Pvc Crankbaits

Started by whittler, January 15, 2010, 12:08:15 PM

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Here are a couple handmade crankbaits made from PVC. They are 2" long, circuit board lips, stainless steel hardware and are shallow runners with a tight wiggle.


Very nice!

For sale? Where do I send the money?
A problem well stated is a problem half solved.


Now thats something you don't see every day. How does pvc act in the water ? Looks like it would be really buoyant . Beautiful paint job.
I don't mind not knowing all the answers, but I keep forgeting the danged questions.


Very nice looking work whittler  ~c~ ~c~ ~c~

I'm also interested how the perform in the water  8)
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PVC is slightly heavier than balsa but with proper weighting the action in the water is very much the same. The main advantage of PVC is it does not absorb water so even if your topcoat is damaged by some toothy critter there is no damage to the bait.


    Most all crankbaits are PVC plastic. The other type of plastic also used for cranbaits is Poly Buthal plastic. Pvc has a higher pitch to the rattle and poly Buthal pastic has lower pitch sound.  Wiggle warts use to be made from poly butal the other way to tell is pvc plastic is usually clear and poly buthal is usually bone or whitish in color or opaque.

  Very good looking baits there whittler.  ~c~
A fish a day keeps postal away. See fishing is relaxing.  Member B.A.S.S.  Illinois B.A.S.S. Federation Nation


The pvc used in these baitsis a product called Sintra, used primarly for making signs. Most home centers also sell pvc as an exterior trim, facia and brickmold. It is solid white in color and can be shaped and carved like wood, but it will not absorb water. Poly vinyl clohride.


   Whittler so the stuff your using is the type of material that the front runners were made from. I remeber the story of the man who designed the front runner and he said the stuff he used was a sign material.
A fish a day keeps postal away. See fishing is relaxing.  Member B.A.S.S.  Illinois B.A.S.S. Federation Nation


I think that the material used in the front runners is very similar but it is poured in a mold. A lot of swimbaits are made from the same material, it is an expanding foam that is poured in a mold, very tough stuff.

The PVC I use is available from home centers or from sign makers it comes more in the shape of traditional lumber. Have a friend in the sign business and he saves the scraps for me.


   The original front runners were carved by hand also from sign material. Once the wrights were bought to manufacture them that's when they started molding them.

  I would be willing to bet that the sign material is either molded or an extruded process also.

   Still those are some really good looking baits your making.
A fish a day keeps postal away. See fishing is relaxing.  Member B.A.S.S.  Illinois B.A.S.S. Federation Nation