DIY Rod tube

Started by boostr, December 02, 2013, 02:40:15 PM

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Hey guys what's up? The other day I was looking thru the various outdoor sites looking for a rod tube to hold my rods when my season is over which for me is pretty much now. The prices That I was seeing were a bit high for a plastic tube, and the length I needed which is at least 7 1/2 ft.   I decided to build my own which was pretty simple. Went to my local home improvement store, and went looking in the plumbing section at 4" diam PVC piping, man was that heavy and a little pricey so that was a no go.  Than I found ADS (Advanced Drainage Systems) corrugated HDPE pipe. It's a white plastic coating over a thicker black corrugated liner which is smooth on the inside, but very rigid.  At $6.95 US for 10ft x 4" it cost over  half less than PVC at the same length, and it weighed next to nothing. So I picked that up, and two flat bottomed end caps at $1.95 a piece.

Here is where a little work is involved, measure what length you want mark it, and cut. It cuts real easy with aregular hand saw. There is a coupler attached to one end of the pipe so you would want to cut it at that end. I took a little piece of sandpaper and smoothed out the burrs after cutting. I Took one end cap and sprayed the inside with some glue, and lined it with some soft toolbox drawer liner I had laying around, (you can also use some kind of foam) I used 2 layers,   that way the rod tips are protected when you slide them into the tube. Slide this cap over one end and that will be the top. I took the other cap and made that the bottom which will also be the access point.  The caps do go on a little snuggly so I didn't even bother glueing the the top cap on. The bottom cap can be secured with a set screw(s).  This can probably also be made into a portable unit with some thought.

So far at an 4" diam I have 4 rods in it, and room for another.

That's pretty much it, hope this gives some of you guys some ideas. 

I didn't catch the Bass, the Bass caught me