Canal fishing

Started by Jwiley898, September 11, 2011, 08:05:54 PM

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Hey guys I fish a  canal by my house I usually use yamatos 5 invh watermelon red or a zoom watermelon seed centipede but they have stopped biting those two and every thing else wont even get me a bump can anyone hel ~rantp



Don't know if I can help out, but I'll tell  you what I think.  Several factors could be the cause for the lack of bites your suffering from.  One would be that the fish in that area of the canal have moved or become conditioned to the baits your presenting. Try moving farther up or down the canal to a new location. Another would be any sudden change in the weather.  If you've had a cool front come through recently, the high pressure that follows will usually slow the bite way down.. Another would be moon phase.  We are under a full moon right now and most of the fish in the canal may be feeding at night.  I'm sure there are more possible scenario's that could come into play, just thought I'd share a few based on past experience.


Quote from: MicUltraMan on September 12, 2011, 11:36:05 AM
If you've had a cool front come through recently, the high pressure that follows will usually slow the bite way down.. Another would be moon phase.  We are under a full moon right now and most of the fish in the canal may be feeding at night.  I'm sure there are more possible scenario's that could come into play, just thought I'd share a few based on past experience.

That's what shut them down here this weekend.
This section under construction.


QuoteThat's what shut them down here this weekend.

Throw it in the thick stuff

Mike Cork

MicUltraMan is right on spot IMO. Weather can seriously effect bass, but if it's been over time then they might be conditioned to your presentation. Given a break over a period of time they will bite it again. In the mean time try some reaction type baits, top water. Rattle traps. Even a chatter bait or spinnerbait. Try playing on there aggressive side.

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service


Well about three weeks ago we  got a big rain storm that changed the water clarity from about  three feet of visablity to a cloudy green  and now its hurrican season so its a lot of pop up rain storms but this whole time I have been seeing alot of bait fish and minnows runing and hiding so I know the bass gotta be there

saint romain

Just because they should or gotta be there, doesn't mean they are. And just because they ARE there, doesn't mean they're  going to bite the presentation you show them. Mix things up. Try different colors, lures and areas.


Yeah if you see baitfish running or popping the surface I'd say the bass are behind it.  A lipless crankbait has worked for me in this situation... just cast past the feeding area and reel in through it.  I'd start out pretty fast and then maybe move to a stop and go retreive if they dont bite.  If the water is still pretty cloudy, maybe go with a brigher color, otherwise stick with natural colors, similar to the baitfish you see.