Started by riverfisher, December 09, 2009, 09:25:59 AM

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Ok, so I can't afford a new HD. I'v had my eye on one for a long time but my wife said she would strangle me in my sleep. So I am piecing a LCX 15MT together to upgrade what I have now. I have a X49 on the dash and bow and they are to me terrable. I recieved it with no power chord just the head. I bought a power chord and it powers up perfect. I also just bought a brand new LGC 12W Module plugged her in and it dosient respond. ~rant

It is running the original software 2.0 something or other and there is an upgrade on the lowrance web site. I believe originally the unit ran the LGC 12S module if I read everything correctly. After I upgrade the software should the 12W Module work? Also for downloading the upgrade can I use any MMC/SD reader or do I have to use the Lowrance reader/writer?

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!!


bassinbob 1

The LCX15MT will accept the LGC12W  The download can be done with any cardreader. Go to lowrance website and follow directions to determine if you should load 3.6 or 3.7 That should resolve your problem.


Thanks bassinbob!! I'm gonna need the 3.6 upgrade I have the older unit. Should it be reading the 12W module now or should the 3.6 upgrade have me on the up and up? I just hope I don't have a bad unit!! Worse case scenario I'll just use it as a sonar, that does work. I also have a X135 coming to put on the front of my boat.

Spring can't come fast enough!! ~sun


bassinbob 1

Your unit should accept the 12W .In the parts manual it calls for a 12W for that unit. The upgrade to 3.6 should put you in business.


Went to go download the 3.6 software upgrade it would not download something screwey with Java!! ~rant I tried it on two different computers to make sure it wasn't something I was doing wrong. 3.7 downloaded fine but the 3.6 is up S#!T creek. Contacted Lowrance hopefully the can do something for me. :bang


Hey Riverfisher. I just picked up the same unit. Now I just need to find a transom mounted transducer. It came with a thru hull but I am running a Aluminum boat so that won't work. Have you had luck finding the parts to put yours together?