Fishin from the shore

Started by wahoogrl1, May 10, 2010, 01:09:04 PM

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 :help:    I dont have a boat, but I love to fish.  Can anyone direct me to a great spot to fish from shore in the Columbus area.  I hear Griggs Reservoir has some great spots, but I can't find them.  HELP!   

CJ Basser8

Alot of stretches of the Scioto River can be bank fished or waded through, and theres a bunch of great fishing in there.  At Griggs, there are roads ( not sure the names of them) that run along parts of both sides, and there are openings along them to fish.


Any idea if I wanna concentrate on the southern half of griggs or the northern half?

CJ Basser8

I would stay either between the bridges or below the Fishinger road bridge.  Although i can truthfully say that at Griggs, the fish hold all over the place!


Hey cj  how are those new rods working out for you???  i got 3 more g-blanks this winter and love em
Wahoogrl1  i like the north half  i have caught a few smallies up there    most comeing from under the 33 over pass  --cj cant get up there he has a big  NICE NICE  LEGEND boat


Hi ya guardrail good to see you again. You been catching any fish yet.

Kats Rule And Bass Drool.Viet Nam Vet

CJ Basser8

Wahoo- Guard is definitely right about fishing in the river...if you can get in there, and even wade fish, you will catch smallies and there are some big ones up there too. 

Guard- The Powells are sweet!  Haven't had any problems with them yet knock on wood!


hey lip hope things are good over your way I'm trying 2 hold my own fishing finished 13 out of 57 at our regional last weekend so at least i move on 2 the next level
CJ  glad 2 hear your rods are working out 4 you what does your scheduled look like this year on the tourney trail