Are Inflatable PFD's One size fits most ?

Started by Bigwrench, May 06, 2014, 04:14:45 PM

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Me and Schlich fretted over a Inflatable purchase for quite some time and finally decided on one. We also went back and forth over brand name (Mustang) and Store brand (BPS). During the last weekend of the spring classic we bit the bullet and purchased a BPS model  #3042c. I Enjoy having one and wear it all day now ... my problem is this thing seems like it was made for a 10 year old !! It just seems awfully short on me and constantly am trying to pull it down lol . Here is a picture of me wearing it and even in the picture it looks little ... HELP !

I thought it should be longer , the strap and vest go just under my chest area.
  I just feel like it's not the right one for me but this is my first so not sure how it is supposed to fit.
Stop by the Garage and let me know if you have Maintenance issues that you need assistance with.


They should be adjustable... I'm not sure if they make different sizes. I'll look on mine when I get home and see what it says.

Fishin' Alabama
Building Rods, & Snatchin' Lips.

Lee Smith

looks just like mine.  lo  Oh, but they are plenty big when they hit the water, had that happen one time  :shocking:  Floated my big rear!!  ~c~  ;D  lo
Builder of Custom Personal Bassin' Rods


I'm definitely gonna try it out in the water this summer just to make sure :)
Stop by the Garage and let me know if you have Maintenance issues that you need assistance with.


Mine are a different brand but they say Adult 80lbs+ 30-52" chest. They are old, we've had them for a while now.

This is how it sits on me. I'm 6'2" 230lbs

Fishin' Alabama
Building Rods, & Snatchin' Lips.

Bud Kennedy

Big Wrench, You look like you are a big ol guy.  I don't think I would depend upon that thing to do the job.  Have you ever looked at those self inflating belt packs?  That thing you got reminds me of one of those mini spare tires in use these days.   ;D

Bobby Saffel

Rick, I have onyx brand and it's for 56" chest. It's the biggest inflatable I've found. I use it but I'm thinking about swapping back to the regular kind. I'll give it to my wife. Good luck bud


Quote from: Polaris425 on May 06, 2014, 05:24:27 PM
Mine are a different brand but they say Adult 80lbs+ 30-52" chest. They are old, we've had them for a while now.

This is how it sits on me. I'm 6'2" 230lbs

That looks about the same area mine comes down to and that's the weight and size range mine says as well
  Thank you for posting that Polaris !
Stop by the Garage and let me know if you have Maintenance issues that you need assistance with.


Quote from: Bud Kennedy on May 06, 2014, 05:32:06 PM
Big Wrench, You look like you are a big ol guy.  I don't think I would depend upon that thing to do the job.  Have you ever looked at those self inflating belt packs?  That thing you got reminds me of one of those mini spare tires in use these days.   ;D
Lol Bud,  I'm just Big boneded lol !
5'11" 265 ish on a good day :)   If I stand next to Gullo I look like a small person :) he is TALL !
I'll definitely check into that belt pack. Thank you.
Stop by the Garage and let me know if you have Maintenance issues that you need assistance with.


Quote from: Bobby Saffel on May 06, 2014, 05:50:14 PM
Rick, I have onyx brand and it's for 56" chest. It's the biggest inflatable I've found. I use it but I'm thinking about swapping back to the regular kind. I'll give it to my wife. Good luck bud
I'll have to look into that brand now Thanks Bobby !
Stop by the Garage and let me know if you have Maintenance issues that you need assistance with.

Bobby Saffel

Quote from: Bigwrench on May 06, 2014, 06:08:49 PM
I'll have to look into that brand now Thanks Bobby !
I got their a/m 24. I believe it's around $80. At least it was a few years ago. I feel good wearing it in the summer but in the winter it's doesn't fit me with all my clothes on. I could put it on under the extra clothes/rain gear but I feel that defeats the purpose. Maybe I'm wrong. I'm a big guy too.


^^ closer to $100 now days. Unless someone runs a special, but even then I doubt they'd be much less than $100. For the manual one. The automatic would be closer to $120 probably.
Fishin' Alabama
Building Rods, & Snatchin' Lips.

Bobby Saffel

I got mine from academy. I looked again and they have mine for $70 on sale but you have to get them from the store. It's auto/manual.

Bud Kennedy

Quote from: Bigwrench on May 06, 2014, 06:07:59 PM
Lol Bud,  I'm just Big boneded lol !
5'11" 265 ish on a good day :)   If I stand next to Gullo I look like a small person :) he is TALL !
I'll definitely check into that belt pack. Thank you.

I Got It.  You are just too short.   ~roflmao ~roflmao  I have the same problem at 5'8" and 185.  Entirely too short.  By this weight I should be at least 6'


That's less than cost. They must have got a deal on bulk last years model buy. Which is why it says in stores only.
Fishin' Alabama
Building Rods, & Snatchin' Lips.

Donald Garner


I have Mustang and BPS auto inflates.  I've had mine now for 4 yrs and I don't remember the size etc but here's my Mustang on me.  Its so lite weigh I don't even know I got it on.  Both brands are adjustable I made sure of that when I bought them.  Matter of fact I tried them on at the BPS.  I'm 6'2" 250lb.
Belton Texas part of God's Country
Stratos 285 Pro XL Yamaha 150 VMax; Lowrance Hook 7 Electronics; Minn Kota Foretrex Trolling Motor

G3 1548 Alwed Jon boat Yamaha 25hp outboard 


Quote from: Donald Garner on May 06, 2014, 07:20:18 PM

I have Mustang and BPS auto inflates.  I've had mine now for 4 yrs and I don't remember the size etc but here's my Mustang on me.  Its so lite weigh I don't even know I got it on.  Both brands are adjustable I made sure of that when I bought them.  Matter of fact I tried them on at the BPS.  I'm 6'2" 250lb.

  That one looks about the same also . I think it's just me worrying lol. I know my life could depend on it literally so thought I'd check with you guys first. I'm gonna let the water warm up and test it out this summer and just try to be limp face down in the water and see first if it opens and second if it rolls me over and supports me . Maybe I'll feel better about it after a test run but it just seems tiny lol. I'd rather find out while I'm conscious if it don't work good :). Thank you for posting yours.
Stop by the Garage and let me know if you have Maintenance issues that you need assistance with.

Sc Bassin

Get one that calls for 34 lbs or 34 grams.that will float your upper body it will keep your head up. If you get a belt pack make sure it's Coast Guard approved. My buddy went overboard in Feb. with a 24 gram jacket & he floated. he weighs 230. I tried to leave him but he got to the boat before I could. I was laughing to hard to start the engine. :) :)


If you have an inflatable over three years, replace the cartridge.  I am also a firm believer of deploying an inflatable, or any other PFD that you have never tested.  When I get a new PFD I jump in clothes shoes and all.  I want to be surprised under a controlled situation.  Better to find out surprises under your circumstances not an emergency situation.

My advise to you is to contact the manufacture.  Make sure that it is a reusable PFD.  Buy an extra cartridge, jump in a pool and deploy the PFD. If you want you should be able to inflate the PFD manually, but that is not my choice to test it. Afterwards make sure its dry, refold it and you should be good to go!


Big, spetro you have the best idea....TEST IT.

I will add that idea to EVERYONE!
I know CO2 cylinders aren't cheap but many in the know say to change them yearly.
I have an auto/manual with a tube for adding air too.

Every spring before rearming I go in water and inflate manually and auto-inflate.....heck I'm tossing the old anyways.

I was a lifeguard way way back when and with that comes the 'confidence' to survive in the water. The catch....when concious.

Almost all say NOT TO leave in direct sunlight when storing.....just a hunch.....but for those who wear thiers basically are storing under UV rays. So naturally the materials deteriate over time.
The auto-inflates really can startle you upon arming the first time.

To end this , let me tell you a story.
A good friend and I were fishing.
His inflatable PFD had never been tested or maintained and stored in boat outside in a storage area that was inclosed.(on boat)
Guy was ribbing me about my yearly testing and how much I've spent over the years testing yearly.(CO2 cylinders)

Well after a loss in a big fish of the day bet (ante was to jump in and test PFD)

He jumped in guessed didn't inflate.
Turned out that the CO2 over time must of leaked....or maybe never was attached properly.
Reason I like auto/manual types with blow tube.
You just never know and I like the piece of mind to know I have alternatives.
I than made him self inflate before he got back in boat.
AGAIN, you maybe surprised on how much air it takes to inflate.

Big, thanks for the thread!!!!!!!!

Oh and remember, the PFD is designed to keep your head above water with you at a relaxed position, nothing more, nothing less.

We change line multiple times a year on 5+ rods to ensure we don't loose a fish.
$30 bucks not to loose your life seems....well CHEAP.

"Fishing isn't life or death... it's more important than that."

Jared LeBlue

For you Louisiana boys know that the inflatable jackets can get you a ticket in a hurry. If your inflatable says it's a type 5 rating but acts as a type 3 you must wear that life jacket at all times. If a game warden pulls up on you and you do not have that vest on and you have no other type 3 rated vest in the boat you are probably going to get a ticket. The way Louisiana law reads you must have a vest rated at a type 3 for each person in the boat. When you have a vest that is a type 5 but acts as a type 3, it is only a type 3 when worn, therefor if it is not being worn you do not meet the requirements.

Make sure you check you inflatables. I thought mine was legal until a friend told me about it. Sure enough when I checked on my vest it had the wording type 5 rated /acts as a type 3 when worn.My vest is both a manual and auto inflate. I don't know why some inflatables are rated strictly type 3 and some have this crazy type 5 when not worn rating but trust me many of these inflatables are just that.

This may apply to other states also as many states follow the coast guards rules. If you already have a vest that is only rated a type 3 when worn don't panic. You simply need to put some type 3 rated vest in your boat. As long as you have a type 3 vest for each person in the boat you will be in compliance. I still use my inflatable but I have extra vest in the boat to meet compliance because I do not wear my inflatable while I'm fishing.   
Ardent Prostaff

Bobby Saffel

Quote from: Jared LeBlue on May 20, 2014, 11:07:06 AM
For you Louisiana boys know that the inflatable jackets can get you a ticket in a hurry. If your inflatable says it's a type 5 rating but acts as a type 3 you must wear that life jacket at all times. If a game warden pulls up on you and you do not have that vest on and you have no other type 3 rated vest in the boat you are probably going to get a ticket. The way Louisiana law reads you must have a vest rated at a type 3 for each person in the boat. When you have a vest that is a type 5 but acts as a type 3, it is only a type 3 when worn, therefor if it is not being worn you do not meet the requirements.

Make sure you check you inflatables. I thought mine was legal until a friend told me about it. Sure enough when I checked on my vest it had the wording type 5 rated /acts as a type 3 when worn.My vest is both a manual and auto inflate. I don't know why some inflatables are rated strictly type 3 and some have this crazy type 5 when not worn rating but trust me many of these inflatables are just that.

This may apply to other states also as many states follow the coast guards rules. If you already have a vest that is only rated a type 3 when worn don't panic. You simply need to put some type 3 rated vest in your boat. As long as you have a type 3 vest for each person in the boat you will be in compliance. I still use my inflatable but I have extra vest in the boat to meet compliance because I do not wear my inflatable while I'm fishing.   

Can someone show me this in writing? I've always heard it, but never found it on the website or from my boater safety class. I've been stopped several times while fishing with my inflatable PFD laying on the seat and nothing else and never been questioned. Has anyone ever seen this in writing?



Federal regulations in 33 CFR 175-1993 require you to carry Coast

Guard approved personal flotation devices (PFDs) legibly marked with

the Coast Guard approval number which are in good and serviceable

condition and are the correct size for each person on board. To be

considered serviceable, this PFD shall not exhibit deterioration that could

diminish its performance such as broken or deformed hardware,

detached webbing, rotted structural components, air leaks, or non-functional

oral inflation tube. Unless worn inflated, this PFD must also be properly

armed with a full CO2 cylinder, inflation system status indicator and an

accessible manual inflation lanyard. A PFD which is "approved only

when worn" or "required to be worn" must be worn under the specified


Hope that answers your question.
This tag MUST be attached to PFD prior to sale so walk into any sport shop and you can read it on an attached tag.

Jared right on...this is a FEDRERAL REGULATION not state specific.
"Fishing isn't life or death... it's more important than that."

Bobby Saffel

Quote from: analfisherman on May 20, 2014, 12:00:11 PM

Federal regulations in 33 CFR 175-1993 require you to carry Coast

Guard approved personal flotation devices (PFDs) legibly marked with

the Coast Guard approval number which are in good and serviceable

condition and are the correct size for each person on board. To be

considered serviceable, this PFD shall not exhibit deterioration that could

diminish its performance such as broken or deformed hardware,

detached webbing, rotted structural components, air leaks, or non-functional

oral inflation tube. Unless worn inflated, this PFD must also be properly

armed with a full CO2 cylinder, inflation system status indicator and an

accessible manual inflation lanyard. A PFD which is "approved only

when worn" or "required to be worn" must be worn under the specified


Hope that answers your question.
This tag MUST be attached to PFD prior to sale so walk into any sport shop and you can read it on an attached tag.

Jared right on...this is a FEDRERAL REGULATION not state specific.

So let me see if I'm understanding this, Mine has a full CO2 cylinder (I check mine every year), mine has a status indicator, and has a manual pull cord so does this mean mine is good? I've never seen the verbage  "approved only when worn" or "required to be worn" on the PFD I have. I'm just wondering?