Hello Marylanders!

Started by Brandon _S, July 15, 2012, 03:58:26 AM

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Brandon _S

Howdy everyone. I'm new to the site. I'm not really new to fishing, I've been fishing for years but I guess you can say I was never really "educated" in what to use for certain fish and how to use certain lures. I joined this site in actually hoping to find a few fishing buddies that live around Middle River or Es"woops" that know a thing or two about the good spots in the area and have some knowledge on lures, how and where to use them. I guess you can say I'm looking for a mentor more or less. Anyway, I'd like to find a couple people in the area to go fishing with. If you're interested please leave me a reply here or you can email me at .  Thanks guys.


If your interested in bass fishing you should join a bass club. Search for ones and contact info at www.mdbass.com
Original Rat

Brandon _S

Thanks for the reply, I will definitely look into it.


Def the way to go. There are many clubs and is a great way to get out on a boat and learn from many people.

Team OutCast

Brandon _S

Awesome, thanks for the info guys.