Bass Quest Magazine

Started by Mike Cork, December 27, 2012, 10:41:47 AM

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Mike Cork

As some of you already know Tom Leogrande cornered Aaron Martens, Angler of the Year Brent Chapman and Randy Howell and built a new magazine. I've been lucky enough to get a preview of it and it's pretty cool. It's different than the normal magazines in that its fun, filled with tips and facts, along with some great how too's.

Check out the press release

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service


Wonder how Jerry McKinnis and Bassmaster feel about it?  Especially the comment made about wanting a magazine that told the story from an anglers perspective.  Seems kind of a slam to BASSMASTER?

I would also think that these guy's schedules are so full, how can they possibly have time for this?  Surely this is somebody else's brain child and they just happened to get these 3 involved as poster material?  I think all three are remarkable anglers and the magazine looks good.  Seems an odd venture, especially since it is limited to 10 percent advertising - how will they make money?  Maybe not everything is about money?


Mike Bush

Randy Howell messaged me about this last week. I instantly paid for this one. Looks great. There arent too many good magazines out there...kind of a lost art in this era.

Im done with BASS after subscription runs out in March. FLW Bass mag is 2x the BASS one is.


Should be receiving mine soon.  ;)

"Success is a Journey. Not a destination".


Interesting.  Wonder if this is overkill with BASS, BAM, FLW, BASSIN' and proably some more I forgot about. Time will tell and I wish them good luck.


Quote from: jocko on December 27, 2012, 10:52:09 AM

Wonder how Jerry McKinnis and Bassmaster feel about it?  Especially the comment made about wanting a magazine that told the story from an anglers perspective.  Seems kind of a slam to BASSMASTER?

I would also think that these guy's schedules are so full, how can they possibly have time for this?  Surely this is somebody else's brain child and they just happened to get these 3 involved as poster material?  I think all three are remarkable anglers and the magazine looks good.  Seems an odd venture, especially since it is limited to 10 percent advertising - how will they make money?  Maybe not everything is about money?

good comments Jocko...

here's a couple things I'm thinking:
1.  appreciated the sentence in the article where they speak to Bassmaster and hope to enlarge the audience rather than compete for existing...   there is a very large appetite for information on fishing in general and bass fishing specifically.  I subscribe to as many 'good' magazines as there are out there.  Not just one.  I think there's lots of room for this one...and it'll earn it's keep or it won't.

2.  Started out reading BassWest while it was under the direction of Tom Leogrande.  Loved his work there and frankly am excited to see how he executes this one... 

I'm always interested in magazines that are geared much more to education at a very detailed level versus those that just skim the surface and are just about 'for entertainment purposes' only. 

The single biggest challenge I see:  getting extremely accomplished and knowledgeable bass anglers to talk openly and completely about 'how to do' something.  I want them to talk to me like they would a son/daughter/brother that they were coaching up to be able to compete at the Elite level.

that's going to be hard to come by in a magazine...just like it's tough to get that level of info 'here'.

I will and do read long, technical documents.  The closest I've come in the bass world is reading Murphy's 'In Pursuit of Giant Bass'...still reading through that one every year or two.


Thanks for the good comments everyone. We appreciate it. I can assure you that even though Randy, Brent and Aaron's schedules are very busy - they are also very involved in this magazine.  In fact, so are Robin, Bobbi and Lesley - we are all working hard to make this magazine different, fun and still very informative. 

As for 10% advertising - well I don't know about you, but I am tired of reading a magazine in or out of bass fishing that has 40-45% advertising. Also, keep in mind for every advertiser a magazine has obligations to write about their products and not write (too much anyway) about competitors products. We don't want to do that either. We want to write about whatever we want - whenever we want without worrying about making $$$ from it. Truth be told, you hit the nail on the head. It's not all about money for any of us, its about sharing the love of the sport with everyone - in the way we want to share it.   

Lastly, I don't see it any different than an Elite Series or FLW Tour angler making a TV Show. In fact, that's probably more intrusive to the BASS or FLW enterprises.

Lastly, I am sure that we made more than a few people mad at us, but truth be told good competition will only help everyone make better magazines - and guess who wins with better magazines - THE READER.

Hope you all enjoy it.  It's been my dream to do my own magazine and when these three fantastic families wanted to be a partners in it - I was thrilled. I can't wait to get the next issue finished, its already shaping up to better than the first!!!   

We should have a contest - to see who can guess the second cover will be!   In fact, lets do that.  Right here on UB only.  The first person to guess who will be on the cover of the 2nd issue will win a Tournament Jersey from one of the three anglers (Howell, Martens or Chapman).  Not sure which one yet - but, one of them!   

Enter your guesses below. Here's a clue - that angler was either an Elite Series or FLW Tour angler during the 2012 season. We will not be announcing who will be on the cover until March 1 - when the magazine prints - but I will come back to this thread and announce the winner!!   1 Guess per UB Account - has to be in reply to this post!   All professional anglers are eligible for the cover.   Remember ONLY the first person to guess the right name wins!!   

For the record, if Mike Cork wants to sit on the name until March 1st - I will gladly tell him, so you know there is no funny stuff going on.  I trust Mike and MotherNature will keep our secret.

OK - Start guessing!




And if he doesn't count bc he's retired I say Chris Lane!


KIDD - Denny Brauer will ALWAYS count.  He's a legend and big reason our sport is what it is today!

That leaves Chris Lane still open!



bo james, no just kidding lo.  lets see, if it someone that might really teach, i might pick mr. ledge fisherman rose.

On Heaven's Lake


Skeet Reese

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"Its not how deep you fish,Its how you wiggle your worm".
Berserk Baits- Field Staff


Gerald Swindle.  I really like this guy


KVD.....why not, he's probably been on every other cover.


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"Success is a Journey. Not a destination".



2011 classic winner.. Chris Lane?

Mike Bush

Ott DeFoe

Would love to see some Tommy Biffle me some Biffle. Awesome guy. One of the most genuine people Ive ever been around. Hes old school and I love it.


Quote from: West6550 on December 28, 2012, 07:41:15 AM
2011 classic winner.. Chris Lane?

I shoulda guessed this lol. !
Stop by the Garage and let me know if you have Maintenance issues that you need assistance with.


Just for the record the 2011 Classic winner was KVD -  Chris Lane won it in 2012...

I suggest everyone to keep guessing.   :) :)


Quote from: TomLeogrande on December 28, 2012, 09:59:02 AM
Just for the record the 2011 Classic winner was KVD -  Chris Lane won it in 2012...

I suggest everyone to keep guessing.   :) :)

11-12.. lol thanks

Want us to keep guessing?

Rick Clunn