Grand Bayou Coushatta Next Tourny

Started by magfish, September 11, 2012, 07:58:33 PM

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Just curious what ya think about the next tournament being scheduled for Grand Bayou,
Coushatta. Didn't sound like a lot of members at the last weigh in were to excited
about it. It personal doesn't matter to me, the way my luck been going, I'll be lucky
to catch a weigh fish, not complaning mind you, the good Lord has bless me in the last
few years more than I probably deserve. Congrats again to Jeff for the win, I think he
can catch a bass in a mud puddle sometimes, and congrats to Bobby Miller for having
a great year.
Mike Z.


just wandering how many people in club would rather fish the river  than grand bayou alot closer just taking a poll write on here and say were you would rather fish. would not hurt to have the last two on the river jeff and brad would like that i think.just write on here where you would like to fish.


You know me, I'd fish the River every tournament if yall let me choose.  As it stands, I probably can't make it to Grand Bayou.  Emily has a cross country meet that morning in Shreveport.  Now if it were on the River ... I might could show up after the race.  :)  I think the ABA has a tournament that day out of RRS, but there would be room for us too if we wanted to.
"Simon Peter said to them, I am going fishing ..."   John 21:3


Grand Bayou is a great lake but I understand many guys won't make the drive to fish it.

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Have never been on Grand Bayou but am kinda looking forward to fishing a new lake.  I would always be up for a river trip though if it comes to it.


I would be very frustrated to spend the gas money to go down there to practice only to find out two days before the tournament that it is going to be changed. We need to consider making adjustments like this at the tournament before rather than waiting until 2 days before a tournament.