TCTC brings home the trophy.......AGAIN

Started by Chris, March 19, 2006, 04:27:44 PM

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wooooohooooooo ~gator

Thanks to Rattle and his club for putting on an excellent tourney .....By the way......THAT WAS CLOSE!

Mike Noble

Its official...THREE-PEAT!!!  And one more will make FOUR.  I believe someone said today...three consecutive wins officially make the TCTC a Dynasty.  ~c~

Thanks to LockJaw for a great tournament.
Life is a B........each!



Ask me about PROTANDIM


sounds like you people had a good time   

"The past cannot be changed, but the future is still in your power!"
"Don't let today's disappointments cast a shadow on tomorrow's dreams!"

Mike Noble

We had a great time.  And we ate way too much...steaks, burgers, whatever you wanted to grill with potato salad and baked beans on Thursday; fried fish, boudin balls, hushpuppies, fries, gumbo on Friday night; and boiled crawfish on Saturday night.

And for dessert....TCTC wins AGAIN...the 3rd Annual Ultimate Bass Club Shootout.  It was close, only 3 pounds separating the teams.

Also, great to meet the new members of LockJaw and thanks to FishCobra for coming over.
Life is a B........each!



Ask me about PROTANDIM

Jared LeBlue


It was a close one but yall pulled it out. Sorry about the weather, not a whole lot I could do about that. I want to thank TCTC for the great companionship and that awesome meal they cooked Friday. There were great fish brought to the scales from both teams and considering the weather conditions the weights were not that bad. And a HUGE thanks goes out to all the staff at South Toledo Bend State Park. They went above and beyond to accomidate us. I highly recommend them for a family outing or hosting a small tournament. The cabins were really nice and the let us use their Visitor center for the weigh in which made it real nice today with all the rain.
Ardent Prostaff


Kennyp and I would like to say thanks to LOCKJAW for the great time, Crawfish, and the 3-peat!  ~sweat It was a close one sunday. I enjoyed fishing TB and learned a lot from everyone there. I say lets do it again this fall! Thanks again!

Take a kid fishing, the smiles are priceless!!!


Congratulations to ALL the participants!!!  ~c~ ~c~ ~c~


All right TCTC a three peat  ~c~ ~c~ sounds like ya'll had a great time and some good food too  ~c~ ~c~

Kats Rule And Bass Drool.Viet Nam Vet


Thanks go out to Lockjaw for hosting an awesome four days of fun, food, and friendship.  Congratulations to all the individual and big fish winners, and a special congratulation and thank you to all the TCTC participants.


Congrats everyone, hated to miss this one, won't happen next year, any idea where and when....may be a little early yet huh?

Mike Noble

Quote from: cmegee on March 20, 2006, 02:14:16 PM
any idea where and when....may be a little early yet huh?

We haven't dried out and recovered from this one yet...there will be discussions starting in the near future on the next one.
Life is a B........each!



Ask me about PROTANDIM

Robert Rollins

It was a great tournament.  I'm glad I made this one and avoided the car crash and hospital stay!   It was great getting to meet you TCTC guys.  I'm looking forward to the next one.  God bless.

Robert Rollins
...For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son so that whoever believes in Him would not perish but have everlasting life.  John 3:16


I would also like to thank Jared & the rest of the LockJaw crew for putting on an excellent Shootout! It seems to get better every year.


A big thanks go out to Jared and the Lock Jaw Bass Club!!! What a great weekend and an awesome tournament! It will be hard to top next year  ~c~


Jared LeBlue

I would like to put out a big thanks to Bobby Reed with the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries for coming down and fishing with us and giving us a presentation on Saturday night. I think many of the anglers were surprised with some of the things he had to say about bass and why somethings are the way they are. I know Mike Cork is going to have to save some money up to pay for that long distance call he will be making to ask Bobby more questions.
Ardent Prostaff

Brush Hawg

I just wanted to say how much fun I had.  You "yankees" are some good people.  Even Trey.  Congratulations.  I'm thinking maybe one of these days we should have the Ulitmate Draw Shootout with our clubs just to mix it up.  We could show yall how to catch numbers and yall can show us how to catch the big ones.  See ya next year guys.
Well Hooked Bass Club


   Sounded like it was a good one from the stats sheet. Glad everyone had a good time. Maybe some day I'll get the chance to join ya all for one.
A fish a day keeps postal away. See fishing is relaxing.  Member B.A.S.S.  Illinois B.A.S.S. Federation Nation

Ron Fogelson

Ok now that I' home un-packed and dried out  :roll2: its my turn to say  :P  Ha-Ha I told you so I told you so!  ~roflmao

Sure was nice for all you guys to meet me  :) had a fantastic time limping and gimping the whole way to the victory on Sunday.  You guys are a class act and the accommodations, food and face to name chats around the crayfish boil was outstanding.  I can not wait until the next get together maybe a prefish weekend on the next lake or a night out on the town or something.  Sure would hate to just get to see you all just to kick your but again!  8)

Many thanks to all that put this together. From Rattle setting up everything, the great food and Mike Noble who even made me carry all the dang fish alone to the top of that mountain on Saturday for putting us on fish and helping me get around the boat and taking the top bunk so I didn't have to climb the ladder in a cast.  Might have had to get another cast if I tried to get up there.  :roll2:

So thanks again and looking forward to the next time.  ~c~

Jared LeBlue

Glad to know you had a good time, and heck you even caught some fish. And for someone who hates Toledo as much as your partner, Mr. Noble, he sure did better on Toledo than he did on Grand Bayou. That was nice sack of fish yall brought in Saturday. Good thing you smoke because I sure fogot the matches, I knew you would be good for something. I sure wish I would have had more time to sit around and pick on you, I mean visit with you  lo but I was a little busy. Next time hopefully I'll have more time to visit. Hey why didn't you come play cards Thursday night or where you there I was just to drunk to remember. :roll2: Friday morning was not a good morning. :'(
Ardent Prostaff

Ron Fogelson

Quote from: Rattle on March 22, 2006, 01:18:09 PM
Hey why didn't you come play cards Thursday night or where you there I was just to drunk to remember. :roll2: Friday morning was not a good morning. :'(

Well Thursday was the 1st real full day I had not using any crutches so my ankle was sore and I knew Friday & Saturday was going to be long days so I went in and finished my R&C and crashed.  As far as the fish we needed the wind to blow Sunday cause without,,,, well you saw only 3 fish but we hooked something like 53 or 56 bass there Friday and Saturday with the last 3 Sunday and Mike and Laurie took a few out as well. So it was a great holding area.

Jared LeBlue

Yall must have been fishing in Houssin. I couldn't stay on my spot in Six Mile. I had my trolling motor on high and it wouldn't budge me. Not to mention I had about six boats surrounding me. We left there and went to a little cove where we picked up 4 then decided to run back to Louisiana. I dropped one around three lbs and Susie dropped a nice one in the five fingers area. At the end of the day I ran to Pirates Cove a located some fish but it was late Saturday so that's where I fished Sunday. I caught 4 keepers right off the bat and then lost a good one and popped off on another on. Kevin had poped off on one back there and that's also where Stephen caught that 8.96 beauty. We were definitely on some good fish but we just ran out of time. All the numbers are coming from the Texas side in 6 mile and Houssin but the better fish seem to be coming from the La. side. Mitch and Eric stayed on the La. side not that far from the launch and that's where they won it.
Ardent Prostaff

Ron Fogelson

you were fishing the cove right below us.  We hit it Thursday for a few min but then got on fish Friday next finger up and stayed the whole weekend.

So has the reality of being a 3time loser set in???  you know federally they would just lock you up and throw away the key after the 3rd time.  lo



that was rough......can't wait till next year, I'm not missing another one, but the baby was good enough reason for me to miss this year....

Jared LeBlue

Like I pointed out earlier I'm not upset with the loss at all. It's like a football game that you just can't understand how the team that got spanked managed to win the game. The only thing yall did was score but yall got wooped like some step children.  lo
Ardent Prostaff

Ron Fogelson

Quote from: Rattle on March 22, 2006, 08:57:05 PM
Like I pointed out earlier I'm not upset with the loss at all. It's like a football game that you just can't understand how the team that got spanked managed to win the game. The only thing yall did was score but yall got wooped like some step children.  lo

~roflmao  Yep you won but you lost  :-\ :-\  what ever  ~roflmao  Wait until next year we will keep taking spanking like this until the whole trophy is covered in TCTC!  :P

You know your not off the hook, I didn't see any pole and you didn't put on the heals to fill in so I'm still waiting on a dance or 20   :roll2:

All kidding aside 'm glade the Air Force could find a sandbox for me to play in this time and was able to make the trip I sure missed out on the last 2 but you guys put together one heck of a show to make up for it & for that I Sir thank you!  ~c~

Beside its just fun to leason to you guys/gals talk!!!!!!!!!!!!  A 5 hour drive and can't understand a thing you say unless you type it  :roll2: