Alpha Tactical for Police/Fire?

Started by sprolese, May 20, 2012, 12:37:39 AM

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So i checked out the Alpha Tactical, awesome boat and a great program for Veterans! I was curious if Legend would do the same for Law Enforcement and have proceeds go to National Law Enforcement Memorial Fund? Boat could be a blue color, embedded badge, etc.? Just a thought

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Dean Smith had metioned that very possibility when he showed me the Army version earlier this year! Give the folks at Legend a call. I'm sure they would be more than happy to get you one built.

Mike Cork

As bassbuff said, this is something they want to do. Last I heard it was a go and they were working out the details. I'll see if I can get more to pass along.

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Quote from: sprolese on May 20, 2012, 12:37:39 AM
So i checked out the Alpha Tactical, awesome boat and a great program for Veterans!

I agree with you!  My hat is off to them, those are excellently done.  ~beer~

I was drooling at them myself.  As I plan on trading/selling my alluminum tracker in the next year and going into a fiberglass I was really dreaming.  Retired Navy here and was looking at doing one in Blue and Gold but alas, they are just out of my financial reach.  ::)

Looking like I will have to go into a Nitro and maybe in 20 years or so move up...  :'(

Tight lines,
Brian C. ETC/SS USN Ret
Virginia Beach, Va

Logan F

I really like this idea.. Just a thought with make the boat black and blue kinda a thin blue line look and vice versa for fire.   PoPo


Thin blue line look sounds good too! Also maybe put Red/Blue Bluewater led's to make it look like a lightbar on top of a patrol car look.

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