Delaware Bass Federation Updates May 13 2009 ( TBF- FLW )

Started by Phantom, May 21, 2009, 11:57:55 AM

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Called to Order @ 7:10 p.m.
Minutes fro last meeting was read and approved

Treasurers Report  ---  read and approved

Youth Report ----------  Tournament on Nanticoke River ( cast for kids ) will be 16 May 2009

Conservation Report ---A letter from the Delaware Bass Federation

Conservation Director May 13th, 2009

Wicomico River News

An Environmental report released by the 2008 Chesapeake Bay Foundation Wicomico River Creekwatchers says poor water clarity, high nitrogen and phosphorus levels in the Wicomico River contribute to unhealthy conditions which lead to low dissolved oxygen levels, a high concentration of algae blooms and dead zones. The report shows 84 percent of the 25 water quality testing sites categorized in the moderate to severe problem range for nitrogen pollution, which is 4 percent higher than 2007 results.

Indian River Tributary News

The Pinnacle Foods plant south of Millsboro a vegetable processing plant spilled an estimated 675,000 gallons of waste liquids into Iron Branch Creek a tributary of the Indian River. The material is not considered to be hazardous however the spill had been going unnoticed for a period of time.

I still do not have all of the clubs contact information so please fill in the contact information for your club and verify the information listed if I do have it. If you don't know the information please e-mail it to me at and pass this information on to the clubs not present if you happen to see them.

Remember if there is anything that you can think of that you would like to see from your Conservation Director this year please let me know bye-mailing me at I will do my best to see it happen or explain why it cannot, either way you will get an answer.

Thanks, Steve Redden

Public Relations ----  Still need someone to fill this spot see Ralph or David

Old Business  -------  175 DBF  decals are being made  will be in next meeting

                              DBF hats will be between $ 4.00 & 5.00

New Business  ------  The Berkley program this year will be run by each club for the DBF members. The club pres. or his rep. will do all the orders and need to call or see Ralph to get the code.

Tournament Report --  39 boats signed up for the sass ( upper bay )

  Meeting over


The Phantom

Ron  Horton
Eastern Shore Bassmasters