Livewell Plug Not Staying Plugged

Started by cmansell, February 05, 2009, 07:51:31 AM

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I've got a 04 Triton V186 aluminum.  I got it in April, and it seems that the livewell plug for some reason will not stay plugged in the hole.  No matter what I do, the livewell ends up filling up without me wanting it to.  Is this something that getting a new plug will fix, or am I looking at something bigger.  I'm a catch and release guy, but I'm about to start fishing local tournaments and would hate to have an issue when money is on the line.

Question 2:  I got the boat from my father-in-law.  Every now and again we'd catch a mess for a fish fry or something.  Without fail, by the time we've fished for a few hours the fish in the livewell already started laying on their side acting like they were about to die.  We keep the aerator on auto and it seemed to run when it should have been.  Any ideas about this one?

Thanks for the info as always.  One of these days, I might be able to actually answer a question instead of asking them non-stop.
Tight Lines and God bless


A tighter plug wouldn't hurt.  Remember that if it fits loosely, water pressure from underneath pushing up will allow water to enter the livewell.  It's a pain in the butt, but I wouldn't let it stop me from fishing tournaments.  Remember, once the livewell is full, water pressure on the top of the plug will help keep it in place and water in the livewell.

As to the problem of fish lying on their side in the livewell after a while, that could be a couple of things.  My first thought was to wonder if the problem occurs all the time, or only at certain times of the year?  I see you're from Alabama, and it can get pretty warm down there.  Warm/hot water doesn't hold dissolved oxygen as well as cool/cold water does.  It's possible that your fish dying off is the result of pulling warm surface water into the livewell, and even though you have the timed aerator running, there isn't enough dissolved oxygen in the water to support life.  Adding ice to the water to reduce the temperature of the water will allow the water to hold more oxygen, thus keeping the fish alive longer.

Another thought along the same lines of oxygen depletion, how many and what size fish are you putting in the livewell?  The more fish, or the larger the fish, the more oxygen they're going to use.  It's possible that you're overcrowding the livewell with too many fish and there's just not enough oxygen in the water to support those numbers.

Finally, is it possible that you have some sort of contaminant in the livewell that's causing the fish to be stressed?  With a new boat, I could see where this might be an issue, where cleaner/degreaser or solvent residue might be left over from the process of building and cleaning the boat for sale, but with your boat being an 04, I don't think this could be the case unless you've cleaned it with something harsh or mildly toxic.  I'd wash the livewell down with a mild detergent and rinse it VERY well with freshwater.

I hope this helps....

Steve Huber OutdoorFrontiersTv


Thanks for the info Steve.  All that makes perfect sense.  The livewell usually had a lot more in it than it would during a 5 or 7 fish limit tournament. 
Tight Lines and God bless


I have talked to other with this problem and we stop it by adding a aerator to the well. you can get one at most stores and add them your self for no cost other then the aerator. 

remember aluminum can pick up heat faster then other type boats so you might want to add some insulation to the out side if you can. I did my tracker with some it has done wonders for the temp.

as for the well having a contaminant a good clean can not hurt anything!

one last thing if you can get a thing of rejuvenate for you boat it does wonder with the stress fish go through in tournaments!


I had the same plug problem and solved it by wrapping the plug with 2 swipes of electrical tape. The plug fits snug now and have not had a problem since.  :-*


The plug issue can be corrected by a swelling plug, the type used for a boat plug.  The more you turn it clock wise the more it pulls the rubber ends together causing swelling and sealing off the area.  Available in diff sizes from boat suppliers or hardware stores. 

Too many fish in the livewell, water too hot.  Try some livewell additive.  It is legal in tournaments and actually recommended.  Something like Rejuvenade (  There are other products available, but this one works for me and I live in Louisiana...

Tight Lines


Quote from: JayPea2006 on February 05, 2009, 06:41:15 PM
I had the same plug problem and solved it by wrapping the plug with 2 swipes of electrical tape. The plug fits snug now and have not had a problem since.  :-*

Thanks for the info.  Did what you suggested and I'm good to go now.  My fellow UBers never let me down.
Tight Lines and God bless


I agree the plug can be turned to expand.  The other thing is they just wear out and need to be replaced I have went threw about 3 and always carry one extra.
I have seen some guys who plug the over flow from the outside as to stop water from splashing out on rough rides

Greg ><>