3rd Annual UB Rally - East Toho

Started by Mike Noble, December 06, 2013, 07:57:49 AM

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2012 XPRESS H18 /  YAMAHA 115
Retired U.S Navy Chief



15-16 of March is good for me. West I will take you up on your offer since we have been trying to get together. Flatsnbay, you have been more than courteous in your offer and I much appreciate it. I know canesfan is looking to come as well and may possibly need a seat on a boat. I will let the wife know the schedule, and arrange for the 16th off work if this is a final date.

My wife says she is gonna leave me if I go fishing one more time........lord how I will miss that woman.


So the 15 and 16th is a Sat. and Sunday.  And from what I read, you do your "banquet" on Sunday night?  Might be a problem for me. Have to see if I can get Monday the 17th off as I really don't want to be there late on Sunday and have to drive 3 1/2-4 hours and get up at 5 AM next morning to go to work.


Seems we settled on March 15-16

Not sure about some with boat or no boat so let me know.

Okay here's the current list:

1: Baron49 (boater)
2: Mike Noble (non boater)
3: Boats (boater)
4: FlatsNBay (boater)
5: West6550 (boater)
6: LgMouthGambler (non boater)
7: leatherhead (?)
8: Canesfan (?)

LgMouthGambler I'm happy to have you on the back of the boat man.  I believe Mike normally fishes with Baron if I'm not mistaken.

Somebody asked about Sunday night dinner.  Sorry if the dinner puts a few off.. maybe we can do it Saturday night instead? Baron that okay with you if it means more can make dinner?

I plan on arriving Saturday morning around 9ish as my wife doesn't get off until 7am.  My wife will not be fishing.


Oh man! Did I get CRAP for this. March 17 is our wedding anniversary, lol. She was like "really?". I said Im not fishing on our anniversary, its not till Monday. So guess who gets to spend some time in the DOG HOUSE!?  ::) This guy! She may come with. I tried to soften her up by telling her its close to Disney so she can go explore with Thomas' wife, lol. Better to ask for forgiveness later, lol. No matter what I do I cant seem to get rid of her! ~roflmao. Too soon?

My wife says she is gonna leave me if I go fishing one more time........lord how I will miss that woman.

Mike Noble

We normally do the group dinner on Saturday night.  Most folks leave Sunday to go back home.
Life is a B........each!



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2012 XPRESS H18 /  YAMAHA 115
Retired U.S Navy Chief


2012 XPRESS H18 /  YAMAHA 115
Retired U.S Navy Chief


I'm way up here in the Panhandle but I may try to make it this year since I've never fished Toho.  Would anyone object if my regular fishing partner came along and fished with me?  I hate traveling alone and we could split expenses.


Quote from: Champriderz on January 14, 2014, 07:14:08 PM
I'm way up here in the Panhandle but I may try to make it this year since I've never fished Toho.  Would anyone object if my regular fishing partner came along and fished with me?  I hate traveling alone and we could split expenses.

Not a problem at all.  I brought two different fishing buds of mine the last two years.


Not going to work for me this year.  I will definitely make it work next year,  sorry.  Sounds like an awesome time.


Quote from: West6550 on January 14, 2014, 07:16:17 PM
Not a problem at all.  I brought two different fishing buds of mine the last two years.

That's great!! Is there a phone number I can call to make reservations.  If we can both clear the calendar (and the home front) I'll book us a room.


2012 XPRESS H18 /  YAMAHA 115
Retired U.S Navy Chief


Thanks Mike.  Looking forward to it.


My wife wants to know if any of the other wives want to go to Disney, lol.

My wife says she is gonna leave me if I go fishing one more time........lord how I will miss that woman.


Man I hope I can make it next year it sounds like a great time.

What are the rates to rent a cabin or tent site if things change, anyone know?


Their website is still East Lake Fish Camp, they have prices listed, however They say 85 a night for the cabins and are only charging us 146 for two nights.
2012 XPRESS H18 /  YAMAHA 115
Retired U.S Navy Chief


Guys,  3/7 and 3/15 are both out for me, I have bachelor party and wedding respectively.
  I guess it's for the best,  I have these guys to enjoy instead!!

I will try and drop in 3/16 just to say hi if I'm not too hung over from my best friend's wedding!


We are going to be there two days this time. Coming in Friday a.m.
2012 XPRESS H18 /  YAMAHA 115
Retired U.S Navy Chief


I am finally here and my cabin is still not finished.  They remodeled it and the internet has not been working that well so I have missed a lot of posts.  Do NOT use the old East Lake web site as it is not being supported many problems with it anyway.  The new name for this place is Boggy Creek Resorts and RV park.  They do have a current page on Facebook you can check out.

I can book the dinner for either night, but what we have found is Saturday night has worked the best due to many people leaving on Sunday to drive back home.  I am flexible and so is the restaurant.

Fishing has been a little slow, Cliff has not caught his annual 10 lber....yet!  I am finding some small schools of bucks, but have not found anything on the beds yet.  Frost warnings for the next two days are going to knock the water temps down big time.  Might be next week before it warms back up to where it belongs.  Will keep you posted.

Baron   ~gf


OK, one person says "east lake fish camp", and another says "boggy creek", which is it that we are using. I know West has booked at East lake fish camp already, and I am going to be fishing with him, so what's the deal?

My wife says she is gonna leave me if I go fishing one more time........lord how I will miss that woman.


Okay Gambler, the place was named  "East Lake Fish Camp".  The new owners changed it to "Boggy Creek" however I could not find a website for them.  The site I sent you is the old one.  The pictures are of the same park.  Along with the location (main thing lol)

Sorry for any confusion.  The number posted by Boats is the one I called to reserve my room.  They answer boggy creek.. but it's the same place.. new owners.

Sorry again bud.


OK, so I take it we are all staying at the same place? And if anyone can give me a few details about the dinner. Is it at the fish camp? or are we going to be going to a restaurant?

My wife says she is gonna leave me if I go fishing one more time........lord how I will miss that woman.


Haha, yall should see the "contract" my wife had typed up for me. All the days of the year that I am not allowed to schedule fishing trips. She made me sign it and had it notarized by her cousin to be a "legal" document, lol. Oh man, looks like next year I wont be joining if it the two weekends in the middle of March :'(.

My wife says she is gonna leave me if I go fishing one more time........lord how I will miss that woman.