blueback herring anyone?

Started by javelin225ho, June 20, 2009, 04:48:44 PM

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hey guys, there are so many different versions of a blueback herring out there i have come to the conclusion that unless you know that lake and have one of those baitfish in your hands on a sunny day, you will never know what the colors are in it.  After hours of research, here is the pattern i have come up with......just like the blueback herring itself, this bait is better suited for the fishermans eye, while holding it in a fisherman's hand....not on a fisherman's computer.  it was extremely hard to get the colors out in the pictures i took and i still didn't even come close to showing it all....i would have to use a video to get all of them......oh well, we will see how good it does. You guys that live on Blueback lakes, give me some feedback.....I would like to know how much different the blueback from Lake Murray is compared to the Blueback in Allatoona or Clarks Hill......

This is a Lucky Craft Pointer SP

thanks guys. 

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i do have a 9MP camera....this is somewhat of a good pic of the head.

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Ron Fogelson


That's a great paint job Javelin!

LOL, just hearing the name blueback herring brings to mind a story.  When we first started OutdoorFrontiers and began filming for the show, we were invited to Georgia and Florida to do some filming in January.  I was told that in Georgia we'd be fishing for stripers.

My daughter was acting as production assistant, my cameraman at the time and I headed down for a two week, whirlwind shooting session, planning on a striper episode, a wild hog hunt, inshore saltwater, largemouth bass and peacock bass.

Well, dawn was barely breaking when we met with a striper guide who REALLY wanted us to get into some big ones, but a wicked cold front pushed through and the only thing that would produce a striper was C-4.  The guide had some blueback herring in the livewell and we fished hard all day.  It was approaching dusk and the guide was still desperately trying to get some fish on film.  We didn't bring anything to eat and were starving.  Rummaging through our gear, we found some stale Ritz crackers.

I grabbed a large herring out of the livewell, the bait knife and proceeded to fillet it.  The guide looked on in pure horror as Rebecca, Dan and I proceeded to eat herring on crackers!  Everything is better when it sits on a Ritz!   ;)

Steve Huber OutdoorFrontiersTv


The ones i saw in TN had somewhat of a dark olive color on their back. Great looking pattern though Jav! ~c~


i already have the olive back style down, its more of an elwife color so that's what i called it.  This so more of the pattern that doesn't have the dark colored back.