Looks like Ike is toast

Started by -Shawn-, March 15, 2013, 12:16:52 PM

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He saw a big female squirrerl on a bed.
2012 XPRESS H18 /  YAMAHA 115
Retired U.S Navy Chief


Always heard Ike was TOUGH on his gear but this is a new level.  Might make resale of anything he's had extra risky ~roflmao


The only way you can run skinny water is on pad..  I am sure it is somewhere he had been in practice and thought it was clear..

As far as putting the Marshall in danger..,.
That is on the Marshall's shoulders.. These  guys are fishing for 100k and there gonna do whatever they have to do to win.


i am glad there was not any injuries.  i am going to guess by looking at what is on the bank, seeing no rocks, that there is not any hull damage.  i have ran bass boats at high speed for lots of years, but not in unknown skinny water with a passenger that i am responsible for.  no amount of money is worth injury or loss of life.  perhaps B.A.S.S. needs to take a look at going back to a 150hp limit.  there are some boats running 250's that are pushing or surpassing 80mph.  in my opinion, there are not very many people that have any business running a bass boat at that speed.  it is just like racing.  not very many of us have any business behind the wheel of a race car.  same can be said about operating a bass boat at high speeds.  it takes special touch, feel, quick reflexes, experience, and how to drive way out in front of you running at 70 plus in a bass boat.  i really do not think that just because anyone fishing bass or flw, or any other tournament automatically qualifies them to operate a bass boat at high speeds.  seems that tournies might need some common sense rules for saftey.  just my opinion.

On Heaven's Lake


Guess I don't agree..  I have routinely ran through water that is so skinny that sitting the boat down would result in it being there untill the next flood... That was where the winning fish were and If I wanted to win that was the only choice..

That is just part of river fishing and Marshall's need to understand that there is inherent risk when riding in a river system.


Yeah - it was unfortunate -  I agree.  Pros have alot on the line and getting to where the bass are is key.

But the pro does have a responsibility for the safety of his passenger.  This goes beyond BASS rules and is a basic rule of boating.  Ike is ultimately responsible, period.  The Marshal is not on he own shoulders.

I agree that a bass boat draw the least water on plane and running water like the Sabine sounds like a nasty place to run.


This is a never ending argument...

The Marshall's Pay to see how these guys catch fish... This is how they do it..
If the Marshall is not willing to accept the danger that comes with it then they don't sign up.. 

To ask them not to run to there water because it might be hazardous, would make the same sense as asking them to slow down at the classic because frostbite might happen at high speed..

It is rediculous. 

Ike did nothing wrong..


It couldnt be said any better, just like driving a car it takes common since and a drivers License, when you dont have either one thats what happens
Powell Rods.


I find it funny that y'all think Ike did something wrong and none of you were there.. lo


At 70 mph even with rudder if you unpower hard and drop the nose of a boat it will hook period... I don't care if there is 300 ft of water under it.

Pat Curtis

So did he drop a jig in that stuff and start fishing it or what?


Quote from: -Shawn- on March 15, 2013, 07:08:26 PM
I find it funny that y'all think Ike did something wrong and none of you were there.. lo

Were you there to say that Ike did nothing wrong?


Quote from: jocko on March 15, 2013, 01:19:06 PM
Hell of an advertisment for his boat if they are able to get it back in the water and there's no hull damage.  Ike's gear should be bullet proof anyway.  I can't believe theres not a big ole hole on the left side.  Every angler should have a come along and winch just for times like this.

Reported from BCB...

Bass Cat Boats wrote:
Ike's boat is good. A crack maybe and the rub rail torn, plus a few scuffs on the bottom.


Quote from: -Shawn- on March 15, 2013, 07:11:21 PM
At 70 mph even with rudder if you unpower hard and drop the nose of a boat it will hook period... I don't care if there is 300 ft of water under it.
shawn, my exact point that not everyone is qualified to be running a bass boat at high speeds.  just because someone has one does not mean they are a really great driver at high speeds.  i have been in the boat with several that are not a safe driver, even at 50mph.  i do not know a thing about ike's driving skills, but you really need to know when it is safe to be running like that.  i do not care if they are fishing for 100 grand, safety comes first.  lets put some other factors into the equation of what happened.  what if, ike was meeting or passing another boat, and he took that 90 degree turn into or into of another boat causing a horrific accident??  does that mean there is not fault or negligence just because ike was fishing for 100 grand.  as i stated before, not everyone is really qualified to drive a boat at high speeds.  there also has to be some common sense about safety.  there are other boaters on the water, and you are responsible for your passenger.

On Heaven's Lake


I can understand how you someone that fishes highland lakes more than river systems might think that way. 

Down here there are lots of places that you have to run 1-2 miles of 2-3 foot water to get to 15 foot of water ... It is just something you learn to do to win..

Falcon is a great example, the fish 20 miles up the river are untouched by those that are scared to run 10 miles in 2-3 foot of water..   I ran there last winter and the only guys I had to share fish with was Alton jones and Keith Colmbs.

My original point was and still is that these guys are gonna run skinny water, fog, 8 foot chop or anything else they have to to win.. The Marshall's have to know that in advance and if they are scared they need to stay home.


Quote from: UMDFisherman on March 15, 2013, 08:21:23 PM
Were you there to say that Ike did nothing wrong?

Have you heard his Marshall saying that he did?


I've been following this most of the day on several websites. It amazes me how quick some are to point that he must have been doing something wrong because he is Ike. Hell I've seen pics of the Marshall smiling after this all happened.
Merc, after all these years I'd say its safe to say he knows how to run a boat at high speeds.
This section under construction.


I have to agree with DB... I think that any of these guys that spend 300 days a year on the water are pretty savvy on bassBoat driving..

Ike has fished in LA for the better part of 20 years and I am SURE he has learned the proper way to run a boat in shallow water.


He hit something in the water it's plain and simple. This can and will happen on any lake in the country. Doesn't matter how fast or slow your going or in what depth of water.

It's not like he pulled a Shin Fukae
Everyone talks about rock these days; the problem is they forget about the roll - Keith Richards


Quote from: -Shawn- on March 15, 2013, 10:53:20 PM
I have to agree with DB... I think that any of these guys that spend 300 days a year on the water are pretty savvy on bassBoat driving..

Ike has fished in LA for the better part of 20 years and I am SURE he has learned the proper way to run a boat in shallow water.
we all drive cars too, but that does not make us race car drivers.  and driving a boat at 70 plus is much more difficult than driving a car at 70.  i watched a guy put a brand new basscat up on the bank.  and he made a mistake at high speed, hooked the front, and up on the bank he went.  this guy has ran boats his entire life, and he was the first to admit, that he was going faster than his abilities driving at high speeds.  driving crazy on the higway or on the water puts innocent people at risk.  i know you are going to try to justify it, but there are other factors of safe operation to be considered here.  those other factors are the safety of others using the water.

On Heaven's Lake


wish i could do that to my boat and still have money to get another one haha lo
Sponsord by https://www.facebook.com/MichaelsCustomBaits?fref=ts Jig maker cheap jig+ big fish=Winning


I am not going to try and justify it.   Don't need to.   Plain and simple, we run shallow in the south, because we have to.
These guys push the limits of there equipment because they have to.

You can sit and try to say that they don't have to take chances to win but they do and will. This is the way they feed their families and they can either push the limits or starve, because if they don't there are 98 others who will..

Running a boat is dangerous, you either accept that fact or stay home.  That is the choice every one of these Marshall's make on their own. Nobody is putting a gun to their head.


I have to agree with Shawn. There are a couple spots on the Red River that you have to run on pad or trolling motor. I run them on pad because that's where the fish are and in a tournament thats a risk that has to be taken from time to time if you want to win. Shit happens. Professional race car drivers wreak all the time and y'all don't get on here calling them dumbasses. Y?? Because that's part of the game. I'm not an IKE fan just ask DB I'm a fishing fan and understand the risk that have to be taken to be on top.


Just curious, if all this stirring of the pot would be happening if the angler was Stacey King, Rick Clunn or Shaw Grigsby?

1 is luck, but 2 is a pattern!


This is a fluke accident, and luckily nobody got seriously hurt or worse.... no different then the accident that happened a couple weeks ago at the NASCAR Nationwide race at Daytona.  A tire ended up 10 rows into the stands, and the engine was sitting along the walkway.  HORRIFIC accident, 2 people ended up needing surgery... does that mean a NASCAR driver cant control his car?  NO.   The entertainment value comes from someone taking the car/competition to the absolute edge and toe-ing the line...