Lake Columbia 7Jun14

Started by BassmanRudy, June 09, 2014, 11:04:42 AM

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**warning** as you run up the lake towards the 344 bridge though the boat row is marked very well w red/green markers on pvc pipe the ISSUE lies that there was at least 10 TREES IN THE BOAT ROW ITSELF!! I ended up going really slowly thru there as stuff was everywhere. Be Careful!!

Fished this lake as well Saturday!! Helped that it was just up the road. Fished from 1530 til 2100. Watr temp was in the low 80s but didn't pay that much attention. Launched roughly mid lake on the south side. Ran all the way up to the 344 bridge and fished some GREAT LOOKING grassy water!! Frogged it, punched it, swimbaited it, etc and had ZERO luck... :-( Did hook 2 at the bridge itself on a june bug z-hog but lost em. Fished several spots on my way back down the lake from shallow grass to deep stumps/laydowns. I was using my new down-imaging graph to see stuff in the deep water and this is a good lake to do that on! I had quite a dry spell for about 4hrs and then right as it was getting dark I was all the way down at the dam on the right side and finally caught 2 small non-keeper bass on a wacky worm!! Watermelon w/ purple flakes(but not the mardigras color). There is a ton of grass(lily pads, and 2-3 other types of grass) so tried a small brown frog and ended up catching 4 bass on that w/quite a few blow-ups and misses!! Biggest was right at 2lbs and only 2 of the 6 bass were over 12" keepers.

Basics- water was Clear! had a tannic look to it but was way clearer than Erling. Water temp low 80s. Pattern?? Umm wait til almost dark and fish a frog in the grass?!?!

will post pics from my phone
I use Mister Twister Baits!


Little guy

Froggy bass!!

Another frog bass

Look at all the grass to throw at!!!

I use Mister Twister Baits!


Thanks for the reports Rudy!