July2013 Redfish NewSmyrnaBeach Orlando DaytonaBch

Started by Capt. Michael Savedow, July 24, 2013, 09:15:07 AM

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Capt. Michael Savedow

The water levels have been extremely low this July 2013 here on Mosquito Lagoon Florida, this is the time when you can best learn to navigate the shallow lagoon area. The channels and sloughs are the only runways deep enough for most boats to travel. Some grass flats which normally have a foot or more of water over them are dry, large areas of  some flats are seen with the grass at the laying on the surface while some are seen as slicks telling you these places are very shallow. You can however see Redfish and Seatrout tailing in this shallow grass, making for a challenging exercise to get close enough to them to present a bait or lure right on their nose. I have had many great trips in the last couple weeks, repeat client Scott from Tampa, FL brought 8 year old Gabe with me to hunt Redfish and Trout, catching 6 Reds up to 27" and a 23" Speck, Gabe here with his best fish of the morning

And dad Scott with his 27" Redfish.

David and Rhonda from Alabama came out with their 2 sons for a morning trip to the flats last week, great morning with 9 Redfish up to 30" in size. Fourteen year old Ben  here with a good Red

And his 17 year old brother Griffin with another beautiful multi spotted Mosquito Lagoon Redfish.

Cody , Jason, and Jay from Georgia had a great fun time on their trip catching 6 Redfish up to 30"  plus a 25" Seatrout here with Jay.

Jerry and Donna from Pennsylvania also had a super Redfish trip with 10 Reds and Jerry here with his catch and released 27" Seatrout

Double up picture of husband and wife with a couple of the Reds from their morning all of which they chose to release.

Melissa and Matt from Georgia brought the kids with me catching 12 Redfish up to 28", Melissa had a great time catching this Red.

Every trip out we are seeing all kinds of nature and wildlife up close and personal, we see Dolphins and Manatees on most every summer time trip, as well as many different bird species. I never get tired of seeing the greatness of the outdoors no matter how many years I have had the privilege of fishing right in the middle of it all.

Located close to DAYTONA BEACH, NEW SMYRNA BEACH, ORLANDO, KISSIMMEE, DISNEY WORLD, SPACE COAST, COCOA BEACH, EAST CENTRAL FLORIDA. Saltwater Inshore Backcountry Fishing. Feel free to contact me at any time with questions you may have about my fishing charters. Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Guide. Flats Sight Fishing, Inland Fishing, also Eco-Tours, Sightseeing, Bird Watching, Photography Trips.

CALL ME ANYTIME AT 386-689-3781

Capt. Michael Savedow
Edgewater River Guide, Inc.
Website> http://edgewaterriverguide.com