Biggest bass

Started by mahdi, September 05, 2013, 09:26:45 AM

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What's your biggest bass.
Soft plastic fishing, its as easy as pie

Mike Cork

Mine is just 12-4, I was lucky enough to catch her in a tournament :toot: I wrote a blog about her here if you're interested

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service


6-7ish to date... Though, one of the 6+lber that I caught, I hooked another one right behind it that made the 6 look like 2 lber..... jumped and through my lure. Made me sick. 8-10lbs easy I'm sure...

Still working on that 8lb mark and eventually the 10lb...
Fishin' Alabama
Building Rods, & Snatchin' Lips.

Siebert Outdoors

8.3lbs  8)  I'm still hoping to break that this year.

fishing is addicting 420

5 pounds is my biggest. I lost a 8-9 pounder this summer that almost made me cry. Jumped and threw the hook right infront of me trying to play him around the weeds at the bank  ~xyz 


Nice article Mike.

Mine are 12.41 & 12.42, caught on back to back cast on Sam Rayburn.
Biggest on T-Bend is 11.04


10 lbs out of a farm pond. My biggest out of a lake is 9.5 out of lake murray, sc


8.8, damn near thought it was a Snook the way it hit.

My wife says she is gonna leave me if I go fishing one more time........lord how I will miss that woman.


12 lbs.  Caught her flippin' in Orange Lake near Gainesville, Fl. many years ago.  I've since caught 22 more over 10 lbs., including another 12 lb. in the lake behind my house.

All of you guys who don't live in the south are missing out!
Retired after 34 yrs. with Jacksonville P.D.  Now I have time to hunt and fish!


8.8. Small public pond in Kisatchie National Forest. Caught Sept. 12 2012. On a trip in late August this year I caught one 6-7ish but didn't have my scale. Had a HUGE mouth but didn't have much of a gut.

Not sure how to put a picture in...


Quote from: copnjax on September 05, 2013, 07:46:43 PM
12 lbs.  Caught her flippin' in Orange Lake near Gainesville, Fl. many years ago.  I've since caught 22 more over 10 lbs., including another 12 lb. in the lake behind my house.

All of you guys who don't live in the south are missing out!

rub it in  ~roflmao


Some of mine, no scale with me for this one

8.3 lbs


8lbs from a farm pond here in Indiana.
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One over 13 and way to many to count over 10.

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Quote from: fishinfranklin on September 23, 2013, 08:12:13 AM
way to many to count over 10.

Need a fishing partner one day? lol
Fishin' Alabama
Building Rods, & Snatchin' Lips.


7lb 4 oz, thats stupid huge where im from. Most people i know are stuck at about 6-61/4 lbs, they just generally dont get bigger than that here.


Stop by the Garage and let me know if you have Maintenance issues that you need assistance with.


9lbs even. Black Bayou here in Bossier. That fish has been caught twice since then; once at 9lb 7oz and again at 9lb 3oz.

But I would LOVE to fish with Franklin!!
I use Mister Twister Baits!


Great bass BassmanRudy!! Hey guys anytime ya want to come to south ga
we can go HAWG hunting ;D The bass pictured came out of a maybe 5 acre
pond. Farm ponds and small rivers hold some big bass here in the south. Hear
of lots of 10 and 12 pound ones caught in the early spring every year.


Quote from: copnjax on September 05, 2013, 07:46:43 PM
12 lbs.  Caught her flippin' in Orange Lake near Gainesville, Fl. many years ago.  I've since caught 22 more over 10 lbs., including another 12 lb. in the lake behind my house.

All of you guys who don't live in the south are missing out!

not necessarily.   ;D   

personal best is somewhere around over 7.  Northern strain

and I'll defy you to find one of these in Florida...



ahhh yes! That's how I can make those southern boys jealous.
Try and catch one of these!

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Lee Smith

Dang, those are nice fish!  ~c~  ~c~  I gotta go find my Pickwick Smallie now!  She was 4.8# and was caught in Mississippi, United States of America!!!  ;D  ;D
Builder of Custom Personal Bassin' Rods


Nice smallmouth !! I cant say that I have ever even seen one in person.


Just over 8 according to the spring scale I used (blue shirt). And my 2nd best at 6.7lbs.

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Quote from: Lsmith500 on September 25, 2013, 10:52:01 AM
Dang, those are nice fish!  ~c~  ~c~  I gotta go find my Pickwick Smallie now!  She was 4.8# and was caught in Mississippi, United States of America!!!  ;D  ;D

I'll give you guys crap all day long about your florida bass ... just know it's out of respect/admiration...for the fish!   lo

Now, if you can catch/photo a legit 10 pounder, heck even an 8 pounder in Minnesota...THAT would be a fish!

Just having fun...they're all great animals.