4/11 fishing

Started by bobberking, April 08, 2009, 04:53:33 PM

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My buddy Greg and I wanted to hit the river Saturday...possibly New Cumberland ....we were concerned with water levels? We fish Fall mouth alot but would like to try something new...but again, concerned about the water levels and current.

Please advise..

Josh :-\


First off, let me welcome you to Ultimatebass.com.  We are glad your here  ~c~ ~c~

I have never fished the area around New Cumberland, so I can not give you any advice on that stretch.  But if you go to this site


you will be on the page for stream flow information in Pennsylvania.  I travel over the Susquehanna often (the South Bridge) and can relate river level to how shallow the west shore side of the river is just below the bridge. 

If the river level at Harrisburg is below 4', the ledges on the west shore side will be exposed (below the South Bridge).  The other shallower areas are also starting to show themselves.  I see few boats in the area below the bridge if the river is below 4'.  Over 4', especially in the 5' range at Harrisburg, it looks as if you can run just about anywhere with a jet.  And I see a lot of boats in the area as well if the river is at 5'.

The west shore side between New Cumberland and the South Bridge is a popular spot, out from the Harrisburg International Airport is also popular.  Just below the Dock Street Dam is also popular, but dangerous. 


We have a 18' Odyssey Mod V bass boat with a 60/40 Merc Jet...I guess what I am saying if the water level is up around 6...probably not the safest nor  best fishing conditions..I will look into it...how is Fort Hunter these days..


6' at Harrisburg will be fine to fish out of New Cumberland.  Just avoid the obvious stuff and you should be fine.

Fort Hunter is good, but more to avoid than New Cumberland if under 6'.


bobberking - welcome to the boards.  I don't have any advice to offer on New Cumberland, but I've used Dave Schindler with JST Fish'in as a guide in the past and he speaks highly of that area in the Spring.  The Susquehanna has a LOT of water to cover and can be very intimidating in several aspects.  One, there's a lot of water to cover.  Two, there's a lot of structure to cover and a lot of different types of structure.  Three, this can be a very hazardous river to navigate.  Best advice I can give you is to stick with it. It only gets better.  I'm fairly new to fishing this river as well and so are several other people on this board.  As we learn, we'll share with you. 


As Fishhawk said, we will help all we can.


Fished Saturday-Put in at New Cumberland...level 5.6...raining steady all morning..put in at 8:00-12:00....current was pretty swift...

We caught 3 nice smallmouth...2-19's (3.5lbs) 1-18 (3lb)....several boats out that morning.



What was the shallowest water you ran across?


3 ft...mostly 4-6 ft...deepest...8 in some parts..would imagine it would be much tougher in the summer in regards to depth...


Quote from: bobberking on April 15, 2009, 01:47:09 PM
3 ft...mostly 4-6 ft...deepest...8 in some parts..would imagine it would be much tougher in the summer in regards to depth...

Summer can be hairy if its under 4' in Harrisburg.  It can be run but you just have to know where to run.  If you ran a stretch when the river is 5' and you had 4-6' of water under you, it should be okay to run at 3.5-4'.


where do you like to put in summer conditions? river wise...


Quote from: bobberking on April 16, 2009, 11:19:58 AM
where do you like to put in summer conditions? river wise...

All depends on water depth.  Some area's fish better at certain levels. 

I don't fish out of City Island, unless I run way up river.

Around the Statue, under 6' is what I like.

Above the Juniata, 3.8-4.2 or over 8'.

All is personal oppinion and I have the most confidence in these areas at those river levels.


PA EXPRESS or whoever has an idea about this?-I have a question...can i put in at Goldsboro and drive up too New Cumberland/ the 83 bridge..I know when i went left out of Goldsboro I ran into rocks up a ways...do I have to go around the islands then up? The new Cumberland ramp was a bit tricky getting out with the fast flow of the river?

Please advise?


You can run from Goldsboro to New Cumberland.  But you must go to the east side of the island directly across from the ramps toward the eastern shore.  I do not know where exactly to go up river from Goldsboro.  Never tried it or in someone else's boat. 

I believe FishHawk has made it up but he will tell you also, if the river is low (around 4') it is a hairy run to get up toward the airport.  If the river is 6' or higher, it is a pretty easy run.  Hopefully FH will chime in with running it shallow.


Is there anywhere else to put in near New Cumberland-besides that one ramp, we saw boats coming up from below new cumberland?


I have heard there is a private club ramp in the New Cumberland area.  But I can not confirm that.


what about on the East shore and cut across...Harrisburg side? sorry to pick..just wondering..


There is a ramp just below the new turnpike bridge I believe.  I think is is private (but I don't know for sure).    There is also a ramp in Middletown right on the Swatara Creek.  You launch in the creek and head out into the river.  Those are the only ramps I know of on the east shore.


I've run from the Goldsboro ramp to just above the PA Turnpike bridge which is pretty close to New Cumberland, but it's a long ride and a lot of gas for a jet.  I think it's around 10 or 11 miles to New Cumberland.  As far as I know, the last "jaunt" from the TP bridge to NC is clear other than maybe a ledge or two.  The hardest challenge was crossing the ledge at the north east side of Goldsboro by the Swatara Creek.  There are buoy markers there that guide you to the Swatara, but they don't show you how to jump the ledge.  I'm not an expert on this ledge yet, and I have the dents in my boat to prove it.  I would consider this ledge safe above 7 ft., but I've run it as low as 5 and I've witnessed people take it on at 3.5 ft. which amazes me since at 5 ft or 5.5 ft all the water between there and the turnpike bridge is fairly shallow (2 - 4 feet)


Do you know of any other places to put in other than the new cumberland dock to fish new cumberland?


I can't think of any off the top of my head.  Check the Fish Commission website, they might have something listed.