it that you can not rely on it so you get more then one. :-\   ;D

Mike Noble

Actually he has 3.  Now that is multi-tasking...using one ranger to pull another ranger in.  Having spares so at least one will get you "out" on the lake....needing the second to go "out" on the lake to pull boat one in....and probably having to use number three to go out and pull in boats one and two.  lo

And I wasn't referring to you Kal-Kevin on the lameness of the post...it was, as usual, directed to the man with the over-priced toys.  And tracker products are the only way to go.

And wait til Mr. Cork sees that his Cobra has been called an anchor.  :roll2:
Life is a B........each!



Ask me about PROTANDIM


Ah...So...Mr. Kal...just an innocent question for you...and I am very sincere when I ask this question...  :{_  What kind of boat do you prefer...I am just asking for a survey I am taking..  >:D

Mr. Noble!!!  Finally!!!  You are back...you scared me for a minute with your wimpy response...I know you better than that and I know you can throw the fire...whew...I thought you were sick or something.  ~c~

The reason I have so many is because so many people want a ride in what is the miracle of the Ranger...the seats are wearing out a little...I almost have to sell tickets now...(and it does help with the house...I mean...boat payment.  :o )

Actually, Mr Cork will probably not even respond to the comment about his stump slicing - sled of lead - toys-r-us - what the #$#$ was I thinkin' - how can I hide my face - tidy bowl - anchor....boat!  ;D
"It Ain't all the things that we don't know that causes all the trouble...it's all the things that we DO know that ain't so!"


I run a tracker with a 50 house on the back.  8)  I have a habit of going shallow and found that to get to the water that is not beat to h**l, and thats the best way to get to it. I have rode in ever other type of boat and still love my tracker, found that the oters can run fast then me but I get to the water they wish to hit. The last thing is my boat is paid for and now all the extra money goes for tackle.

That is enough being nice lets get back to the game! ;) I think it is called blame Ranger.  lo lo


Ranger , I am  :shocking: that these people are picking on you like that  ::) Are we going to have to call the water  PoPo to come in here and straighten things out or will we need the to take over.  ;D Oh wait he is on vacation  :roll2:


poor ranger no one is nice to a ranger man!!!! :(

lo lo lo

well I think I will go out and put in the ice box in my tracker, got to have some ice for this summer with all the fish that pass thur. talk to you guys later!


I cant pick on poor Ranger, He tells me where the good fishing holes are at  ::)

Mike Cork

Well Well Well, the gloves are off :roll2: A boat anchor, huh  :roll2:

I don't know why you were out shopping for one  :-\ isn't that standard safety equipment in a Ranger when you by it :-\ I mean I hear that they come with really good anchors, and ergonomic paddle, and two pull cords for the motors. Apparently in the last ranger owner survey these are all things that were suggested improvements. Because folks had to use them so much while broke down.

I also heard that instead of improving the ride that a ranger gives, they stuck extra padding in the seats and put two big band straps around the deck so that when you are going down the lake like a rail road box car , the ranger will not fall to pieces from the intense pounding you are going to take.

Oh by the way pull that anchor up and you might be able to catch up to the Cobra

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service


Well, Well,  I sure can't pick on Ranger either, since he is my favorite little buddy from Kentucky, besides Dawg..... lo lo lo

I just wonder what's he into now days, since he is use to double pointed cups and all. That's including the heels and nets, with 3 rangers, that means he must have at least 3 pairs of nets...... lo lo lo  now that's fish nets.....you know.... :roll2:

Ricky >:D

Kal, I sure love my Tracker too, it has a 75 Merc on her....sure can get into some tight places with her and shallow water.....

American Bass Angler Pro Staff, R & M Tackle, K & M Custom Rods, Secret Weapon Lures,Vicious Fishing Tournament Team, Driftwood Lures,  Fish Hedz/Save Phace,


Ranger , I have a question for you. Being we havent seen much of you lately , have you signed on as a new member and we dont know it. Kinda of the spying thing  :roll2:


Boy, now that's a thought.....wonder what his new name would be????????? ::)

maybe,,,,,"rangerdoesdoublecupnets" or "heelcupnetsforU"   :o :o

My buddy Ranger, man of many names & talents,,,, lo

Ricky aa
American Bass Angler Pro Staff, R & M Tackle, K & M Custom Rods, Secret Weapon Lures,Vicious Fishing Tournament Team, Driftwood Lures,  Fish Hedz/Save Phace,


I was thinking he might have bought a real boat and is using that name!!!! ;) what do you guys think it could be the ones Rick used are to long for a owner of a ranger. it must be short so he has time to fix all those rangers he owns!  :)

by the way ranger it is nice to meet you, I've heard a lot about you, some even on the good side.

Mike Noble

It is just so good to see that the more things change...the more they stay the same.  Ranger took a severe whooping originally when this thread was started....and I see that "the beat goes on".

And what is this...."so many people want to ride in the miracle of the ranger"...I just think they want proof that it floats, moves, and to check to see if any of their body parts are loose....that incredibly rough ride will surely tell.

And I see that Mr. Cork responded QUITE admirably.  ~c~

Ever thought about quittin' while you are behind ranger.  :roll2:  Oh wait...you are use to being behind everyone else on the water.
Life is a B........each!



Ask me about PROTANDIM


I always quit while I am behind...but...did you notice it takes 3 1/2 of you to just keep up with 1 of me.  ~shade

Nice to meet you too Kal...You know...since I got your attention...I have always wondered about how they got aluminum foil  to hold up like that on the water on those Trackers...so do they give you a couple of free extra rolls when you take delivery on the boat just in case...or do you have to buy your own...you know they do make the heavy duty aluminum foil now for grilling...you might be able to get a few extra days out of it.  ;D

Ricky...for your information...Ranger is coming out with a whole line of new clothes and shoes...you never know what smartly dressed Ranger owners could be wearing soon.  ~c~

Mike C...  Are you really still riding around in that wannabe Ranger...I have told you before...if you EVER see a Ranger behind you...it will way back...because there is nothing worse than getting hit by the pieces of that Mattel plastic that flies off Cobras....One more thing...and a lot of people don't know this...If you look really close on your boat there is a plate somewhere where the Surgeon General has placed a warning...and this is what is says.

"Being seen next to a Ranger in this boat will cause uncontrollable if not fatal embarrassment to the occupants of this boat!"  ;D

"It Ain't all the things that we don't know that causes all the trouble...it's all the things that we DO know that ain't so!"


     No foil on these babies but they do sell you a rubber hammer to take out the dents for running over rangers. Tracker has also put a bounty on rangers if you hit it its your, but no one wants one that is why no one has collected it. So you are safe, well as safe as you can be in a ranger.  ::)
    I do have a question about people that drive a ranger, do you guys still have to wear back belts just to drive them? I here it keeps you livers and kidneys form jumping ship!

Mike Noble

Well...I'm not sure who you are counting as the "1/2"...but from reading the posts I would have to say that we are not keeping up with you....we are so far ahead you we might be out of sight...sort of like it would be on the water.

Keep trying...once we stop you will catch up.  :roll2:
Life is a B........each!



Ask me about PROTANDIM


Mike N.
Are you saying that even my little 50 horse is fast then his ranger? I bet you could be right he will break down, and while he is doing repairs I'll be fishing his spots. :roll2:


Oh Ranger,

Have a Dew ;PEP) and a smile on us,,,,,,,you know we LOVE you, don't you! :roll2:

There's nothing better than a man of many boats and so many clothes..... ^-^ ^-^
Oh well, even if they are them kind,,,,, ~read ~read ^-^ ^-^

Love you Ranger,,,,, ~shade

Ricky aa
American Bass Angler Pro Staff, R & M Tackle, K & M Custom Rods, Secret Weapon Lures,Vicious Fishing Tournament Team, Driftwood Lures,  Fish Hedz/Save Phace,


Ranger, want to go fishing tomorrow  :-*  We will take my boat so they will leave you alone  ;)


I like Ranger boats(what bank did you hit) but you know If you would get a real motor you could save time by not having to go out side and try to figure out which one would start today :roll2:

set the water on fire


Dawg...I wish I could go fishing with you but I am just not able to today.  :'(

Ricky...I knew you would always be there for me.  You always have been... especially when it comes to my attire!  ;D

Mike N... You know you might be right...you could be ahead of me...well pieces of your boat might be... you know with the Nitros reputation of  ~bu  I am sure the pieces do fly a long way very fast...  ;D

Tim...A real motor?  I run Johnsons and Mercury...but I don't have the windup version that you may be used to...and they start by themselves as soon as the weather warms up each year.  :shocking:

Kal...I am still trying to digest the idea of you having to bang on your boat with a hammer...I just can't seem to visualize that...having to hit it like that...what do you do when it pops a rivet...that seems like a problem...but I suppose you should expect that with the disposable hull on those things.  ~shade

The last thing is...I wonder if Mike C...covers his boat when it is at home...that would solve the problem of property values dropping by actually sitting it outside so that everyone can see it.  ~shhh

This is the best you all can do?  It is hard to try to find something wrong with the best boat on the water I suppose...I know it is hard you guys...I do feel sorry for you...and I am sure it protects your pride...I totally understand how you have to do what you can under the circumstances...I do understand how it must be...having boats that are named after things that blow up, reptiles and something that is always looking for fish instead of being on top of them...I mean how long can you track something but never find it!  ;D

"It Ain't all the things that we don't know that causes all the trouble...it's all the things that we DO know that ain't so!"