Ban on soft baits may be coming up again

Started by jstillwagonKAF, January 08, 2015, 08:14:03 AM

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Now that the 2015 legislative session is getting ready to start, here's an update on the proposed ban of soft baits in Maine.

In spite of a recommendation last year from the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife that no new legislation is necessary, there is still a threat that new legislation will be introduced banning soft plastic lures as early as this week.  In fact, the State Senator who introduced the original ban is now chair of the Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Committee.

Right now, it's primarily a litter issue.  The American Sportfishing Association and KeepAmericaFishing have created an online petition to pledge to properly dispose of worn out soft baits.  By signing the petition, we can potentially head-off any new legislation by showing that anglers care about the environment.

Please sign the Pledge to Pitch It today.

Many thanks,

John Stillwagon