Bayou Dorcheat Bass Fishing Report

Started by Ron Fogelson, January 28, 2006, 09:53:05 AM

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Ron Fogelson

Got out of work yesterday a bit early so had a few hours to fish before getting the kids from school.  Wanted to goto Bisteneau but remembered Justafishaman told me of a new launch @ Dorcheat.  Put in about 3:30 and fished till 5:30  Missed two and hooked one about 3lbs using a blackneon craw tube around wood.  Boat sitting in 7 to 11 foot of water and just pitched close to the back and worked it back.  Not one bite on a jig, spinner or rattle trap.  Water was 54 to 57 and mostly heavily stained.

This is a good launch, easy to put in and load back up.  There is no dock so it would be much better to launch and load with a friend, unless you don't mind beaching your boat.  I have a very long launch rope so didn't have any trouble but would have been better if they could put out a floating dock.  Still its nice to see a new public launch put in by the state.  Not near enough of them around here.  Seams like most want $2.00 & up to $7.00 to launch and thats flat out crazy.


Jared LeBlue

$7 to launch a boat :-\. Yeah I would go there, Not. That's almost as bad as Cane river water authority(or whatever they are called) wanting you to put them on your insurance in order to have a tournament there. That would be like me telling my club " we can have the meetings at my house as long as yall pay my home owners insurance." I have the right mind to send that paper work back to them and tell them what I think but I'm going to be bigger than that and just hold my tongue and pencil. ;D
Ardent Prostaff


where is this launch located at???sibley???dixie inn??


The launch is located between sibley and doyline. used to be deweys landing with the old two story shack. state bought it, put in a new ramp and made it public. Fogy when the water gets normal agina illshow you some good spots on the part of it.

Ron Fogelson

Thanks Justafishaman,  I only went down about 2 or three bends in the river.  THen used the big motor to come back in time to get my boys.  Did you know that the rail road bridge there was the 1st one ever in Webster?

By the way the bass I hooked into had a real red rubbed up mouth & toung.  Also it's right gill plate had a lump in it and was all red as well.

Not sure what it was but thought I'd tell you guys.   ;)


Fogy if you leave the ramp and go up there is a little better water. several brush piles and long jams to fish. lots of good current points with brush lining them. also there are several feeder creeks and bar pits that you can access north and south of the ramp. south of the ramp before it turns into bistineau there are some very nice grass flats on the east side. cant get to em right now by boat. but they are still holding water knee to waste deep. Most of the bar pits that you can motor into when the lake is normal have a lip at the entrance which has kept all but about a foot of water in them. they didnt drop more than two foot when the lake went down. anyway when we both got time ill give you the laketrash tour of bistineau and dorcheat.


Can I go too??? Exactly where is this new ramp?

Ron Fogelson

If you go through Doyline on 164 on the way to Sibley its on the right hand side just before you cross the Dorcheat bridge. 


Is that the place with the big sign that says "NO JET SKIS"?

Ron Fogelson

I didn't see that sign but didn't look  ;D

There used to be this big Gray house "I think it was gray" Anyway its on the right, the highway starts to curve a bit to the left and a gravel road runs straight down to the launch in the right.

Its the only big bridge, all the others are just small creek jumpers, this one has a big train bridge right next to it & the launch is between the road & the train bridge.  You can't miss it.


Didn't that used to be called Miller's or something? That's where I've launched before. An old "gentleman" used to own it, you could almost hear the banjos start playing when you drove up! :roll2:


Looks like the state finally got something right. This great for me I have been fishing on Lake Bistineau. for the last 30 years and have never been able to find my way up Dorcheat from the lake. Now I don't have to!!!!


Ron Fogelson

:-* :-* :-*  Now just launch and go down, by back tracking you might have better luck finding the lake!


wow youve been fishing bistineau for 30 yrs and never have made it up dorcheat!  Thats hard to believe....Im only 20 I ive drove from dixie in to  the state park several times and never had any trouble!


I can run from Port O'Bistineaux to Greg Lake at night with only moon light with no problem, but for some reason I cannot find or stay in the main channel when I get close to Dorcheat.



it only takes afew trips though the area before you reamber what trees to stay inbetween!  Although my dad showed me all of them so I guess you nedd a good guide the first few trips!.......


My dad is the one who taught me all the boat roads, channels, and some of his and his fishing buddies secret boat runs. With that new ramp I should be able to figure it out.



I know of one boat road only a few people know about it that I know of and it used to scare the crap out of me when I was little  and my dad would  go throuugh there wide open with a 115 it was only wide enough for 1 boat! haha fun times!


I have been through a few of those myself with my dad. great memories



Kw i know what you mean. from the port north its gets kinda tricky. but once YOU drive the channel a time or two its no prob. there are a bunch of shortcuts you can take also. comin out of plum orchard you can cut through the "rope Swing' into the hay meadow then cut through the "pig trail" into the channel, then when you get right past burges the channel takes a right, you can go straight and instead of turnin left into shelly slough go right through the hole in the trees and idle across that flat into the channel again. then you just run the channel right past caples and westwood and poof your in dorcheat. You ought to lauch at the park and make that run in the dark. But anyway the ramp at the bridge used to be Deweys. that is the one that said no skis. the state bought it and made it public. if any of you guys ever want to come out here and ride and look i can show ya a faiir bit about it. just be prepared to have your ears talked off.

Jared LeBlue

Come out of the plum orchard, cut through the rope swing, into the hay meadow, then cut through the pig trail, then you get right past burges, go straight instead of turning left into shelly slough, go righ through the hole in the trees,  just run past caples and westwood and poof you are in dorchet. Where the hell are you fishing. :shocking: Fogy if I ever here you make fun of lakes in our area again you in for it. lo
Ardent Prostaff

Ron Fogelson

Quote from: Rattle on January 31, 2006, 02:34:09 PM
Come out of the plum orchard, cut through the rope swing, into the hay meadow, then cut through the pig trail, then you get right past burges, go straight instead of turning left into shelly slough, go righ through the hole in the trees,  just run past caples and westwood and poof you are in dorchet. Where the "woops" are you fishing. :shocking: Fogy if I ever here you make fun of lakes in our area again you in for it. lo

:roll2: I know what you mean, man where I grew up a lake was a lake, didn't have 40 dang different names with-in one lake!  And there isn't any dang road signs out on the water, just trees with beer cans, Frisbees, yarn and string tied to them that has some kinda code that tells the locals where there are.

Olly place I know of is the hay meadow because its a low, low spot in the lake that way back when it used to flood up and drain out each year the farmers would bring there cattle out in the lake flats to feed up on the fresh hay & the "pig trail", well that is a trail that my boat just won't fit down, but it squirms back and forth like a pigs tail & some of the local boys run that thing WOT with no more room between the trees and the boat edge to let your fingers rest on the top cap.   :shocking:

But you rattle, heck we laugh it you & yours just cause your a red-neck Cajun with a frog head stuck on your face.  Don't get me wrong, your a good old boy & all but dang I bet the Doc got a fright plucking you from your mommas womb, yelling out the whole time, put it back put it back It just ant done!   ~roflmao


 lo lo :roll2: :roll2: :roll2:

Dang Fogy! Now you got me hurtin' from laughin so hard!  :roll2: ~roflmao

Ron Fogelson

Say BA,  I think Kermet err Rattle stuck his tongue out to grab a fly and a cat got it, cause he ain't saying nothing.

Jared LeBlue

Nope, I went to the store. And who are you to call me a redneck. I'm a coonass not a fricking redneck. You don't get classified a redneck until you get above Oakdale. That would put you smack dab in redneck country and those directions to get around that lake up there proves it. At least I was in the womb unlike you test tube freak. :roll2:
Ardent Prostaff