RiverRatz Open

Started by tdt91, September 09, 2012, 07:47:51 AM

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The RiverRatz would like to thank all those that came out to fish our open tnx yesterday. We had a great turnout for the fall event and I'm told many others decided not to fish because of the weather forecast. High winds all day long did make it especially difficult to put fish in the boat. As always though a couple of teams were succesful and limited out with nice bags of fish. We had 19 boats and paid three places plus lunker. Many of the teams were first timers with us from MD, DE, NJ and PA. We also had some of our regulars and we truely thank you for supporting our tnxs year after year. We hope to see everyone next Memorial day weekend for our next event.
Thanks again.

  ~1  1st place team, Molz Jr. and Brockmeyer   21.10 pounds.
   ~2  2nd place team, Anderson and Schubert   18.64 pounds
    ~3 3rd place team, Marks and Veaux    12.61 pounds
  Lunker team, Booker and Greenleaf  5.66 pounder

On a side note, the water temps were still in the low 80s and no dead fish were brought to the scales, great job keeping the fish alive guys. I would also like to note that we had two teams of guys and gals and the second place team was one of them. Lets keep the gals going with getting into the sport.   ~c~

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