Curado G series info- I'm not trying to step on toes

Started by jaynay71, January 02, 2013, 08:20:10 PM

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Pro Reel

Quote from: JPD0144 on January 03, 2013, 03:23:01 PM


I would be perfectly willing to spend $200 to purchase New curado E reels if they had simply done that. I seem to remeber that the curado D was pretty close to that price and that they actually dropped the price when they brought out the E reels, Then, a few years later they brought out the E 50 at roughly $200. I know it sold at that price, but maybe it didn't meet expectations and so they decided if they called it a chronarch, people would be more willing to pay $200 for it? You might not belive that, but i have already personally seen it. A guy I talk to at the local tackle shop meeting place just recently told me how much he loved the new chronarchs and was going to get several of them now that they dropped to price to something he could afford. He always wanted a Chronarch but couldn't drop 3 bills on one. Now that they are just 2 bills he is thrilled to get his chronarchs. i asked him what he thought about the green curado E reels and why he never got any of those. His reply was that he tried a friends 2 years ago and wasn't impressed with it. I just laughed. He didn't think it was funny when i explained to him that the new white chronarch is the same reel he just told me that he wasn't impressed with when it was green. So, yes, the marketing ploy of rebranding does in fact work. I mean heck, who wouldn't buy a corvette if they came out with a new one at the price of a camaro? Would it matter if it was just last years camaro with covette emblems?


Quote from: Pro Reel on January 03, 2013, 04:25:46 PM

A guy I talk to at the local tackle shop meeting place just recently told me how much he loved the new chronarchs and was going to get several of them now that they dropped to price to something he could afford. He always wanted a Chronarch but couldn't drop 3 bills on one. Now that they are just 2 bills he is thrilled to get his chronarchs. i asked him what he thought about the green curado E reels and why he never got any of those. His reply was that he tried a friends 2 years ago and wasn't impressed with it. I just laughed. He didn't think it was funny when i explained to him that the new white chronarch is the same reel he just told me that he wasn't impressed with when it was green.

Good one Pro ! Thats one of the better stories Ive heard so far !

Sad to say but makes me worry in 5 years from now what we may be faced with if exchange rates dont improve.

Let me guess ... A Core 100mg7 for $149.99 made in Malaysia ?  ~roflmao

Hate to think like this being that i bleed Shimano...  but the way its going the Daiwa Zillion line on up are looking better and better.
... And to think I use to think "Daiwa" was a bad word ...  ~shhh 

At least at Icast this past year Daiwa stepped up to the plate and stuck to quality instead of watering things down ... Comon Shimano ... :'(


For those that are recent Shimano convert and think the G is great............  Here is some Recent history................  The Curado D's sucked and the Citica outsold them...........  When the E's came out Shimano made sure they were one of the best reels on the market.......... They were..........  Then Shimano tried to play a shell game...........  Most of the Lifelong Shimano users saw where it was going from the day they were unveiled at Icast.

I personally think that the new Bearings that shimano is using are not Japanese but Either Mylasian or chinese.  They are not as smooth a bearing as Shimano used to use.

The more Shimano plays these games the more I think about switching to all Okuma............  Which performance wise are beating Shimano hands down right now.

Ron Fogelson

Quote from: -Shawn- on January 03, 2013, 06:44:09 PM
The more Shimano plays these games the more I think about switching to all Okuma............  Which performance wise are beating Shimano hands down right now.

Come on over Shawn I made the jump and haven't looked back


Quote from: LgMouthGambler on January 03, 2013, 11:59:20 AM
Your welcome, lol

Should have known you would be lurking out there
All seriousness aside, C'mon LMG, we'll straighten them out somehow.

Ya know, years ago, before forums, before the internet, you read the catalogs, made your
choices, went fishing and enjoyed yourself. You had no one telling you, your equipment was
bad, your reel was no good, now it's all discontent, griping and criticism. What the heck happened?
What if my buddy prefers a different setup than me, "SO FREAKIN WHAT". Why is it that some people can't be happy unless they pee on someones else's cereal.

There, I said it. Now I feel much better!!   :-\

Retired, AND LOVING IT!!!


There is always going to be a debate about whether or not the curado e series is any different or better than the curado g series. Everyone is going to feel differently about it. If you're like me though, you sold your curado g not too long after you purchased it. It's nothing like my curado e, they're completely different reels and handle completely different. I love my curado e and chronarch e, but the g series SUCKS. After saying that, go buy yourself a Lew's reel and don't look back. You won't find a better performing reel with better customer service.


I would take a Chronarch E over any Lews reel, but wouldnt say Lews SUCKS. But hey, not everyone can be pleased by every company out there.
My wife says she is gonna leave me if I go fishing one more time........lord how I will miss that woman.


Quote from: centerfieldr162 on January 04, 2013, 02:16:53 PM
There is always going to be a debate about whether or not the curado e series is any different or better than the curado g series. Everyone is going to feel differently about it. If you're like me though, you sold your curado g not too long after you purchased it. It's nothing like my curado e, they're completely different reels and handle completely different. I love my curado e and chronarch e, but the g series SUCKS. After saying that, go buy yourself a Lew's reel and don't look back. You won't find a better performing reel with better customer service.



Quote from: LgMouthGambler on January 04, 2013, 08:39:08 PM
I would take a Chronarch E over any Lews reel, but wouldnt say Lews SUCKS. But hey, not everyone can be pleased by every company out there.

You know how it is on the internet...........  lo

It isn't the first time Shimano has done this and it won't be the last...... But they outlived Lew's before and since Lews is built in the same  Factory as most of Johnny Morrris's stuff I don't see them pushing Shimano out the door any time soon.  ;)


Quote from: LgMouthGambler on January 03, 2013, 12:38:30 PM
I don't own one, but I have used one. Do I think they are still a great reel, yes. Do I think they are a slight step down from the Curado E? Only due to not having knob bearings, and that does nothing for me to think negatively of the reel. The problem is the Curado E spoiled everyone. The G is built the way the Curado should be. I'm mean, come on, cry about knob bearings? What about the Core? The point is, people cried about the Ds, they cried about the Es, you can't please everyone. QC is still top notch, and I would put the G against any reel in its respected price point. I have a full arsenol of the E series from Citica to Chronarch, 200s and 50s, and a Citica G. I like the feel of the E series better in my hand, especially the 50s. Since I will be adding one more to my arsenal, its gonna be another Chronarch50E, since they don't have a 50 series in the G as an option. Also, if your so concerned about knob bearings, and I bet its all the Abu/Lews people(hehe), just get a HawgHandle and have a carbonfiber handle with 4 bearings. Have your opinions and fish what you want, I know what brand has always been good to me ever since I started with a CU-200.

Spoiled everyone?  I've seen you write this several times on different forums and I think you're missing the point to the average consumer who isn't a diehard Shimano fanboy, such as yourself.

I understand companies having to reach certain price points and change manufacturing locations, but most "new generations" of reels that come out each year are of an upgraded design, not a downgraded one.  When Shimano comes out with a Curado H next year that is this year's Citica for the same price, does that mean we were "spoiled" with the G series.

I think it is a shady business practice or "ploy", as ProReel mentioned, for the average bass fisherman who doesn't read fishing forums everyday, or subscribe to Shimano's yearly "downgraded press release" subscription.

Just this guys $.02, and to be fair, I have a Curado 50e and 200e, but I will not purchase any further Shimano products.  I have been more than satisfied with the performance of my PQs that I've had for over 4 years with nothing more than yearly oil/lube and cleaning done on them.
"Think classy, you'll be classy"

Mike Cork

I read these threads and have to laugh at all the comments. Especially the ones about quality. Most come from a person that "used" one or heard or read. What's important in a reel is still in the G model, they took out paddle bearing and it brought the price down, IMO consumer wins. I have several and fish 4 days a week and I get the same performance out of a G as I do the E.

To each there own, that's why we have choices

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service


Quote from: Mike Cork on January 06, 2013, 10:54:55 AM
I read these threads and have to laugh at all the comments. Especially the ones about quality. Most come from a person that "used" one or heard or read. What's important in a reel is still in the G model, they took out paddle bearing and it brought the price down, IMO consumer wins. I have several and fish 4 days a week and I get the same performance out of a G as I do the E.

To each there own, that's why we have choices

I'm a Shimano guy...their products just have not let me down.  Ever.  So it's hard to think about 'wandering off the reservation' and trying other reels/manufacturer products.  Especially when I am 'one of those' guys who want the same reel...not a hodge-podge across my rod selections (also the same manufacturer)...

that said, the Okuma I had an opportunity to use was phenomenal.  Better than my shimano?  not so sure.  Not as good as my Shimano?  nope...  it did have some features that my Curados don't...but one thing's for sure:  I expect what ever reel I have to give me 10-15 years or more service with very little more than routine maintenance.

okuma, abu, pflueger, etc...some outstanding reels available to everyone...regardless of 'who you go with'.

I've made my choice and am very comfortable, confident in that choice.  Would expect nothing less from folks who've chosen differently.


Like I said I have owned Shimanos since I bought my first B100 back in the early 80's so I have been fairly loyal.... But I don't have an issue calling shimano out when they screw up.. They have with the G.  I had my hands on one BEFORE I-cast and after playing with it a short time, I could tell a difference from the E..

After all the fussing on the site I went and bought one just to make sure I didn't jump the gun... The handle bearings aren't the deal..  The parts are not the same quality that they were, the QC isn't the same and the performance isn't the same on the Citicas and Curados.

So, it wasn't speculation on my part. I can not in good conscience, tell someone that they are still the same Quality as an E when I know they are not.

Mike Cork

Shawn this is my point exactly, your basing Quality Control on one reel? To get a true measure of QC you have to look deeper.

I'm not getting drug into this again. I love them, you hate them, I'm cool with that ~c~ ~c~

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service


Bassh8er, one would not understand when not fishing a company who has not been on top of their game. Shimano always sets the bar for others, but unfortunately, when they have got as high as they can get on the price point and performance, you cant go any higher without price increase. Could they have just racked the price to $200, sure, but thats not what a Curado is. Would you pay $200 for a Revo S, prob not. Like I said, you cant just keep going up and up all the time, the Revo is just in its 3rd gen, some times you have to give a little.
My wife says she is gonna leave me if I go fishing one more time........lord how I will miss that woman.


Mike, The QC is a known deal mylasia vs Japan..  That is why the Curado has always stayed in Japan up untill now.

The Malaysian bearings are not hard to tell the difference from Japanese bearings..  I have both sitting in here on the desk.. There is a huge difference.  I replaced them both with Boca lightening .

I can care less who likes them or who doesn't.  But when the shimano team guys say the are a big step back..  I think that maybe it is not my imagination


I may buy a G on a deal for 80nib, hopefully they have lh.  Ill buy an e later on and compare.


The G is a POS, Shimano is playing games........For $159.00 I could have bought two more Lew's SS1S or SS1H, and been 10X happier.  My G series took a nasty dump after 5 trips, so it got returned for some Quantum's.  Now, Shimano of Japan is a totally different ball game.  They actually make the good stuff.....

Shamano should have left the darn reel alone. 
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Mike Cork

Sorry you had trouble Baybass, I've got 4 as old as the model is and not the first problem. I'd actually pit them against any reel under $200. But I've got fantastic luck when I buy products  ~c~

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service


Quote from: Mike Cork on January 24, 2013, 05:06:31 PM
Sorry you had trouble Baybass, I've got 4 as old as the model is and not the first problem. I'd actually pit them against any reel under $200. But I've got fantastic luck when I buy products  ~c~

Whoa whoa whoa Mike! The Chronarch is under 200 and it is pretty damn nice! I like my two Team Lew's better, but that is another price range altogether.

Fished the Chronarch- Love it. Have played with the Lews TP and Revo STX. I think it is a toss up among the three. I want to play with a Helios and a Smoke to see how they compare. Tackletour gave the smoke the highest rating out of all of them. Yet I reserve judgement!

Mike Cork

Quote from: Down4ttown on January 25, 2013, 10:57:55 AM
Whoa whoa whoa Mike! The Chronarch is under 200 and it is pretty damn nice! I like my two Team Lew's better, but that is another price range altogether.

You are correct sir, I should of said any other brands reel under 200.

There are a lot of great reels out there, Lews has done wonders as of late, Okuma has knocked a couple out of the park, and the Revo has always been a good reel.

Everyone jumped on this band wagon of the Curado is crap and IMO they are just as good as any of the old curados or the current competition in the same price range. I hold my ground.

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service


I never said they were crap. I said they were a step down in quality and not as nice as the E...  They aren't... They are on par with the Citica E, but the platform is not as solid..

As far as dollar for dollar... A 200.00 okuma will outperform it in every way out of the box.. But then again.. They way outperformed the E too..

My E5's can now cast as far as the cayenne on the same rods, but only after I upgraded the E's to boca OS bearings.

My whole complaint was and is.. Do not go backwards!!! The G is a step back..  Then painting the curado E white and calling it a chronarch and thinking no one would notice is like shimano saying "hey, they are all stupid, they will never notice.. "

That is why shimano lost market share and why you can buy a new G cheaper than a used E right now on EBay..


1 word for all of you diawa yeah 20 years ago my dad would have smacked the taste out of my mouth for saying that word but we aint listening to a mitchell 300 clicking now they got the best reels for the money imo you cantbeat their reels in any price range
hell i may just go get me a zebco 33 and a cherrywood rod


Not going to lie. The Helios is calling my name. Good reviews and is as light as it gets. The only lighter reels come with a much higher price tag.


I think the new Chronarch is much better than the curado E,I have them both right now brand new the chronarch is much more refined,no slop, tight reel.I would not trade my chronarch for a curado e no way no how