1198 Screen Shots

Started by sillybass, February 13, 2011, 11:09:21 PM

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Have no clue what Im seeing on these screen shots.  ~b~ Any ideas?


I'd have to say schools of baitfish...

and, moving shools/shoals of baitfish at that.  which should account for the wavy lines, although they look somewhat transparent...on the last side image

the other option would be 'snot grass'...or bundles of filamentous algae...

just guessing..


I don't have an SI but have studied a bit on the subject and willing to take a stab! I'm sure someone will be along who'll straighten us both out lo!

1st pic looks like some stumps/timber with school of baitfish just to the center right of the boat.

2nd looks like more baitfish center left of the boat and a defined bend/creek to the left with more baitfish right off the point.

3rd is more baitfish.

4th is more baitfish with some standing timber/stumps.

OK teachers, how'd I do?? :)


Have a question about the pics on the right with what looks to be a hiway in the middle. They are from the sidescan? Does the sidescan scan both left and right at the same time? Can the sidescan be set for just scanning left or right?

Wow, a bunch of questions. Hope someone knows the answers.

"Success is a Journey. Not a destination".


Quote from: bassn1 on February 14, 2011, 07:27:51 AM
Have a question about the pics on the right with what looks to be a hiway in the middle. They are from the sidescan? Does the sidescan scan both left and right at the same time? Can the sidescan be set for just scanning left or right?

Wow, a bunch of questions. Hope someone knows the answers.

yes to all of that.  the 'hiway' is the partof the signal that's not getting a 'bottom return'...interestingly enough, in that 'zone' it'll pick up prop wash/turbulence from passing boats, schools of fish...even thermocline density differences...

remember, the signal is illustrating 'density differences'....and we use those imagesto 'see' the objects...or other characteristics of interest...

there's a real cool happening that goes on in my local lakes:  benthic organisms rise out of the much torward the surface *usually at night* to feed...often times it happens 'twice' (a diurnal schedule)...  I've seen the tail end of this as I go around early in the morning:  a 'layer' echo that drops/dissipates...  way cool stuff going on in our waters...


Coldfront, Thank you. When you set the sidescan to scan one side only does the scanning power double and in turn clear up the pics?

"Success is a Journey. Not a destination".


I would agree that those images are as mentioned, with the exception of the last one...those are just ghosts... ~roflmao ~roflmao ~roflmao...nothing to be alarmed about... 8)
Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity...


Quote from: bassn1 on February 14, 2011, 08:08:40 AM
Coldfront, Thank you. When you set the sidescan to scan one side only does the scanning power double and in turn clear up the pics?

I don't know...my guess is 'no'...but I'd need to look it up...the clarity should be a function of power and pixel count in the sreen...as well as 'signal processing'...things that won't change with the screen setting...

too, I just bet that you're not changing the actual signal output from the transducer...just the 'screen view' of it...


Those are schools of baitfish.

The middle is the water column from transducer to the bottom and displayed horizontally. This video clip will explain how Humminbird displays the water column: