
Started by lovefishing, May 10, 2015, 08:54:43 PM

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It's my understanding that bass begin there spawning ritual when the water.  temperatures approach or reach the 60's. I fish a small lake not far from the house in Pinellas county,Fl named Seminole (not the larger Seminole up north). Anyway;  back to my original topic, I've noticed several fish that appear to still be full of eggs. I was discussing this with a fellow fisherman (who also fishes this lake regularly)  while waiting for the gate to gain entrance to the park/ramp and allowed that it wasn't uncommon for spawning to last until June. Has anyone else out there heard of this? I'm talking pretty much westcentral Florida here. Not sure of what the exact water temp is currently, but the outdoor temps have been consistently in the mid to upper 80's now for sometime. I just find this hard to believe. Anyone else experiencing this?


Bass Fishing in Florida is unlike anywhere else and most of what you have learned or read you can throw out the window. Once you have learned how to fish "Florida Style" things become easier but it can be a challenge.

Bass all over Florida can and do spawn from as early as January to as late as June. Most common is February through May, regardless of the water temp.

Capt. BassinLou

2 yrs ago I caught a 7lbr spawning in June and I live in South Florida. I don't see this often but it does occur.


I have witnessed spawning down here from October all the way to July. We have the right climate for...well, how can I say...popping the cork.
My wife says she is gonna leave me if I go fishing one more time........lord how I will miss that woman.