1993 150 Cajun with a hopped up Johnson v4 90hp crossflow

Started by BassinCaptain71, July 22, 2012, 07:52:42 PM

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This is my first bass boat, and I think, that I got a great deal on paid $2000, altho it needs a little TLC, the wood and carpet need replacing, along with the dry rotted seats, gelcoat is heavily oxidated and needs a wet sanding, compounding, buffing, waxing and sealing. As far as the motor goes, all 4 cyclinders were compression tested all held at 125 psi, water pumped well and the motor was very clean for a 94 model (it was owned by a boat mechanic). I didnt get to take it out on the water yet due to the fact that I had to go offshore, but when i get in in 28 days I'm gonna, put some long days in on the restoration of this boat.
I'll video my progress and post the youtube link as progress, progresses.

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I have the same boat sitting in my driveway. Loved it when I used it. I've upgraded now and it's just sitting there. Where do you work being gone for 28 days? I work on tug boats and am gone the same.


I work for Global ilfield Contractors, I am a Captain On A Utility Boat, we are nosed up in the mud in Fresh water Bayou. I am already, ready to go home and I just got back on the boat yesterday. What company are you with JM?


Quote from: BassinCaptain71 on July 22, 2012, 10:15:46 PM
work for Global ilfield Contractors, I am a Captain On A Utility Boat, we are nosed up in the mud in Fresh water Bayou. I am already, ready to go home and I just got back on the boat yesterday.

I just got cut loose as Pilot on the Madeline. I work for Enterprise Marine out of Houma. I know exactly where your at lmao. I mainly work in the river but also work in the canal from time to time. Know what you mean bout being ready to come home lol


Quote from: JMGullo on July 22, 2012, 10:19:12 PM
I just got cut loose as Pilot on the Madeline. I work for Enterprise Marine out of Houma. I know exactly where your at lmao. I mainly work in the river but also work in the canal from time to time. Know what you mean bout being ready to come home lol

Awesome, I have been living in houma for about three years now, I dont know the area to well, as far as fishing spots, I've been fishing bayou black since last year, only had a 14ft aluminum vee bottom so i was limited on range, I am really excited about the new cajun 150, and hunting for more honey holes!!


Cool project. I'm actually going to look at a 93 with a yamaha 130 this afternoon as a project over the winter.


Quote from: kidd on July 23, 2012, 01:26:01 PM
Cool project. I'm actually going to look at a 93 with a yamaha 130 this afternoon as a project over the winter.

I hope you can get a good deal on it, what size is it? 18ft? I hope to have mine looking good and ready to fish when i get back from offshore. I am hoping thinking that it will only take me a full week to wip it back into shape.


I think it's 18, maybe 17. It's a Rajun Cajun according to the ad.  Supposedly the hulls on the Cajuns were built really well and do pretty good on rough water.