Who is going Saturday

Started by RoyB, September 12, 2005, 02:50:08 PM

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Is anyone meeting in Crestview?  If so where, so I can catch up with ya.


We'll probably meet at the BP station just past Wal Mart and leave nlt 0415.  If you're comig from Hurlburt why don't you head to the gas station at the 331 south turn.  We come right by there and can be watching for you.


Be there by 4:45 - 5:00 and we will be sure to show you the way.


I think you mean the gas station at the 331N turn.  Do yall want me to go to HWY 98 and then take a left onto 331N or go to Crestview and meet you guys there.  Honestly, I dont remember anything about how to get there.



I was talking about going Hwy 20 through Niceville/Blue Water Bay - to Freeport.  The second light in Freeport is 331 South.  There is a gas station on the corner.  If you're coming from Hwy 98, just take 331 North till you come to Hwy 20 (freeport) and wait at the same gas station listed above since you're not sure of the turn to Black Creek Lodge. 


myself and ralee will be there sat.  john and lango will not be there.  oh, by the way, I heard that anything with a mercury on the back was banned from the rivers, or was it tritons. just thought i would pass that on.


I heard it was any green boat, or was it Javlins....


Jason,  I am fishing with greg,  and going to just drive from here (eglin) you can follow me or you could swing through eglin and pick me up and i can get you straight to the ramp.  either way what ever you want to do, let me know.



Did you get a bunch of those green and white, rapala, wee-r, flappin-crank, baits for our trip Saturday? You know how they have been eating those baits UP!! ~shhh


where can i get some of those?



I can pick you up.  Save a little on gas for ya.  How close to the hospital do you live? And, what time do you want me to pick you up?



Steve, if you can't find any of those green and white, rapala, wee-r, flappin-crank baits, I've got a few.  I can sell you one or two...but they won't be cheap.  I had to order mine.  They are good back in the creeks.


jason 415 sounds good.  I am over at the fam camp across from the commissary.  if your coming from the hospital area.  turn right at the light then left past the school go past the bx and commisary (on your left).  there will be brown sign on the right hand side that says camp robins/fam camp.  turn down there take the second right at another brown sign.  drive straight to the end im the last camper on the right before you start to curve to the right. its lot 29.


Roy,  I will take you up on that.  just let me know what the cost is.  thanks.


I don't know if the green and white, rapala, wee-r, flappin-crank baits are working in the river right now.  I had all my luck sunday on a orange and yellow, uncle josh, deep-diven, buzz bait with a wounded minnor red trailer hook.  I've got a few spares but I've already promised one to Kendall.


Steve, even I'd get lost following those directions....  You'd better plan on meeting up around midnight...    ~roflmao


what are you talking about bob.  those are excellent directions.  ;D


hey bob,  since you got a few spares you should have enough for me and kendall.



alright kendall you got em first.  but hey we already know you will be in the top two.




How about this.  Just meet me at the hosptial parking lot.  Make it a little easier on pulling the boat around.  If that is ok with you.  I can meet you there at 0415 Sat morning and we will go from there.  Thanks



Guys, the water is in good shape from what I understand.  You can bet I will have a Hildebrant snagless-willywith a chartuse and pink skirt tied on.  I will be using a paddle tailed wiggle wart in pumpkin-seed for a trailer.  You can fish this on top of the water or slow roll it in the middle of the river. ~shade


sounds good jason ill be there 415


Copy that Steve.  See ya there.  If you can, park over next to the ER - there is never that many cars there at that time of morning and there is street lights so you can transfer your gear.
